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Subject: Back in black

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Date Posted: Fri, Jan 14 2005, 8:19:46 am PST

Before I start Almond wanted me to pass on a big Hi to everyone. Due to an illness in the family she will not be around as much as she would like, but wants you to know that she is thinking of you all and send her love. I'm sure that everyone here would like to wish her father a speedy recovery and our thoughts are with her at this time.

Gabriella: Hi!! Long time no see. Congratulations on getting on your chosen course. We seem to have a few thespians here. Ldyknight is studying some theatre base course and tarasApprentice is no stranger to the stage either, although I think taraApp is more into musicals. Don't know about the others but I'm certainly envious of the lovely summer weather that you're currently enjoying. Having said that, you can't beat a good snowball fight.

Mazzy Fith will always remain my favourite television character (although Dr. Christian Troy is a close second) and I would love to see more of her, bit I don't think that people should pester Eliza into playing the character. If she wishes to do so then it should be her decision. If the series does materialise then I hope that the writing is better than the last two seasons of BtVS. I think that Joss has lost it and Marti Noxon would be a better choice in my opinion. Seth is too busy doing films to play Oz on a regular basis. I always said that I like Oz and wouldn't mind if he had his own series - just can't see it happening. BTW have you seen "Without a paddle"? Dawn..hummm a series with Dawn in peril every week where some evil warlock kills her in some ghastly manner only for her to come back "Kenny" like the next week to be killed all over again - yes..that would work. Where do I signup?
Gabriella Anya's dead but I suppose that they could devise someway to bring her back like they did with the other blonde girl..what's-her-name. Kennedy's off with her girlfriend Willow somewhere - Mexico I think. Before someone throws a wooden fish at me, Willow describes Kennedy as her girlfriend in some episode. The one where she stays that Kennedy has a pierced tongue (don't see the attraction in piercing myself but each to their own). Kennedy the slayer would make a good series and Andrew could be the watcher.

Kung Fu Good luck with the university applications. I'm sure that you'd be a better student than I was - pretty difficult to be any worse. Not going to be studying acting are you?

Just got time for a quick Track of the week which is School of Rock by School of Rock

Okay, not the greatest song ever written (or even a tribute to the greatest song in the world - Tenacious D have already done that - eh Jack), Lawnmower Deth's Seventh Church of the Apocalyptic Lawnmower has that honour, but in the context of the film a fitting finale (well technically back in (jack) black is the finale) and any wannabe rock star will see something of themselves in it. But Jack, your amps only go up to 10 that's one less 'init.

Take care all!!!

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