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Subject: Floating through...

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 29 2004, 7:26:40 pm PST

tarasApprentice: I'm very sorry to hear that. I'll keep your friend and her mother in my thoughts and prayers.
That's an interesting campaign idea! I like the thought that a children's hospital will benefit from it, too. *s*

Fire: Girl-child already leads a much more restricted life than most fifteen-year-olds. She isn't even allowed out at night unless she has a reliable ride.
We got some good news yesterday, btw. It seems the boy is expected to pull through after all. He's on some medication to disolve a blood clot in his brain, and if all goes well will be transferred to a local hospital soon.
It turns out the incident may have been gang-related. The boy's girlfriend's ex is a member of one of the local "societies for the intellectually challenged". Hubby and I were seriously talking about moving, but realized it would be impossible until my Dad is settled in a better situation.

Lionhunter: Hooray for paychecks! Spend it all already? *g*
The cake didn't happen. We decided on some "shopping therapy" instead. There was a pink skirt at the mall calling girl-child's name.

I had the fun of seeing hubby enjoy the season 3 BtVS episode "Homecoming" this weekend. (It was one he hadn't seen yet.) Watching this eppy, it struck me how friendly Buffy and Faith had become at this point. Working out together in the library, talking about Buffy's disappointment over Scott, making plans to go to the dance together, and the wonderful way Faith stood up for Buffy (in her own rather "in your face" way) at the dance when she approached Scott and his date. What went wrong between them?
I know what happened, but why did Faith turn her back on that relationship when things went bad? At the end of "Revelations" she tells Buffy her experience with the false watcher Gwendolyn Post reminded her she "can't trust people", but by "Amends" their relationship had again improved. Not only was Buffy happy to see her when she showed up on Christmas Eve, Faith stayed at the house to protect Joyce when Buffy had to leave. "Bad Girls" may have shown Buffy sliding down the path to the dark side of a Slayer's nature, but from Faith's point of view they were bonding and closer than ever.
In "Consequences" Faith's personality took a severe turn for the worse as she struggled to suppress her guilt over killing Allen, but that doesn't explain why she was so quick to shift the blame for that act to Buffy. Did she feel so betrayed at the thought that Buffy might "rat her out"? That would argue a depth of feeling for Buffy that was born out in a later scene when she saved Buffy's life, even though she was already a fugitive on the run from Buffy's "group" - i.e. the Watcher's Council. Did she blame Buffy for Allen's death hoping to put her on the same footing as herself, thereby bringing them back to their former closeness? Yet she seemed to reject her ties to Buffy. She saved her life, then immediately joined the Mayor's camp, as if afraid to allow herself to feel close to anyone. Was it that same "can't trust people" attitude that drove her to the side of evil?
I'm going to be watching with these thoughts in mind as my local station shows the rest of this season. I think their relationship was more about love than hate, even if they did become bitter enemies. And can I just say "Thank Joss!" for reconciling them before the series ended!


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