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Subject: 39F with a light drizzle

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 8:44:57 am PST

Guess it's spring in Wisconsin. [/snerk]

Firefly News: According to TV Guide:
Prepare for takeoff: Joss Whedon's long-rumored Firefly feature film is finally airborne. Universal has green-lit the project titled "Serenity", which will be released in 2005 and picks up six months after the short-lived Fox series left off. The show's original crew will all be back when shooting begins in June.

Also, Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to be a "guest-voice" on "The Simpsons" this coming Sunday.

Regarding a possible virus: I sent an email to everyone on my contact list because I received two notices that an email coming from my address was undeliverable due to a virus in the attachment. Not only did I not send these emails, I didn't even recognize the addresses they were sent to. So if anyone gets an email for "me" with an attachment - delete it! (cc Dogtrot, Mazzy)


tarasApprentice: I watched the second "Wonderfalls", and I'm still full of liking. * I was a little disappointed that the talking critters seemed to be less main-story-element and more background-prop, since I thought Jaye's conversations with them were hysterical. I thought she made a rather rapid transition from "Oh, God! Am I crazy?" to "OK, fine. I'll do what you want." Then I read something at the Beta, and it all fell into place. Someone said they are doing the same thing to "Wonderfalls" that they did to "Firefly" - showing the episodes out of order. This upsets me if true, since I think doing this negates the slow build-up necessary to the storyline and developement of Jaye's motivation for going along with this fairly odd addition to her lifestyle. Did Mr. Minear learn nothing from working on "Firefly"?
I was very glad to see the lack of heavy-handed gay jokes.
* I can't really speak coherently on this subject. I'm so angry with Wisconsin's state Ass_embly right now for behaving like scared sheep I can't even begin to tell you! They are jumping on the "ban gay marriage bandwagon" and trying to pass a constitutional amendment making it recognized as only between a "man and a woman". The supporters of this say they are "protecting the sanctity of marriage" because "it is the basis of our family structure and society". Hello? Have they seen the statistics on the divorce rate? What kind of message does this send to the children being raised in any alternative "family" situation? Besides, it's really all about fear and exclusivity. "You are different - you can't belong to our club!" If they were really interested in the "sanctity of marriage", etc, etc, they would support gay marriage. Gay couples are having children whether they are married or not. A recognized marriage not only protects these children in the event of divorce, it might be an incentive to help the union last, thus promoting a stable society.
Our society is taking a big step backwards with this. What happened to civil rights? I thought it was against the law in this country to discriminate based on "age, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Isn't it? Or does that only count for jobs and housing? Gah!

If I've offended anyone, I'm sorry. All I can say is "Wake up and smell the prejudice".

Dogtrot: I apologize to poets everywhere. But I still like your verse! *g*

LotD: What flavor was the taffy? *g* Hope the knee is doing better!
Aren't you going to Vegas soon for the writer's thingy? Is the family coming with? Want to put a dollar on 13 black for me? *eg*

Due to the unscheduled rant, this got too big for one post. More later......

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