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Subject: Lost talk

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Date Posted: Mon, Feb 28 2005, 5:40:22 am PST

Hiya Watcher!

I knew it was filmed in Hawaii, but it never occured to me you might be running into people from the show. That is very cool! Who did you meet? Did you get to talk to them about Lost? I'm not up on all the characters' names or the names of the actors who play them yet. Is Evangeline Lilly the one who plays Kate?

I missed most of what was going on during that beach scene. We had an "Amber alert" for a missing child in our area, so the show was interrupted off and on. The little girl was found safe and sound, though! In spoiler: So are you saying it looked as though something strange was already going on? What do you mean when you say "in reverse"? Like "rewinding"? Ha! Maybe my theory is right! I bet I'm right about the polar bear, too! Unless it was bunnies. *g*
I have noticed other people in the background during flashback scenes. I missed Hurley, though. Could you tell why he was on the tv? (I taped over the episode already! I'll have to start saving them longer, I guess.)
Now that I'm getting so caught up in this show, I wish I'd been watching it from the beginning. I've missed a couple of episodes, which makes it a little more difficult when formulating theories. *s*

A big "hello" to everyone else!

Almond notices the slightly dusty look of the good ol' Box, and decides to do a little something about that. Donning a hat suspiciously like Mickey's in Fantasia, she waves a hand in a meaningful manner. A broom marches in from the back and begins sweeping the floor. Feeling a bit more confident, she motions to the scattered decorations from Holidays Past, which stir to life and obediently hop into an empty box. She does not see the goat peering around the shelves, nor would she have paid it any mind if she had. Feeling quite cocky now, she summons a bucket and cloth and gestures toward the windows. Unfortunately, she lets herself become distracted from the broom, which immediately begins waltzing about the middle of the room - enticing the goat to join in the dance. Noticing the serious lack of work going on, she commands, "Stop that at once!" Both broom and goat pause, and an evil glint comes to the quadruped's eye. She begins to back slowly toward the door as they start their advance. She raises a hand to summon the magic, but the misbegotten creatures rush her in unison! Whirling, she bolts for the door - leaving her hat to float gently to the floor behind her.

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