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Subject: Pretend its Friday……………

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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 25 2004, 10:34:26 am PST

A faint rumbling sound, a little like the noise that your stomach makes when you’ve gone to work without breakfast erm..where was I, Oh yes..rumbling soundgives way to a blinding flash of light that radiates throughout the Magic Box for the briefest of seconds. There standing at the of the illuminations epicentre is a figure dressed in black and wearing a leather trench coat, also black. His eyes (not black) dart to and fro as he makes his way to the darkness (well that’s kinda black) under the stairs. He looks at the mini fridge and thinks to himself “Been so long, so long, so long”…

Almond: Here’s my initial thoughts on “Warriors Apprentice” as I mentioned I’m only a third of the way into the book and Miles has just captured the mercenaries ship after they jumped into Tau Verde local space and the mercenaries had tried to take Elena as a hostage.
Miles does seem to be more my kind of lead character. He has a medical condition (something a bit like brittle bones) and is a little on the short side. Despite these..erm..short comings he still tried to follow in the family tradition and join the military services – however he failed when he broke his legs on the obstacle course. This shows that he is a plucky little fellow and has a strong sense of pride in and loyalty to his family. He also doesn’t appear to give up easily. He does exhibit a softer side to his character later on when he feels genuine remorse of the killing of the mercenaries’ shuttle pilot. The fact that it was he who gave Sergeant Bothari the okay to torture him shows that he is also capable of doing what needs to be done, no matter how unpleasant. The story does appear to have deviated from the path that I thought that it was taking. I thought that the adventures would centre around Miles’ attempts to discover the somewhat murky mystery of the mother of sergeant Bothari’s daughter Elena, whom is Miles’ romantic interest. But his contact with Arde Mayhew and his subsequent taking on ownership of a somewhat old and out of date cargo jump ship has taken the story into an apparent different direction. Of the other characters, Bothari is a sort of typical strong silent military type who’s very useful to have around in a fight. I suspect that there’s more to him than meets the eye and just what is it about his daughter Elena’s origin that is such a secret. Arde Mayhew the pilot and his jump ship are both the worst for wear. He, when not suffering from the effects of his creme de menthe
stimulant, is a perfectly good pilot and you get the feeling that he lives to fly and flies to live. Baz, the former jump ship engineer who deserted the armed services, has the chance to redeem himself by helping Miles and his weapons cargo bound for Felice. In fact he impressed Elena when, unarmed, he rushed a mercenary armed with a blaster. Elena herself is a bit of a dark horse whom we not really know much about, save for the fact that Miles and herself have know each other since childhood and she appears to be able to look after herself in a situation.
As I said I’m only about a third of the way through and I’m curious to see how Miles jaunt to Felice fits in to the whole scheme of things.

My two days of is out of my normal allotted annual leave entitlement. I haven’t taken any days of yet and could do with a bit of a rest. Once I went six months with just two half days of and ended up not being able to use up all my holiday entitlement so they (my employers) brought three days of me. I also get pestered that I don’t phone or visit my parents enough. I’ve only ‘phoned once this year and that was to tell them that I’m coming to scrounge food visit for a few days.

I suspect that teddy probably did win the cookies at cards. He does have a cookie allowance but I have a feeling that he supplements it somehow. I wouldn't put it past him to cheat at poker…can’t think where he would get that from though…

Gothic: Sorry, I obviously miss the post where you said that you had dropped out of your midwifery course. AP = Analyst Programmer. I assume teddy meant the addition of an E at the end to mean Extraordinary. If not then I know one little teddy bear who isn’t going to have “Charmed” taped for him!! Anyway good luck with the new job and I hope that it become permanent and I hope that the streaky hair works out for you. What colour/colours did you go for in the end?

Lionhunter: Obviously “going to the pub” was the highlight of the week as there was no new Angel episode for your daughter to watch.
There’s no need to concern yourself with teddy’s heath and fitness. I ensure that he is kept on a strict fitness regime by giving him plenty of jobs to do. To the casual observer it may appear that I’m exploiting the poor little teddy but I really have his best interests at heart…Rack silently wonders to himself if anyone actually believes that.

tarasApprentice: There was something that I forget to ask you. In the blurb prior to JPL’s performance on American Idol they mentioned that he was a medical student studying to be a paediatrician and that he works in a nursery (the plant kind…was he mislead by the job advertisement I wonder). But I didn’t hear anything about pen salesman. Was this something they mentioned that he once did on a previous show?

Well it’s a day early, but I know that you’d hate for there not to be one at all. So here’s Rack’s Track of the week

As summer is almost here, this weeks offering is Snegurochka (The Snow maiden) by Rimski-Korsakov. Okay, it’s an opera, so not technically a track, but who cares.

This is a wondrous tale adapted from the play by Ostrovsky and centres around the offspring of Grandfather Frost and Bonny Spring. The Snow maiden has a heart of ice and despite seeking to feel human love, is unable to reciprocate. That is until her mother imbues her with the power of human love. As you may expect by her name, the snow maiden must avoid the rays of the sun and our story meets with a tragic ending upon the maiden’s wedding day to the besotted Mizguir.

Rimsky-Korsakov considered this his best opera and epitomises the world of Russian fairy-tale and folk-lore that the composer loved and made famous in many of his works. It is a lyrical and poetic work, rich in romantic nature imagery. There are many musical descriptions of nature, sounds of a cock and bullfinch for instance, and allusions to authentic folk music. The opera is based on a play by Alexander Ostrovsky called Snegurochka, which is the name of the Snow Maiden herself. The composer wrote his own libretto and the work was premiered in 1880, with a revised version appearing in 1895 as Rimsky-Korsakov felt that the original was too long.

Teddy…I don’t call twelve boxes of cookies and one pair of socks packing. You’ll have to start again…

See you all soon

Take care all!!!!!!!!

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