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Subject: ...and still more.

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 2:07:19 pm PST

The alien was healed. He told the people of Earth to get over themselves, or the planet would be cleared to build a super-galactic freeway. (Wait - that was a different story! *g*) Then he and his robot buddy flew away in their teacup and saucer. The end.

Mazzy: You are the Supreme Font of All Things Saving Angel! Thank you.
LOL at your "I'll squint my eyes..." comment re: "Scooby Doo 2"!
Re: your conversation with Lionhunter about possible "visitors" to the "Angel" set - I'd really rather Joss didn't make major script changes at this late date just to accomadate surprise guests. (Aren't they done shooting by now, btw?) I love SMG and AH, but I'd rather see the story continue to flow in the planned vein than become disjointed by trying to give SMG a big enough part to justify having her appear. (Though I agree with you - I'd really love to see Xander one last time...*g*)
I hope this isn't true, but Allyson at the Beta said they're already striking the sets. :(

tarasApprentice: I'm really looking forward to "Serenity", too. There was so much more of that story to tell. We usually don't go to the theatre to see a movie, but I'll make an exception for Joss! *g*
I didn't mean to start a political debate at the Magic Box. Certain topics just wind me up. I should wear a sign that says, "Don't push my buttons". (cc Dogtrot: Would you like one of my signs? *g* Thanks for the support!)
Speaking of signs - how about a simple "Don't stake Angel!"

Dogtrot and tarasApprentice: I think new shows should have an automatic clause in their contracts that they must be shown in the order the writers meant them to be viewed. What's the point otherwise?
Hope this isn't true, or if it is it doesn't effect the success of "Wonderfalls". You hang out at the Beta, Dogtrot. Do you remember that conversation?

Lionhunter: I wouldn't dream of tempting you. Mwuhahahaha!
Seriously, I don't know about Betty Ford, but I hear they treat ho-ho ho's at Jenny Craig! *eg*
Don't get me started! The things I could tell you about my girls embarrassing me in public......

EmilyBoo: Lackey's written quite a few new Valdemar books in the last couple of years. Go here if you'd like a list.
I particularly liked the series when she started telling Elspeth's story. I found the Tayledras fascinating. Loved Need - especially after she "woke up". Really liked the gryphons. I also liked the change from foes to friends regarding the Karsites and the way she had the very different cultures work together for the common good. The "cats" were great!
I've been pestering Rack for some time now to read one of Bujold's sci-fi books - "Warrior's Apprentice". You should be treated to a partial review soon, according to his familiar.

Almond sees tarasApprentice's question and shuffles her foot while her head hangs low. Uh...I type slow. She neglects to mention that she got delayed drooling over books at the site she found for EmilyBoo.

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