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Subject: Cookie crumbs

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Date Posted: Fri, Nov 26 2004, 12:18:48 pm PST

I trust that everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday thoroughly enjoyed themselves and didn't over do it with the turkey. I always wondered if Americans still had turkey for Christmas too. It's just that it seems that there isn't much difference between Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner - or is there?

If there are any UK posters out there who don't have all seven seasons on DVD yet, you might like to know that there is a specially created box set containing all 7 Seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer in limited edition numbered packaging. This also includes a letter from series creator Joss Whedon (an apology for creating the character Dawn?), a book containing episode information and a run-down of Joss Whedon's favourite episodes. That's over 100 hours of vampire bottom-kicking action across 39 discs and this can be all yours for £139.99, which works out at only 20 quid a season which is cheaper than buying them individually- but hurry as they are going fast. I have to trudge down to the parcel depot tomorrow to pick mine up - bit of an "oh hum" that. Don't know if our season seven will have the Bronze posting party feature on it as the featurettes sometimes differ between U.S. and other versions.

tarasApprentice: I had a look at the Veronica Mars link and it she sound a little Buffy like. Can't help wondering if they have a little machine over there churning out little Buffy clones for television series. They do seem to have created a fairly interesting character though and her fall from social grace is at least plausible. Don't believe we get it over here yet, although they may have shown the pilot episode on Sky movies as the name sounds familiar. I was a little concerned about what happen to Veronica at the party and wondered what sort of message it sent out. I think it would have been better if they had Ms Mars bring the perpetrator to justice. I miss Buffy..it was almost as good as Dawson's Creek *a tear starts to swell up in the warlock's eye at the loss of his beloved Dawson's Creek*.

I read the Chris Wietz (thanks for that btw), there are some words of comfort in there but a couple of things had me wondering. I quite liked the fact that they aren't going to be too cgi reliant and that they're going to be shooting on "location" where possible. Also that Chris realised that it is a more to do with human emotion than just a struggle against an oppressive regime. I'm also pleased that they intend to shoot it as three separate films rather than try and condense it into two. I still don't think he has the previous experience to handle a project of this magnitude and I didn't like the part where he said certain "religious" aspects of the story may need to be toned down to appease the backers. Can't say I saw Lee Scoresby a looking anything like Samuel L Jackson, I imagine him to be a grizzled older man with a bit of a stubbly white beard. I had no idea that the "Northern Lights" is known as "The Golden Compass" in the states. Wonder if I can get a part as a spectre in "Subtle knife" - they could be the new ring wraiths.

Okay, its Friday and you know what that means……No, not fish…It’s Rack’s tack of the week
T’was 20years ago that a scruffy bunch of musicians came together to record a song, the proceeds from its sale going to aid famine relief in drought starved. Well even scruffier people (including me as probably the scruffiest) brought this by the shed load and Band Aid had at the time the fastest and biggest selling record in Britain.
Now twenty years later, a not so scruffy bunch of musicians has recorded the same song, "Do they know it’s Christmas", to aid famine in Africa caused both through drought and civil war.
So this weeks track of the week is "Do they know its Christmas" by Band Aid 20
In truth I think that I maybe played the original once then went back to Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. But it’s for a good cause – so buy it if you can.

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