Lionhunter - older but none the wiser
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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 18 2004, 12:46:02 pm PST
....literally, as today it is my birthday. Its my birthday, its my birthday, gonna party like its my birthday! Actually, I worked all day, but then came home to my lovely cubs and a chocolate cake that was like a huge brownie iced with pure chocolate. Yum.
I think the panther could comment on bad cheese (he too is lactose intolerant). As is Mr Lionhunter, who is also the child of a dairy farmer. Although, he seems to be able to ship a tonnage of ice cream these days without suffering adverse affects, he has black tea/coffee and eats his cereal with water.
Hi Dogtrot I am fine thank you. I have started a new job and am working double the hours that I worked before and I am finding the change very tiring at present although I know I'll get used to it soon. Its doing accounts too, so intensive figure examining all day = brain mush. All my cubs/hub are getting out of me at present is "fire bad, tree pretty". On the plus side, I can now afford my ebay habit a little more easily.
Speaking of eye tests, I am also beginning to suspect that I might need glasses. Eye test is a very long way down my almond-style list.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
*waves*, {{hugs}} and [[stiff armed, russian style clapping on backs]] to all who would like them.
Lionhunter puts a duplicate of her own birthday cake (a nuclear explosion of chocolate) on the bar, plus a big pitcher of fresh milk and a jug of fresh coffee - you are going to need a drink with this baby!
Lionhunter has left the building.
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