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Subject: Hello!

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Date Posted: Mon, Feb 21 2005, 4:54:35 am PST

It's "President's Day" today. Does anyone in the States know if that means the banks are closed? I really don't have time to be inconvenienced by a couple of dead presidents today. Speaking of dead people...

I just saw on the news that Sandra Dee died. This makes me a little sad. Does anyone but me feel their childhood slipping away into ancient history with her passing? She played the original Gidget in the movies, as well as doing all those fun romantic comedies. If you don't remember her from any of that, you must know her name from Grease - there was a whole song about her in that! Nobody? Just me then...

Corsa: Welcome back! I don't care if you bring bad weather with you. My world's a more exciting place just knowing you're in the country. (By the way, it snowed by us, too! *g*) Hope you have a great visit!

tarasApprentice: We checked to see if Wal-Mart had Wonderfalls yesterday. Of course they didn't, but I had fun pretending to be very surprised and questioning the ordering abilities of whoever stocks their dvd section. I left the two clerks who were working in electronics pouring over their "new release" book trying to figure out why they didn't have a customer requested item. (They seemed slightly upset when I turned to hubby and said, "Well, I guess we'll just have to get it at Sam Goodey then.") *g* I'm a mean person.

Watcher: Thank you for fixing my boo-boo. *s*

*leaves a freshly washed hiefer for the long-missing Fire Goddess and wonders what happened to the World Domination plan - was it called on account of snow?*

FYI - I refuse to check for spelling mistakes today. Whoever finds the most gets a cookie. *g* {{Hugs}} to all!

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