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Subject: It Was 16 Sleeps Before Christmas...

Kung Fu Cowboy
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Date Posted: Tue, Dec 07 2004, 9:51:13 pm PST

..And All Through The Magic Box,
Not a creature was stirring;
Except for that Extra Sharp Battleaxe in the corner..

The Battleaxe begins to wobble and vibrate for no apparent reason [this is in fact because Reason had gone out to lunch], before with a fizz and a pop it disappears. For quite some time the Magic Box sits idle as if waiting for something to happen.

Eventually there is a great commotion from the rear entrance and Kung Fu Cowboy stumbles in looking slightly the worse for wear [the toes of his boots are missing and his clothing has several precise cuts in it] dragging behind him a magnificent tree that will almost brush the cieling when it stands up.

His trusty Battleaxe noticeably absent Kung Fu looks worried for a moment when he hears another noise from the back of the shop. The battleaxe, seemingly under its own power comes flying out of the storage room directly at his head, but Kung Fu snags it out of the air and places it gently in its quiet corner until he needs it again.

Pulling sharp objects through inter-dimensional portals is a tricky business. My Battleaxe seems to have a dislike of being moved by unseen forces and took offense to being summoned for a mere tree chopping. Personally I don't see the big deal, an axe is an axe, and tree has to taste better than demon head which was his last meal. Anywho, the Tree has arrived I'm kinda busy packing at the moment so I can't find my Christmas decorations.

My life [read:My belongings] is in a complete shambles at the moment. My last day in the army is Friday [for the record it's currently 4:30 wednesday afternoon] and I have my removal tomorrow. I'm one of these people who collects junk, of course it's never junk when I think to myself I might use that again or I might still need that. After seven years in the army I thought that about many extremely silly items that not only have I not used while in the army but I am never going to use them outside. Oh well I guess I just have to sort the uselful stuff from the junk.

I have often wondered what it might be like to have Christmas during winter. Of course here at the moment it is starting to get pretty hot and I'm more of a cold weather person. It is funny that even here in Australia people's image of christmas includes snow. Everywhere I see people spraying fake snow onto windows, laying fake snow foam and things like that. I can accept the idea of Santa and his reindeer being universal, but wishing for a White christmas here seems a little silly.

Almond I hope the tree is enough. I will email you my addy in the next few days. It turns out the people I'm moving in with have a broadband internet connection so my net usage probably wont change much.

Anyway I must get back to the packing I've been putting off since I got home from work.


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