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Subject: Today's the Rally!

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 31 2004, 6:02:17 am PST

Is everyone planning on doing some site hopping later? *s* I think I'll go pre-register when I leave here to make things easier later.
We got some good news last night! Girl-child's friend is back in town and doing well. (cc tarasApprentice, dogtrot, Fire and Lionhunter)
In other news, Dad's rib seems to be healing. He was using his walker yesterday with very little pain. This makes me wonder if maybe he just pulled a muscle. (The doctor did use the word "probably".)
I finally watched an installment of "American Idol" last night just to see what all the excitement was about. It's hard to judge who the best over-all talent is from just one show, but I liked Jasmine. (I also liked the girl with the cat on her head. *s*) I missed "the hobbit" because I left the room during the commercial. I noticed that Simon seems to be branching out. It's not enough for him to bash the contestants - he's also taking shots at Ryan Seacrest. What's his childhood trauma? Was he picked on as a boy by good-looking, well-dressed kids?

EmilyBoo: Congratulations on "baby-within"! Sending some ~~healing vibes~~ for your sinus infection. I hope you get over it soon.
I'm so sorry your friend's Mom didn't make it! I'll be keeping her in my thoughts. I hope when she's ready, she finds a support group to help her get through this, or at least some friends to talk to. (cc tarasApprentice)

dogtrot: Yeah, give me a pinball machine any day. *g*

Fire: Yay! for soon-to-be-16! (Though for some reason I thought you were older than that.)
Reliable rides are of the good. We're already saving to buy girl-child a decent car when she gets her license. Though if her grades don't improve PDQ, that won't be happening.

Where's Rack? Is he being held hostage in his hometown? Do we need to send out a rescue party to retreive him and Teddy?

A black van pulls up in front of Rack's parent's home. Out leap the Boxer Assault Team, ready to commit mayhem on behalf of our missing warlock. They quickly encircle the abode, and the leader warily approaches the door.
*knock knock knock*
Nice lady answers: "Hello?"
Leader: "Good morning, ma'am. We want our warlock back. We're BATS."
Nice lady: "Yes, I can see that you are!"


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