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Subject: Kola Bears with hats on…Scary

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Date Posted: Sun, Mar 07 2004, 1:23:52 pm PST

Hi everyone!!! As you can probably guess His warlockyness is other wise engaged so once again your favourite teddy bear has to fill in for him. Maybe I should ask for an increase in my cookie allowance…anyway to help save Angel you can vote in a poll that e-online are running. There are a number of shows that face the axe and Kirstin will champion the winner. If Angel wins this will mean that she will help support a pitch to another network (i.e. UPN) to see if they will pick up the show. Don’t forget it’s votes that win, so voting more than once isn’t cheating, it’s winning and that’s all that matter (yep, Rack made me say that).

Vote to save Angel

Okay later than usual but there is no escaping…..Racks Track of the Week

As they have a “best of “ album to out on Monday over here, Rack has chosen..

Nightrain by Guns n’ Roses

Taken from 1987’s colossal multimillion selling debut album (unless you count “live like a suicide” as their debut) this single didn’t far so well as some of the other tracks off the album “Appetite for Destruction”. It does however remain a favourite of Mr Warlocks probably invoking memories of his student days. This was Gn’R’s homage to a brand of cheap liquor that they would quaff before, during and after recording sessions as well as in their spare time. The song appeals to a certain dark arts users sense of nihilism, but it’s also a pretty decent rock song from the once self styled “most dangerous band in the world” who are currently residing in the “where are they now?” category..but, ahhhh those were the days…

Expect a review of “Smile Time”, “A hole in the world” and “Shells” tomorrow”

Almond: Always a pleasure to see you here, glad that you found Rack’s review of “WHMS” interesting. He actually left loads of stuff out, like accidentally taking a picture of some French woman’s foot when he turned a round to answer her question of “Who are you waiting for?” – Oh how me and Dark Magician laughed at that. Regency romance novels? Your secret is safe with me…Rack’s mother is a prolific reader of romance novels, which came as a surprise to me..I didn’t know that he had a mother. Concerning the “I’ll have what she’s having line”, it was only a small ensemble so they had to give it to someone, and the young man was the one. Speaking of T-shirts, I heard that in the states some shops have stopped carrying T-shirts with the legend “Boy’s smell, throw rocks at them” or something along those lines. DM and I were thinking of suggesting something similar to the company that makes them. So expect to see T-shirts with “Warlock’s smell, throw wooden fish at them” in the shops soon.

Dogtrot: Regarding the links to the photos, your more than welcome. At least you didn’t take any pictures of anybodies feet.

tarasApprentice: Oooo a classical complication would be most welcome. At least it would save DM and myself from having to listen the endless Lawnmower Deth tracks, which Rack considers “classical music”. We get “Cold Case” over here on a satellite channel, so Rack’s going to keep and eye out for the AB episode when it gets over this side of the pond.

Evil Goodness Fiery One: I don’t know what’s causing your bad day, but I hope things improve for you. Have a cookie, that always works for me.

Things to do….so


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