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Subject: It's Friday (see.. you wouldn't have known if I hadn't told you)

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Date Posted: Fri, Nov 19 2004, 10:27:55 am PST

I'm not too sure if I'm suited to this live journal malarkey. I don't really do anything that I would deem of interest - nothing worth spending time writing about - oh hum.

Well it's Friday and I wish everyone here a happy and stress free weekend. Teddy and myself will be spending it clearing out some old stuff and trying to organise things a little better. I'm also in the market for a new more powerful computer. I have six courses that I'm hoping to do in three years for which I need a more fanciful piece of kit. If only I had paid attention when I was at university and not tried to live out a rock star lifestyle - oh hum.

It's been absent for sometime and I'm sorry to say so have I......but its back (A loud cheer or cry of consternation is heard. Bit hard to tell which it is though ) !!

As you know I was the musical "Wicked" whilst in New York and I've listened to the soundtrack CD that I brought a little since I returned home. So I've decided to pick a track from that as my track of the week. There are a couple of standout numbers in the show "No one mourns the wicked" and "Defying gravity" but I've decided to single out something else and I present "For Good" from Wicked the musical

Obviously coming from a musical the lyrics have to advance and convey the story and feelings of the actors characters involved. This does that by Elphaba (The "Wicked" witch) and Glinda (The Good witch) expressing how much...no, make that how valuable their friendship for each other is. These two, who are from different ends of not just one spectrum, manage to forge a friendship seemingly against the odds. What I especially like about the song is how the lyric "I have been changed for good" at the end of the song can be taken in two ways. "I have been changed for good" - meaning something permanent signifying the lasting bond that is their enduring friendship and "I have been changed for good" - meaning that this friendship has enriched them in a positive way and they a better person for it.

If you would like to see the lyrics for the song, then click those ruby slippers here and you be transported there. You'll need to scroll down a little though.

Well only the customary "Take care" to say and I'll see you soon.

Take care all!!!!!

P.S. Gothic: I sent you an email offering congratulations on being made permanent and best wishes to both sis and sis-in-law with their little bundles of joy

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