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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 17 2004, 12:35:30 pm PST
...and I see Corsa stopped by. (Hi Corsa!) It's nice to know the universe is consistent. *eg*
I should be doing housework. Girl-child wants to have a friend spend the night on Friday, and I have an inexplicable tendency to hide the fact that my house is usually in a state of extreme disarray. (We like to pretend the light coating of dust on the furniture is charming. It goes without saying picking up the laundry in the bathroom is out of the question, since the poor cats would get cold with nothing to burrow under.) However, girl-child is supposed to be doing her career paper for English class and is on the phone instead. I'll work when she does. *g*
Wonderfalls: I loved it. Hubby liked it enough to ask me to continue taping it for him. Girl-child watched it with a puzzled expression on her face. I've seen it compared to JoA, but other than the basic premise (ie: * The PTB use a female to effect changes in the world around her. *) I don't find the two shows at all alike. "Wonderfalls" is much edgier, the humor more biting, the style too off-beat to be comparable. Also, while JoA seems to be an affirmation that a Higher Being is concerned about the world and involved in steering its course, "Wonderfalls" seems to be more about "be careful what you wish for". The main character * is apathetic and cynical, cut off from those around her and content to coast through life because she feels it doesn't really matter what she does. A run-in with a former classmate, being passed over for promotion in favor of an air-head associate, and a near-death experience combine in an unintentional "wish" that causes the universe to sit up and take notice of her. My take is it's going to be more about her journey of self-discovery to find her place in the scheme of things and reconnect with the world.
I like the main character, her sister, and the bartender/boyfriend. The inanimate objects that speak to her are great fun with a consistent personality that makes one feel they are all aspects of the same Power. The plot was in no way predictable. * All in all, I'd recommend it. Word of warning, though - don't get too attached. Anything this ususual has a better chance of getting the ax than becoming a runaway hit. Especially if it's something I like! And I can't even begin to imagine what the Parent's Television Crazies will say about it.
Rack: If you are itching to get to the "His Dark Materials" trilogy, I'd say go for it. The fact that you've started "Warrior's Apprentice" twice now and it hasn't grabbed you yet may mean it's just not your sort of thing. I don't mind - my tastes aren't everybody's. *s*
I don't remember what the other songs on the MTV list were, but I think they all had "Angel" in the title. After you voted you were supposed to write in the why-I-chose-this-song box "As a tribute to the television program "Angel", sadly cancelled by the WB network". The point was to get it played as the chosen video with the reason announced.
Btw, "fee fi fo fum" is Latin for "the hippo stole my pants". Honestly. I looked it up. *g*
Fiery Goodness: Sorry, I haven't seen "Mac". Nor have I seen this round of "American Idol", so I have no opinion on this Jon Peter Lewis of which they speak. Though if my Goddess commands it, I'd be glad to dislike him intensely. *g*
Corsa: Two snippets of advice to make your trip easier:
1. NYC has tanning booths.
2. Buy those "breakaway" pants that convert from long to shorts.
Have a fun trip!
tarasApprentice: My weekend was just fine, thanks. *s* I managed to avoid what needed avoiding, only to have it sneak up and bite me on the...erm..ah..arm on Monday. All things on the list were accomplished in good order:
1. Excellent cheese bought and consumed.
2. Jewelry not only bought, but new dress, too. (Daughter informed me she is going to the dance after all, and could not go in the dress she had, since it is short and she needs a long dress for prom. Why did I not see that coming? *g*)
3. "Wonderfalls" watched - family bonding ensued.
4. Sock drawer cleaned - alas, no money found.
How was your weekend?
Mazzy: I got a definite "Ghost" vibe during that part of "Wonderfalls", too!
Also, (Spoiler-fonted 'cause this is a Family Board *eg*) * I believe the bartender's wife was expressing her appreciation for the hotel's fine linens by giving the bellboy a "happy". *g* *
Lionhunter: Or your dream could mean you think Buffy is going to die again. (Go toward the light, Buffy, go toward the light!) *eg*
Gothic: Of course I read whatever you write, subject titles included. *s* (That meant "smile".)
Sweetie, you could never be a bother to anyone! I'll bet they were sorry you didn't join them for their "viewing parties".
So you've been moved to an office job? What type of work are you doing now? I can sympathize with you. I hate having to adjust to new things! (You'd never believe me if I told you how long it took me to approach the microwave with confidence - never mind the computer! *g*)
Hi Blue Beard! *g*
LdyKnight: Just in case you lurk - guess what I just finished reading? The third book in the Merry Gentry series by Hamilton! Nyah nyah na na nyah! *g*
And on that note......
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