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Subject: Lost and other bits of babble.

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 02 2005, 5:06:56 am PST

Mornin', all! Happy March!
Almond sets a plate of cookies shaped like crazy rabbits on the counter.
Come celebrate with me - it's almost spring! It can't come soon enough. Both hubby and girl-not-a-child slipped on the ice yesterday. :(

A warning for those who tape Lost and Alias:
Tonight's episode of Lost will be running for an hour and 3 minutes. Alias will be 59 minutes long after that. Tape accordingly!

Watcher: Too bad you're not able to simulate "chatty" when needed - you missed an opportunity to pump him for spoilers! *g*
I haven't seen a movie at the theatre since the last Star Wars came out, so I doubt that I'll be seeing Constantine until it's out on dvd. I really want to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Finding Neverland, which I've heard are good. Of course I'm looking forward to Serenity, which I will go to the theatre for - though Grimma mentioned in her lj the release date was pushed back. :(
I think I need to start a List Of Recommended Current Movies and let people suggest what's worth spending time seeing - maybe in my lj. (Of course, anyone's welcome to chime in here. *s*) I haven't even seen the latest Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings yet!

Lost talk: It looks like it's going to be a good one tonight! (Yes, I watch previews. *s*) Plot developement and excitement abound! There's a rumor one of the main characters will be killed this season. Why am I not surprised? With Buffy people involved in the show, I think that would be a "given". *g*
I read the TV Guide, so I know why Hurley was on the television. I don't want to spoil anyone, but we find out in his back-story tonight.
It's nice to be excited about a TV show again. *s*

No Veronica Mars last night, though. What's up with that? If I wanted to watch models, I'd turn on the Style Channel!

{{Hugs}} to all! *poof*

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