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Subject: ...more.

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 11:45:26 am PST

Got distracted, and started watching "The Day the Earth Stood Still" with hubby. (He's been going through a classic sci-fi phase lately.) The visiting alien said, "I'm impatient with stupidity." Maybe I should send a copy of this flick to the state capital. *eg*

I just noticed something odd. In my post from last Friday, I forgot to put in the quote. Oh, well, feel free to visualize your favorite in the space provided! *g*

Lionhunter: Do you, by any chance, read spoilers? *eg*

Very Important Gothicwoman: Your new job sounds great! Just the kind of thing that could take you places. Do you get along well with your new boss? (In other words, is he reasonable? *g*) Here's hoping you're made permanent!
So what did you decide to do with your hair? Inquiring Almonds and tarasApprentices want to know! *g*

Hi Fire! How's the dairy-free diet coming?

EmilyBoo: Well, I'm sure your hubby has many other fine and redeeming qualities. Poor thing! *g*
Bujold! Bujold! I love her! I really liked "The Curse of Chalion". Have you read her other fantasy novels? ("The Spirit Ring" and "Paladin of Souls") I've been waiting to get hold of my library's copy of "Paladin of Souls" for awhile now.
How far did you get with Lackey's "Valdemar" series? They got much better as they went along, imo. If you like fantasy, have you read her "Bard" books? Elves in LA - great fun! *s*

Rack's Teddy Bear: Did you win those cookies in the card game? Please tell me I wasn't imagining that!
So Rack's off work for a few days? Something special going on, or just a well-deserved rest? Tell him I'm looking forward to his thoughts on "Warrior's Apprentice". *s*

They just shot the alien for being different and therefore frightening. Got to catch the end of this. I'll be back when the movie's over.

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