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Date Posted: Tue, Nov 09 2004, 8:48:02 am PST
Almond wanders in through the back door and snuggles into her comfy chair. She wishes she could stay here all day, but she knows she has to leave soon and head out into the Real World. As she sips her coffee, she sees her present from Gothic scuttle across the floor closely pursued by something with a bit of dried blood on its front teeth. If it catches her spider, shots or no shots, it's a goner!
I was going to tell you all a bit of what's been keeping me away from here lately, but I decided it would probably sound too much like a rant. So, a few selected scenes from recent Real Life events:
Last Saturday afternoon: I'm sitting at the kitchen table trying to get organized so I can begin writing the thank you cards for the flowers and cards sent on my brother's behalf, when I realize that most of the people on my list neglected to put their last name or address on the items sent. Who do I send the card to? Most of these people are friends and co-workers I've only met briefly at the funeral.
Yesterday morning: I'm at the hospital. My daughter has been sent there by her doctor for a CT scan of her appendix, since she's been having stomach pain since Friday night. My father is in the emergency room having his hip x-rayed, since the staff at the nursing home suspect he broke it when he fell on Friday. I'm running back and forth between the two of them. Fortunately, daughter just has a bad virus, and Dad just has a bad bruise.
Last night, about 8:30 pm: I'm sitting at the computer. Daughter is asleep and hubby is at work, and I'm trying to decide whether to update my lj or come here first. My left arm hurts so bad I can't think straight, so I decide to go to bed instead. (FYI - the doctor thinks the pain in my arm is being caused by a pinched nerve in my left shoulder - which means I can't have it fixed since we can't afford the co-payment on the surgery right now. Heck, we can't even afford the co-payment on the test that would determine if I actually do have nerve damage. I'm getting used to the pain - I just wish I'd quit dropping things.)
OK, that did sound like a rant. Sorry. I'm really not trying to elicit sympathy. I just want you to know I'm not ingoring you on purpose.
Gothic: Did you check out the link I left you in my last post? It was a Peanuts strip featuring the Great Pumpkin.
Tell us about Fort Amhurst. What kind of thing do they do there for the "spooky"?
Dogtrot: Hi! *g*
I watch Veronica Mars, but I don't watch the other shows you mentioned. I think I may have made a mistake not keeping up with Lost after the pilot episode - I see so many people listing it as one of their favorite new shows. I guess I felt guilty being able to watch it when hubby couldn't, since I tape Smallville for him. It never occurred to me that I could have been taping it on my daughter's vcr!
Kung Fu: I envy you your Buffy dvd collection! Are you going to start on Angel next?
Dogtrot is right - just buy Firefly if you can afford it. It was such a good show - I think you'd really like it! I'm looking forward to the theatrical release of Serenity more than I can tell you. It will be the first movie I actually see at the theatre since Star Wars - Attack of the Clones.
Mazzy: Thank you for the hugs and kind words. I'm managing.
So you can add your name to the List of the Privileged Few Who Have Met the Great Rack (henceforth to be known as LPFWHMGR)? Lucky girl! *g*
I saw a Buffy question on Jeopardy recently. (Just throwing that out there to show I can stay OT at least some of the time! *g*)
Well, I'm off to check on Dad and buy daughter more liquids.
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