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Subject: Kristin's chat

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 11:33:50 am PST

Hi again, all! Thought I'd post some tidbits I just read on Kristin's chat transcript from eonline. This chat took place on Monday night. Here goes:

From beebee: Got any good news about Angel?
Oh, how I wish I did. I haven't heard any promising rumblings from the networks. And I ran into David Boreanaz the other night at a charity event at the Beverly Hilton (the Genesis Awards presented by the Humane Society), and he's, well, he's accepting that it's time to move on...

From angllverhe21: What did David say?!
Simmer down now, pup! He was a doll, actually. He was there with wife Jaime Bergman. He's extremely sympathetic for us fans, but truth be told, I haven't seen him looking so happy and rested since the show began. Sleep becomes him! Anyway, here's what he said about the cancellation:

"It's a bittersweet kind of thing. I feel bad for the fans because they have been so supportive throughout the years of the show and characters. But it's a real interesting time for me right now, and I'm really looking forward to new challenges. It's a new transition for me. We're in a really good place, so I feel happy that the show is coming full circle, but I do feel for the fans. The fans are so great. They've been so great to us. But it's time to start a whole new journey."

Unfortunately, we didn't have much time to chat (it was a charity event, and he was being whisked away), but he did let on what's next for him. "You know," he said with a big grin, "right now, Jaime and I are going to take off to a beach. We are going to take a nap--a long nap [Looks at Jaime. Starts chuckling.] And not worry about the alarm clock waking us up."

From smartassblond16: Is Sarah Michelle Gellar coming on Angel?
We asked her precisely that at the end of an interview for Scooby-Doo 2 over the weekend, and she literally said, "I don't know" and got up and moved to the next outlet. Humph. Clearly, she's not at liberty to talk about it--which I'm guessing means she's in.

From seba_88: I'm hearing the Save Angel campaign hit CNN! It's amazing! The WB just can't turn down the show!
Really? That's fantastic!

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