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Subject: Now back to your regular posting

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Date Posted: Tue, Mar 23 2004, 8:59:36 pm PST

PHEW! Lot's of stuff happening in the Saving Angel Campaign. Thank Goodness!
Hopefully we'll make a bit of difference.

Congrats to The Magic Box and T'app for the affiliation with the Wonderfalls site.
Looks good.

Happy Belated (WAY Belated) Birthday to Lionhunter May your future (and not mine *g*) have Bangel.

Fire I like JPL! Some people think I'm insane, but I don't care! Jon is cool, cute and fun. Whether or not he wins AI, I
can't say, but he makes it entertaining for me.

Hey gothic I know, we don't get to be all chatty anymore! I wish I had an interesting life
to e-mail you about, but sadly, it is a bit dull! Well, at least I've my health. I'm glad to hear your new job is going well.
I know what you mean about being "nice" LOL I work with customers all day long in my job and it took some getting
used to--making sure I don't say anything snarky or rude (hee hee).

Almond Thanks for the clarification on Wonderfalls "bellboy" scene. That bellboy looked like he was 14 IMHO.

T'app I enjoyed that letter from Tim Minear. He's cool. Wonderfalls is cool and I'm hearing a lot of people (even
non Buffy/Angel people) talk about it! Yeah! Now if they put it on Tuesdays at 8, I'd be happy but that's the AI timeslot. Hmmm...

Almond Yesterday I got a spam from you about the Spuff/Bangel comparison thing. Today I got a spam saying that you
may have a virus? Yikes! Is everything okay (and don't send it to me! LOL).

Rack G N' R and now the Stones? Wow, you DO have good taste!

T'app I miss Buffy a lot too. Grr. I got to watch "Surprise" recently. What a great eppy.
I just love Buffy with that Rocket Launcher and the judge says "What does that do?" as Angel and Dru run for cover.
And afterward, Oz points down and says "arm". That was Joss at his finest!

LOTD Van Helsing does look REALLY good. I saw previews in the theater and love the make-up. The way the
vamps and wolves look, so unique and different. And hey, Hugh "friggin'" Jackman! Yum!

Fire & T'app Yep that is MT in the Trapt video. She is dating the lead singer Chris.

EmilyBoo Hi! I hear they are making a movie of the "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants" book (I so want to read that) and
Amber Tamblyn (JOA) is supposed to star (cc: T'app) BTW, you guys do realize that
Amber Tamblyn played Dawn's friend Janice on a Buffy ep? The season 6 Halloween ep.

Lionhunter I think there may be truth to that rumor about SMG and Aly Hannigan. At least SMG. One of the problems
to her appearing is that she was in Japan filming a movie (The Grudge) but that has wrapped. I'm SURE they could fit in Aly for an ep
if they need to. It's not like she's in the play EVERY day, right? And they have filmed in Merry Old England before. It would fit with
some things they've brought up recently. God I hope it happens. An interview I read with MT recently made it seem like she had a full
plate though and wasn't thinking of returning. I'd rather have Nic Brendon back anyway! Give me the scoobs! *crosses fingers*

Track of the week...

Hmm, it's still early in the week and I've got nothing. Will try again next time...

There may be typos above. I got lazy and didn't proofread.
Typos happen!

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