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Subject: Settle youselves in for a longish and rambly post

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Date Posted: Mon, Aug 02 2004, 12:27:07 pm PDT

Sorry i never finished with the whole con story. I ran - you got that part already. I waited in line for a few minutes (trying desperately to catch my breath). I talked to her sister Danielle for awhile in the meantime - for those of you who don't know she's a wonderful artist in her own right. If you have seen Chance then you should know all the artwork seen in it was done by Danielle. I ended up getting one of her tee shirts and she said she wanted me to choose the "Lame Party" shirt since it was her favorite and also, the very last one - she also threw in a copy of Chance (which a big whoo hoo for me because I still only have on loan Rack's copy on dvd - sorry Rack! I will send it back soon!!). Amber looked super tired, and as previously discussed, very thin. The tired part is totally understandable as she had been at the con all three days and ahd been there since morning. She said next year she thinks she'll take a break from it - she said the believes people are getting a little sick of seeing her! (SO untrue!). She gave me a hug but was not nearly as talkative as she usually is (like I said the girl must have been exhausted). Pics were taken, things were signed and I love Amber *s* Oh, I forgot to mention this was the first time I had seen her selling things. I know it's been announced that all copies of Chance have been sold out but she was selling them at the con. She also had pics of herself for sale.

rack Amber is always at the Inkworks booth every year. I think the new set is "The Women Of Sunnydale" among other things. I was really happy with what Eliza said. She's wonderful and I'm grateful to her for saying things like that.

Has anyone seen The Village? I'd like to hear your thoughts on it but please, spoiler font them! Thanks *s*

And now onto the highlight of my day...apprentice was here!!! (tanti baci per te! e un grandissimo grazie *s*). Actually, I will go back and watch these last few episodes and write about them in here - if anyone wants to participate they showed "Yoko Factor" in Italy today. dogtrot, I agree about season 4 - I was so appreciative of the issues addressed in the arc of the season and the developments throughout and I know the warlock hates it but "Restless" is on my favorite episodes list. I'll go into it more later. Amore, now it's funny that you choose that song. It's written by Cole Porter yes, but what i think you don't know is that it's from a musical called "Kiss Me Kate", which is a sort of story within a story that revolves around a musical version of our dear sponsor's "Taming Of The Shrew." The song "Too Darn Hot" was composed especially for the movie version though and done by the incredible Ann Miller. Why is this an "again"? Because first of all it's Shakespeare, and second of all the role Ann Miller played, a "dual" one of Lois/Bianca was one of my first "leading" roles in a show where I didn't play a minor or supporting character. I love that show, it's great fun and Lois/Bianca had some really wonderful songs. In the meantime keeping my fingers crossed for October with happy anticipation. X

A special hug for Mandorla!
And to mazzy, I keep saying I have to write to you...I miss you and hope you're doing great *s*

...Oh dear someone just called to tell me there's a cow who escaped (no I don't know from where!) and is running loose on a freeway in Florida! I have to go save it!!

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