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Subject: That was strange!

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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 25 2004, 2:35:27 pm PST

Almond walks into the Magic Box looking over her shoulder at the fairly odd sight glimpsed before entering. She knows it's not likely, but she swears she just saw the goat and the panther driving down the street in a shiny new convertible - back seat piled high with purchases. Hmmm......

My day started out with a bang. Hubby and I got to take Dad to the emergency room. He broke a rib coughing last night.

Lionhunter: I'll join you on the sofa for a short while. I brought ho-hos. Almond produces a box of chocolatey goodness from her jacket pocket. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the cheese, if I were you. *g*
If people don't identify themselves correctly on the phone, it's their own fault things become mangled. I haven't had the bad fortune to annoy a lord, but I've annoyed the resident "princess" at our house more than once. Example:

Me: Kyle called while you were gone.
Her: Which Kyle?
Me: He just said "Kyle". I assumed you'd know. (In my defense, I'd like to mention here that most of the males who call my daughter are so reluctant to talk to a parent that it's hard enough getting a first name.)
Her: Mom! (Imagine the long, drawn-out sound a teen-ager makes signifying you're an idiot.) I know six different Kyles! How am I supposed to know which one to call back!?!
Me: Well, which is most likely to be calling?
Her: Any of them! (Again, I'm clearly an idiot.)
Me: Why don't you just start calling "Kyles" until you get the right one?
Her: I can't do that! (Once again, idiot.)
Me: Why not?
Her: You wouldn't understand! (I may be wrong, but I think I've just been up-graded to moron.)
Me: Then I'd suggest you tell your friends to leave a last name from now on.

Rack: I'm so very glad you seem to be liking the book! I think Miles may be my favorite hero of any book I've read. I have more to say about "WA", but I'll do that a little later. (If I get started now, I'll never get to the rest of my responses. Or dinner. Or the eternal housework. Or......*g*)
Where hubby works, he's required to take a full week of vacation in one block, but the other two weeks can be taken a day at a time. I think he just loses anything he doesn't use by the end of the year, though. It's nice that you're visiting your folks. If you can't think of anything to say, you can always sit around eating and smiling at each other. *g*
I don't deny that Teddy of yours is capable of cheating at cards, but......where would he hide the extra aces? No sleeves! *g*

Fire: Beware of the sneaky dairy products, too. Things like cream cheese, sour cream, and yogurt are often hidden in a sauce or easy to forget about. It's amazing how many different dishes prove to have a cheese or cream sauce base when you have to start looking for that sort of thing. I think I pretty much survived on tuna, applesauce and toast with margarine when my diet was restricted.

Gothic: Your hair sounds lovely! I wish I was daring enough to do something like that with mine! (Btw - if that's not daring, what is? *g*)
It may be that the brigadier wanted more "sir, yes sir!" rather than objecting to the way you pronounced things. Your boss sounds like a nice person - he seems to appreciate that what really matters is how well you do the job as a whole. Don't let the infrequent (I hope it's infrequent!) pain-in-the-donkey get you down! {{Hugs!}}

Dogtrot: Which "Wonderfalls" site did you see that at!?! I looked at the site tarasApprentice posted a link for and didn't find it. What do they know that we don't!?!

Must run for now. I have to:
1. Brush cat hair off furniture.
2. Vacuum rugs.
3. Build new cat with all the gathered hair.
4. Make weekly budget and grocery list.
5. Feed various dependents.
6. Watch "Tru Calling".

Might be back later.

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