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Subject: 'Tis the season....

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Date Posted: Sun, Dec 05 2004, 10:31:56 am PST

A shivering figure steps through the door letting a blast of chilly air enter with her. It knocks over one of the behatted turkeys, which she promptly trips on. Picking up the little gobbler, she begins to remove its tiny pilgrim outfit - replacing it with a Santa suit. Attaching a beard to its beak, she moves on to the next would-be "Santa Bird"...

Hello and {{hugs}} to all!
Well, I didn't make it in to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. I hope all of you who celebrate the day survived the over-dose of tryptophan. We went out to eat with Dad and family, but I still bought pie for later. *g* (cc the very MIA Lionhunter, who I miss)
Having learned from my mistake, we plan on skipping the projected Christmas dinner outing. We will be spending the day quietly at home, then going to visit Dad in the evening. This will be nicer for him, as it gives him company over a longer time period.
If we are fortunate, we may be joined during the day by older-daughter and hubby's two sons. We've invited girl-child's new boyfriend, but we're waiting to see if his foster-parents will allow him to come. I discovered yesterday that he is a huge "Buffy" fan, so I'm sure episode viewage will be part of our holiday. I wish I had "Amends" on tape - that would be perfect! Also, "The Wish" has a It's a Wonderful Life vibe that might be considered seasonal. (What's a holiday without a little "Buffy", right? *s*)

Gothic: Congratulations on your permanent position, and good luck on your counselling course! You seem to have found your niche. *s*
Soon your life will be swarming with babies! You will make a wonderful Auntie! I hope all is going well for both Mommies-to-be.
You're welcome for the link. If you aren't familiar with the "Peanuts" gang, you probably haven't had a chance to see one of my favorite holiday television specials - A Charlie Brown Christmas. I was thinking about it just yesterday, when I saw a pink aluminum Christmas tree. *g*

Dogtrot: I recently read that VM was picked up for the full season! WooHoo!
Did you see the recent Gilmore Girls? I got so excited when Rory made the BtVS reference! I started yelling, "Spike and Drusilla! Spike and Drusilla!" Fortunately, no one was here to see my silliness. *g*

tarasApprentice: That's very good news about Chance! I hope it's shown in a theatre near me. *s*

Rack: Your Christmas card made it safely to the States. Thank you! It was our very first one this year. *s*
I think the "party and its aftermath" was portrayed realistically on Veronica Mars, even if the subject matter was uncomfortable. Many rapists are never caught. Giving the story a quick "happily ever after" ending would have been too trite. It seems the answer to "who done it?" is part of the larger story arc, which is one of the things I really like about this show.
As for the messages it sent, maybe they were good ones. "Be careful" "Don't drink" "Trust with caution" are all things a teenager should learn. It's a scary world out there.

Kung Fu: I think you and your trusty axe should go find the Magic Box a Yule tree. I'll help decorate it! *s*

Got to run - girl-child has her school holiday concert this afternoon.


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