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Stand strong in the storms of life and the sun will always shine on you... Kid Rock
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

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people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Created March 20th,2004
Sitting in church doesn't make you a christian just like sitting in your garage doesn't make you a car!

Subject: UMMM.....

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Date Posted: 13:04:55 10/16/06 Mon

I see hits on the counter but I'm NOT seeing too many posts.... Don't cha love me anymore?

[> Subject: Oh yeah

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Date Posted: 23:47:22 10/10/06 Tue

You know I love you, baby!

How is chemo going?
[> [> Subject: CHEMO.....

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Date Posted: 00:30:56 10/11/06 Wed

I started my 6th round of this chemo regiment TODAY. First I saw the doctor. He had a resident Oncologist with him. She examined me first then he examined me. He wants me to get a chest CT on Tuesday, October 17th at 12:30 just to get an update. Jeanette (my nurse) is going to give me my Aranesp Thursday, October, 12th when I get my chemo since I just had Procrit on Friday. Dr. Hahn is not interested in getting a bone scan or PET scan since I'm asymptomatic. I can get a flu shot on Friday, October 27th when I get my Procrit. But not before since I started chemo today.

My counts looked acceptable but I still need to get shots. They were:

white blood cells = 5.7 (normal 4.8 - 10.8)

red blood cells = 3.43 (normal 4.20 - 6.10)

Hematacrit = 33.4 (normal 37.0 - 52.0) This one is why the shot for the red blood cells. A low number like this makes me anemic causing the fatigue.

Platelets = 195 (normal 140 - 440) Thank GOD this number is back up. At one time it was down to 38.

I feel pretty good other than the fatigue. I get mouth sores on the inside of my cheeks from the chemo. I have to be careful what I eat and drink to avoid irritating the sores. I'm definitely not as physically strong or as energetic but considering.... I'm doing quite well.

My doctor told me I look great today. Even with all the cancer I have in my body he still considers me one of his healthiest patients. I told him I believe it's because of my faith in God. I told Dr. Hahn I know God is helping me and, of course, he is too. He said yea he'll take some of the credit. That made me laugh! I just love him!

I also saw my radiation doctor this passed Friday. He's also happy with my progress. He said I look good also. Lots of color in my face.

My hair is starting to come back in. It's real short but it's there.

[> [> [> Subject: Hey

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Date Posted: 14:51:47 10/11/06 Wed

I am so glad you sent me an email update. I was asking about you yesterday--and always. I was speaking with Beth, but she tells me she hasn't seen you lately. And of course I ask Jeannette about you all of the time.
Stacy, I hope you know you can call me anytime to chat. I miss talking with you.
How is your Mom and Aunt. How are the puppies?
Talk to you soon,
PS- I paid a visit to Patty last week.
[> [> [> [> Subject: TRACEY!!!!

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Date Posted: 21:12:51 10/11/06 Wed

TRACEY!!!! It's so great to hear from you!! I miss you so much at chemo. You know you'll always be my favorite nurse. I love Jeanette but you were ALWAYS there since day one with me. That made you extra special. I'm having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to Jessa. Vicki and I got along right off the bat but Jessa is a little harder to read. She's nice if she talks. She was a little onery today but of course it was because Chuck was there with Louise. Jessa told him that he was Louise's "piece". It was hilarious! Now if she could be more sociable and fun like that more often, I think she could be great. She does do well with giving the Neulasta and Epogin shots in the tummy. I warm up the syringe first, that lessens the pain. But she kinda "throws" the needle like you do with a flu shot and it is even less painful. She has a real hard time getting blood from both of my arms. Jeanette always has to take over. I'm sure I'll get used to her though.

I sure hope you are happy with the new job. How is it going for you? I hope they know how great of a person they have in you! Hey, you can call me too! I just never know when I can call you. I don't know your hours. I have a cell phone, it's 410-591-5559. That is if you can't reach me at home.

Mom and Aunt Nancy are just fine. They just got back from North Carolina. They had to go to my 2nd cousins funeral. She was only 25 and committed suicide. That was a shock to the family. Especially since she shot herself.

My babies are wonderful as usual. Tyler goes with me almost everywhere (except chemo). I'd take him there too if I could get away with it.

Patty? I remember the name but I need more info to remember who she is.

Thank you SO MUCH for posting! I was thrilled to see your name!

[> [> [> Subject: Hi Ya!

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Date Posted: 17:04:22 10/11/06 Wed

Hey Stacy - Nice to hear you're still kicking and screaming, lol. Your numbers look good. Here's where I came in at on Monday:

WBC - 9.5 (all thanks to Neulasta last week)
RCB - 2.67 - could use some improvement here
HGB - 9.2 - that's staying up pretty well
HCT - 28.6
Plates - 120 - my chemo's gonna hit these hard

I had my first speaking engagement today and it went really good. I even saw one gal start to tear up as I was telling my story, awww. By the way, happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month to ya but then again, we're already aware of BC all too well.

Hope all is good in your neck of the woods and tell Mark I said hello. I'm glad to hear he's healing well physically and I hope AA helps him heal mentally.

Take care!
[> [> [> [> Subject: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

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Date Posted: 21:25:27 10/11/06 Wed

Congratulations on the speaking engagement! What kind of a function was it?

Mark is looking forward to rehab. We think it will be more effective for him as opposed to AA meetings. He never got anything out of them but on the other hand he wasn't ready to quit drinking. But he wants to now. So far we know when he gets to rehab it will be 24/7 for 28 days. But he may have to go longer if the judge says he has to. He's going whether or not the judge makes him go. After the 28 days then he goes back once per week for "after care" for a year. I imagine he could go longer if he feels he needs to. I will definitely tell him hello for you.

Your WBCs do better than mine do. Our RBCs and Crit seems to run about the same.


[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Speaking Engagement

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Date Posted: 17:36:09 10/14/06 Sat

One of my co-workers asked me if I would be interested in speaking at her mom's small seminar that she puts together at her work place (it was at the old Heinz plant in downtown Pittsburgh). It was for NBCAM and about 25 gals signed up for it.

I was the first speaker of three and I was a little nervous but after about 5 minutes, I was on a roll telling my story. It was great to see that I kept the gals interested the whole way through and some of them were even tearing up. Everyone thought I was just amazing but you know this yourself, I'm not really - I'm just doing what I can to beat this cancer and still enjoy as much life as I can. No one (but cancer cousins) knows what it's like dealing with cancer, no one can understand our mentality and how we can appear that we're taking our situation so well. But WE do.

I was really glad I was able to explain to them what it's like to live with cancer, to go through the treatments, and how it changes our lives forever.

The lady that held the seminar, Barb, said that she's still receiving accolades about my talk. That really make me feel good, to know that I drove home the message about how important mammograms are and that BC is survivable if caught early, and even then, if you're caught in our situation, there's still hope.
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: COOL

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Date Posted: 23:27:58 10/14/06 Sat

That's about how it went when I was the speaker at the Race For The Cure this passed June. It sure makes you feel good when you know you've "touched" people.

I know I never would have thought that I could have handled having cancer. But when you find out you have it, you rely on your faith in God and your absolute determination to live. It seems to make it okay. A lot of people turn to Jesus after the fact and I'm glad they do. Fortunately I already had a relationship with Him so I think that has a lot to do with my attitude. Plus if anyone in my family has to have cancer, I would prefer it to be me.

Keep me here at least long enough to keep finding new drugs!

[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Cool

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Date Posted: 13:04:55 10/16/06 Mon

Our determination to live is half the battle. At tmes, I wonder IF I really can beat this but then, I smack myself for thinking that way and think of WHEN I beat this again. Once I hit my 5 year mark, George and I are headed to Vegas to celebrate. I'm predicting April 2011 we'll be back there and I really hope I'm right. I really miss Vegas and since we bought the house, we haven't had a chance to get back.

The word "chronic" came up in my last meeting with my Onc. but I'm betting that as long as I don't get completely stressed out again, I should be okay. Most people get stress zits, I get stress cancer - go figure!
[> Subject: greetings

Mary White
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Date Posted: 10:30:05 10/11/06 Wed

Hi Stacy,
So sorry I haven't been in touch other than with the condo board minutes. You are such a help to me. I don't forget you ever though and pray for you every day. I know that's working because of the way you keep going. Keep up the good work. You have a very large support group and many who love you.

[> [> Subject: HI MARY

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Date Posted: 21:32:19 10/11/06 Wed

How am I helping you? You don't have cancer. I'm glad that I am though in whatever way you need.

Thank you so much for the prayers. I KNOW they definitely help!! It made me feel good when both of my doctors said I'm doing well considering what I'm going through and I look good. I'm glad my Oncologist believes that faith has a lot to do with wellness and state of mind.

I call myself the Energizer Bunny who wears a Timex watch.

[> Subject: Luv yah bunches, Stacy!

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Date Posted: 22:08:25 10/14/06 Sat

Sorry, but I also have not been on much lately. I have been taking care of my hubby and working (office assistant)
Three weeks ago, Sunday, he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.
He is 48 years old and at first they thought it was his heart. It was not. They took his appendix and part of his colon. His colon had perforated (diverticulitis) and was leaking into his tummy area. He had an infection (perintitus)so they took his appendix as a precaution. Five days later they sent him home with a colostomy bag and about a 12" cut going down by his belly button. I need to repack it every day after I help him with a shower. (whoee whoo! :-)) And then there is the twice weekly changing of the bag. Ugh! I have to wear a dust mask with a cotton ball dipped in Vicks inside the mask, to help with that. haaa haa I look a fright!
I have never been close to being a nurse or a mother, so this is all new. Plus, I am trying to keep my lymphdema in check on my arm. Just doing too much. haa haa Of course, I never would admit it, but I am stubborn, so I just had to get the yard work done and all the other necessary stuff to get done before winter really set in. I just could not just leave it. But it is done, and I am proud.
And then recently, a friend, found out she had breast cancer. A rare form of cystic adnoid carcinoma with a variant. She is being told that she is the 151st person in the world to have this type of cancer. !!!! Can you believe it. She started radiation this week.
I am thinking of you and all the treatments you have had to go through. It jsut amazes me with your attitude. Sure wish more people would come to support you, however.
How is your brother doing?
[> [> Subject: NURSE CONNIE

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Date Posted: 23:42:34 10/14/06 Sat

YOUR POOR HUSBAND!!! That has to be painful!! It sounds very similar to something that happened to a friend of mine but he ended up with a fissure also. I don't know if he had a bag though.

Isn't it amazing the things you do for those you love? He's lucky to have you.

I can understand your stubborn ways. How else are we supposed to live our lives and try to beat this thing?? We certainly can't just sit around and wait for it to beat us.... so.... YOU GO GIRL!!!

Mark's doing as well as can be expected considering his injuries and the fact that he is waiting for court. His spirits go up and down. He is still having neck and back pain but not as much. And his hands are numb and weak up to his elbows but fortunately there is some improvement there as well. It's still difficult for him but he's getting better at doing some things. Thanks for asking!!

Wow! That's something about your friend. Since it's rare, what is the prognosis according to her doctors?

[> [> [> Subject: One Day at a Time

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Date Posted: 11:39:01 10/15/06 Sun

Joyce's prognosis is more of "They don't know". Since it is so rare they sound like they really don't know what should be done. She said they have graded it as non aggressive.They sent the tissues from the tumor removal to Boston and New York. Then gave her the option of radiation or chemo after the sentinal node dissection. Which in itself sounded wierd - She choose the radiation. (I am glad as I don't think she could have taken the chemo) Appr. two years ago when I started my process of the chemo, surgery and radiation, she had the spot on her right breast. They checked twice since then and had not been concerned. But this year they decided to do something about it. I think and hope it had something to do with me pushing her to do something. But they had been more concerned about trying to get her diabetes and diverticulitis controlled in the past three years. (Same thing as my hubby, by the way )
She has been through so much and is weak from everything, that is why I don't think she could have taken the chemo. One week of radiation and she is already saying how fatigued she is. She had the same surgeon that I had and it has helped by me having gone through this to give her some help. Even though she insists that she has/had a rare cancer and is having a problem saying it, I am trying to help her in my small way. She helped me when I was going through my stuff- Funny how things can go around in a circle---What goes around, comes around.

Give a Mark a K.I.S.S. I love the saying:
He may know where this comes from. haa haa
Keeping you in my thoughts.


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Date Posted: 21:48:27 10/14/06 Sat

[> Subject: Love it STacy

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Date Posted: 21:48:27 10/14/06 Sat

I love it Stacy!!!!! Thanks

Subject: Hey Stacy

Debbie Smithies
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Date Posted: 18:52:23 10/12/06 Thu

Hey Stacy-
Thanks for the update. I do believe you are the strongest person I know. You have kept your spirits up all these years and have helped your family go through this with you.
Take GOOD care of yourself. Hope to see you soon.

Love, Debbie :)

By the way, I love the photo of the dogs!


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Date Posted: 00:11:54 10/11/06 Wed


I've had so many people ask me what they can do to help since the benefit was cancelled so I made up this flier that I'm NOT posting on his web site. Don't feel obligated, I just wanted to post it for anyone that wants to help.

Thank you,
Stacy aka Lil Sis

Mark's facial injuries have healed really well. He looks great!


TO THIS.... (note: this is not a recent picture but this is how he looks now)


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Date Posted: 21:51:11 10/05/06 Thu

I've had a few emails asking "WHERE HAVE I BEEN?" since I haven't really been doing much on the board or been in touch with anyone. Well here's your answer:

Things have been so hectic in my life since my brother was in the motorcycle accident.

I spent time with him in the hospital, then after he got home I was at his house almost everyday trying to help him out. I had to take him to the doctors, AA meetings, classes, his probation officers office, stores... plus we went out for lunches and dinners and went to car cruises.

Now that he's in jail....

I've been doing a lot of running around for him. I also worked hard to put together a benefit that the administrative person at the hall cancelled on me with less than 24 hours notice. I've also been handling all of his paperwork. He goes to court this week. It's not looking good. We're pretty sure he'll have to do some time.

He really wants to go to rehab after his sentence is over. He wants to stop drinking and start his life over. I am so happy about that!

Plus I go up to see my Dad several nights a week. We have dinner mostly at his house but sometimes we go out. I like making sure he's okay and to make sure he has company for a few hours.

All of us go to see my brother on Sundays then me, Mom, and Aunt Nancy go do our shopping.

Then there's my life I need to take care of.

Chemo 3 days the first week, Neulasta the 4th day of that week, Procrit the following two Fridays, then start all over again. For a couple weeks my platelets dropped pretty low so I was the doctors even more frequently to keep an eye on my blood. If the platelet count would have dropped any lower I would have had to have a transfusion and/or platelets. The normal range is 140 - 440 and mine were 38.

Then on top of all that, my phone started acting up. The receiver would have a lot of static in it and it was hard to have a conversation. Then soon after, if I picked up the phone I couldn't get a dial tone. The answering machine would work only when it felt like it. The phone wouldn't ring for me to hear. But I knew the line was working because the answering machine would pick up sometimes. This went on for a few weeks. I ended up ordering a battery on line for the receiver which took several weeks to get. Now the phone works perfectly. I really like that phone so I was hoping the battery worked. I didn't want to have to buy a new one.

So, needless to say, I've been quite busy!! But I'd still love to see posts on here because I do check it before I go to bed.

[> Subject: Hi Stacy!

Al R
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Date Posted: 14:37:50 10/02/06 Mon

I don't know where you find the energy girl, But you are MY hero!
[> Subject: Geez....

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Date Posted: 23:08:01 10/02/06 Mon

Keep it up--those tumors may die of exhaustion! I doubt they'll be able to keep up with you!
[> Subject: MARK

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Date Posted: 23:36:58 10/04/06 Wed

Mark's court date was postponed. And his bail was denied. So I guess I'll be his secretary longer. I don't mind doing all this stuff for him though. I would just rather him be home. I miss him.
[> [> Subject: Yeah...

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Date Posted: 21:51:11 10/05/06 Thu

Yes, and I imagine he misses you, too! I seem to recall Little Sis saying she keeps an eye on her big brother...


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Date Posted: 13:51:27 09/29/06 Fri

the Wonderworker,Metropolitan of Pentapolis

You lived your life in a holy way, O St. Nectarios; being a Bishop rich in wisdom, you have glorified the Lord with your life of virtue; being strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, you drive out evil spirits and heal the sick. Intercede for those who come to you in faith.

Nectarios lived from 1846 to 1920. He lived and ministered in Greece, Egypt, Libya and the Island of Aegina. He was repeatedly slandered because of his quick ascent in Church office, which caused him to be demoted and even flee from his accusers. Many healings and wonders were performed by him during his life and countless miraculous healings have been attributed to his relics, which remained uncorrupt for many years.

He is especially invoked to heal cancer.

Last edited by author: Wed September 27, 2006 20:39:24   Edited 1 time.

[> Subject: Biography

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Date Posted: 13:51:27 09/29/06 Fri

Here's a link to the biography of St Nectarios. I'm not sure how it's gonna work on your forum page. Probably just copy & paste into browser bar.


Subject: I'M A NEW MOMMY

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Date Posted: 10:59:12 09/29/06 Fri


[> Subject: Congrats!!!!

Lisa (Chemo Kid)
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Date Posted: 09:42:38 09/15/06 Fri

Congrats on your new kids! They are so cute. I'm a big animal lover myself. My hubby, George and I started feeding all the neighborhood farm kitties and I'm shocked to see how many there are! Plus, it's two-fold, we feed the kitties, and they take care of our ever-growing chipmunk issue (well, we hope). I know the food is appriciated because once of them left us a "gift" on the porch. We think it was a shrew at one time, lol.

How have you been feeling these days? I'm hanging in there. I got another bone scan and PET scan next week. I'm hoping this is the last one and I'm off the hook, hopefully for a long time.

Did you get the transfer? I thought you might like that one. I pulled the transfers from the site because they weren't selling. Then someone emailed me asking about them so I thought "what the heck", I redesigned them a bit and put them back on.

I just loved your "just ask me" idea, and so do others! That one's been a seller so you should feel pretty proud of yourself!
[> [> Subject: HEY CHEMO KID

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Date Posted: 21:48:23 09/18/06 Mon

Sorry it's taking so long to write back. Things have been quite hectic in my life lately. Plus, I go back to chemo tomorrow. I got your letter and I also received the transfer. That was really cool, thanks!! Mark also received your note and donation. He said thank you very much and you're a real nice person.

Other than being tired a lot and dealing with mouth sores from the chemo, I've been feeling pretty good.

You'll have to let me know what you find out about your scans. I'm praying for you!

Thanks for the "new mommy" congrats. Unfortunately I lost one. It was the youngest one and I guess I took it out of the container too soon. Or it was just too weak to survive. So far so good with the other two. I'm hoping more hatch. There's probably around ten eggs in that container. I think next year if she lays more eggs I'll put them in an actual egg box with vermiculite. You know, the box that the chicken eggs come in from the grocery store. That way I can watch each one individually. Turtles can actually carry fertilized eggs for four years so it's possible to get more next year even without a male in the house. I just love box turtles, believe it not they do have personalities.

[> [> [> Subject: Hey you!

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Date Posted: 22:36:00 09/18/06 Mon

Hey Stacy! Just thought I'd say hello. Good luck with your chemo tomorrow--hope all goes well.

And good luck with the new additions to the "family," too!
[> [> [> [> Subject: CLIFF

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Date Posted: 19:05:33 09/19/06 Tue


Chemo went fine but when they removed the needle from my port, blood squirted out and got all over me,my blouse and bra. I had to come home and put lots of peroxide on them. Then I threw them in the washer. Hopefully it will come out. It happens because of the pressure in the port-a-cath from the blood clot.

[> [> [> [> [> Subject: You know....

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Date Posted: 23:26:00 09/19/06 Tue

...if I told my son Patrick about that, he'd say, "Cool!" I think he'd like the idea of blood squirting out--not HIS blood, of course! On one occasion, when I was donating blood, my blood came out around the needle when it was first inserted, and they had to wipe my arm off. (This a not the most pleasant topic of conversation, is it?)
[> [> [> Subject: Scans

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Date Posted: 11:52:31 09/21/06 Thu

Hi Stacy!

Well....the scans didn't go as I had hoped. My bone scan yesterday showed a shaded spot on my skull and my PET scan today showed some new spots. I just don't understand it, my last PET scan on 6/30 was crystal clear, and now the cancer could be back?? My platelets also dropped in half to 49 over a week's time. Something is going on and I'll know more next Wednesday when I see my doctor. Right now, I'm just beside myself. I thought I beat it back in July, I really did ....

[> [> [> [> Subject: BUMMER

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Date Posted: 21:28:07 09/22/06 Fri

Oh Lisa! I am so sorry to hear that! Where did the PET show new spots? Keep your strength and faith in Jesus. He's helped you before, he'll help you again! I'll keep you in my prayers and pray harder.
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yeah, It's bummer for sure

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Date Posted: 09:09:04 09/24/06 Sun

The bone scan showed a spot on the skull and the PET/CT scan showed (from what I remember) 2 spots, one large one seemed to be in the liver area which IS a common spot for mets. Hopefully I can have surgery to get it out if it's cancerous. There looked to be something going on with the kidneys too. I'll take kidney stones if I have a choice. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's a PET/CT scan and the CT will show non-cancerous conditions too. But when the chemo nurse called me on Friday and said I was off this week's schedule until Dr Evans had a chance to talk to me, I got scared. Plus the term "whole new ball game" was mentioned. UGH!
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: KEEP YOUR CHIN UP

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Date Posted: 20:24:45 09/27/06 Wed

Lisa's update:

Hello All.

We just found out today that my cancer wasn't gone completely as we had hoped in June. Breast Cancer primarily targets the breast, bone, brain, and liver and although, we eradicated a lot of the weaker cancer early on, I now have new cancer in a few vertebrae, a small spot on my right pelvis, 2 small spots in my liver and a few swollen paratracheal lymph nodes (they're located in the chest alongside the trachea). My tumor marker started to go back up last month so I had a suspicion that something was going on. Guess I was right.

My new chemo regimen starts on Monday 10/2 and will now be 1 treatment every other week. I will be given 2 chemo drugs called Gemzar and Taxotere along with a bone treatment called Zometa. I have at least 8 treatments ahead and will be getting another PET/CT scan in 3 months to see how well the chemo drugs are working. My oncologist assured me that she has seen promising results with these drugs and I'm hoping she is right. Lisa

Lisa, maybe you can have radiation to the skull and spine? I took Gemzar (aka Gemcitabine) for quite a while. There weren't hardly any side effects for me. Hopefully it will agree with you also.

I also have had Taxotere. I did have side effects with it. It has a tendency to make you lose your nails. It looks like they are turning white in the nail bed but what is actually happening, your nails are lifting off of it. My nurse suggested "tea tree oil" for it. I went right out and got it and IT WORKED!! I didn't lose any nails. Just use a q-tip and put it on the nails and under your nails. The stuff stinks but it's worth it.

Like Taxol, it can cause numbing and tingling in the fingers and hands but for me it wasn't as bad as Taxol. Taxol and Taxotere are "cousins", they are very similar but they are preserved differently.

What did you end up finding out about your kidneys?

[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Kicking Cancer's Ass once again

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Date Posted: 10:59:12 09/29/06 Fri

Well, I was wrong about the kidneys, nothing there. And I asked about the spot on my head, my oncologist look at the bone scan report and said they "weren't impressed" by anything they saw and chucked the report aside - I laughed. The bone cancer actually showed up on the PET/CT scan, not the bone scan so I'm hoping that's a good sign meaning it's still in it's early stage. I don't have any serious bone pain, just a little ache in my back and hip where it is so I guess that's a good sign too. I was wondering about that ache before the scans, well now I know what's causing it and if it goes away, then I'll know the chemo's working.

No radiation yet. I think she wants to see how the chemo works first. I think my Onc said it'll destroy too many of the good cells I have left and I need them to get through treatment. I'm already scraping the basement floor on my counts and a blood transfusion might be needed to keep me on scheudule. I even stopped drinking beer to preserve what cells I have left. I'm not taking any chances at this point.

Here's where I stand right now on my counts as of 9/25:

WBC 2.9
RBC 2.63
HGB 9.3 (OEP really helped me keep this level up)
HCT 28.4
MCV 108.2
MCH 35.3
MCHC 32.6
Platelets 117

My Onc said that Gemzar and Taxotere are good drugs by themselves but when taken together they have a synergistic effect and work even better. How it'll go (and I have my treatments laid out in my journal) is 1 treatmnet with be Gemzar and Zometa, then it'll be Gamzar and Taxotere, then it'll repeat - G/Z then G/T. Sounds like Zometa also can have an effect on the bone cancer cells too. Thanks for the info on the taxotere. I had Taxol the first time, now I can appriciate what it's like when older folks have arthritis in the legs - whoowee. I thank the person who created Percosets! And the balls of my feet went numb, that's a real treat too.

Did the Gemzar have any positive effects on your cancer? Where to you still have spots left? Now I know what you meant about your PET's being good and bad at the same time.
So, I got rid of the scattered cancer and not it's just stuck in a few places. Good thing is that breast cancer is breast cancer no matter where it lands and there are plenty of drugs out there to get it. So, I look at the bright side - I'd rather have BC in the liver, then liver cancer itself (that's incurable) and from what I read, the bones can be treated too if caught early. My Onc also agreed that although this recent scan wasn't exactly stellar, it was still better than my original in March and the new cancer spots are only 3 months old if that.

Funny you mentioned about the tea tree oil. I use that a lot along with my oxygen elements plus - that OEP is great for not only keeping your blood counts up, but heals boo-boos in record time. Good for us with low WBC counts.


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Date Posted: 22:51:06 09/20/06 Wed

Unfortunately my Mom's side of the family is mourning a tragic loss. My second cousin, Brandy (24 years old), committed suicide Tuesday. She shot herself in the chest intentionally. Please pray for Brandy's mother. She lost her son two years ago this month and now her daughter. She doesn't have anymore children.

My Mom and Aunt Nancy are driving to North Carolina Thursday morning to attend the viewing and funeral. I pray for a safe trip for them.

Last edited by author: Wed September 20, 2006 22:51:06   Edited 1 time.


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Date Posted: 09:43:13 09/14/06 Thu

"Recall Notice"

The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to malfunction in the original prototype units code named "Adam" and "Eve", resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.

This defect has been technically termed "Subsequent Internal Non-morality", or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

Some other symptoms:

1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion

The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this S.I.N. defect.

The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.

The number to call in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected, please upload your burden of S.I.N. through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, JESUS, into the heart component. No matter how big or small the S.I.N. defect is, JESUS will replace it with:

1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control

Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), for further details on the use of these fixes.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on JESUS.

DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The S.I.N. defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven, so as to prevent contamination of that facility.

Thank you for your attention!


P. S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice!!!


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Date Posted: 09:22:03 09/12/06 Tue




Subject: Hi Stacy

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Date Posted: 22:44:04 09/11/06 Mon

Hey Stacy! Just thought I'd say hello. How are things going? How was your weekend? I went to the Seafood Festival at Sandy Point--can't pass up the opportunity to sit by the Bay, listen to some music, and swallow some oysters!

Subject: CAR SHOW

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Date Posted: 11:50:25 09/11/06 Mon

I entered my car in the GRAND SLAM CAR SHOW at the Harford Community College today (Sunday).

I am quite proud and honored to say that I won a very special trophy!! It's a one of a kind trophy. It's called the "TOM BELL" award in honor of a man that loved car shows and cruises. He was diagnosed with cancer last year and passed away right before the first Grand Slam show last year. I was chosen because of my cancer AND my car. Both the speaker and the presenter were emotional about the award and Mr. Bell. The presenter told me it is a very special award to them and he congratulated me.

Very awesome!!

[> Subject: VERY NICE!

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Date Posted: 10:05:02 09/04/06 Mon

thats a very nice award!
Allen & Ymy were both great to give you that award!
They both got emotional,but I think a few others in the crowd were to!
[> Subject: Very cool!

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Date Posted: 22:31:35 09/04/06 Mon

Very nice! That means both you and your car were recognized.

Hey, I can almost see the tailgate in that picture! ;)
[> [> Subject: JUST FOR YOU CLIFF

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Date Posted: 11:46:36 09/06/06 Wed

[> [> [> Subject: Wow!

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Date Posted: 20:26:09 09/06/06 Wed

Look--it's Jabba the Hut!!!
[> Subject: Congrats!

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Date Posted: 11:50:25 09/11/06 Mon

Hey Just poked in to see what's new with ya. Congrats on the award, that's so awesome. I love the look in the picture (with the car, not jabba, lol). I think it's great that you're so comfortable with your lastest "fashion statement". Good to hear about your levels too, keep it up and I'll race you to remission! 1st one there is another survivor! hee hee.

Keep an eye out for a special package in the mail in the next couple days.



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Date Posted: 22:28:37 09/04/06 Mon

I went to the doctor's yesterday (Friday) for my Neulasta shot. My platelets are up to 168!!! Back within the normal range!!
[> Subject: That's because...

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Date Posted: 22:28:37 09/04/06 Mon

...you didn't give them Hi-C this time!!!!


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Date Posted: 22:40:53 08/31/06 Thu

I saw Dr. Hahn yesterday Monday)and had bloodwork. My platelet count is still low but at least it's up to 88. The lowest number in the normal range is 140.

Dr. Hahn decided to go ahead and give me chemo this week starting today (Tuesday) so I squeezed it in today. He reduced the Carboplatin dosage from 720 mg's to 360 mg's. He said I was on a high dosage orinally so we have room to play with. He said I did really well going as long as I did before the platelets dropped so low. So that's why the reduction. He did NOT reduce the Etoposide which is the chemo that goes to the brain. I was happy about that.

I will have chemo this Wednesday and Thursday then get the shot of Neulasta for my white blood cells (WBC'S) on Friday. I think I'll have my counts checked again on Friday. That will determine if I get shots next week for the red blood cells. They did give me the Aranesp (for red blood cells) today in my IV.

I had A LOT of running to do today and yesterday. I'm in the process of visiting doctors and hospitals for Mark plus hang fliers for his benefit on September 23. Plus I've had my own doctors visits since my platelets are so low.

Well, it's 5:57 am and I haven't made it to bed yet. Thank GOD for the nap at chemo. I even took two pills to help me sleep... no luck. Guess I'm wound up.


[> Subject: Howdy

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Date Posted: 10:45:42 08/30/06 Wed

Hello Stacy! Just checking in your journal to see how you're putting along. I got my cbc's monday aloong with my monthly ca.27-29 marker. I'm anxious to see if it dropped a lot since last month. Luckily, I'm on the downswing of my treatments now. PET and brain MRI were both clear. I have another treatment next tues/wed/thur but I also have the first steeler game (GO STEELERS) and a huge corn roast and beer fest on saturday (I don't drink during chemo). If my markers look good I'm gonna ask for a another week off. My Hgb levels have been dropping so the additional week will be nice for my body too.

I have trouble sleeping too, bleesed are the makers of lorazepam - love the stuff for knocking me out.

Keep up the fight!
[> [> Subject: HEY LISA

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Date Posted: 01:00:02 08/31/06 Thu

THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS ABOUT YOUR SCANS!! It's not too often you get to see a football game live so heck, I'd do that instead. Everything seems to be going well, I can't imagine they won't let you have another week off. Then there's the roast and corn too!!

I sure hope you get to go to these fun events.... have a great time.

I'll be entering my street rod in a car show. Hoping for a trophy. Here she is:

[> [> [> Subject: Hey...

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Date Posted: 22:40:53 08/31/06 Thu

Nice body! Just wish I could see the tailgate! (And that car doesn't look to bad, either...)

Subject: Thanks for the link!

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Date Posted: 14:57:41 08/30/06 Wed

Hey Stacy! Almost forgot to say "Thank You" for adding the Cancer Cousins Link to your site, that was really cool of you to do for me. I also opened up an eBay store under the same now (Cancer Cousins). Business is still slow but that's cool - I like learning as I go. Good thing I have a lot of experience from selling on eBay, that really helped get me off the ground running.

Thanks again for your support, it really mean a lot to me.


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Date Posted: 14:57:41 08/30/06 Wed

HEY LISA, I've been wearing my buttons proudly. And showing them to people to try to get you some business. I think they are so cool.

Remember everyone, visit www.cancercousins.com for some real cool buttons, magnets, and keychains with cancer statements on them!!


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Date Posted: 04:21:08 08/30/06 Wed



I have heard of it because I have it. Or at least had it in 1999. I actually had two kinds of breast cancer... IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) and DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). That's why once my treatments, surgeries, and radiation were over, my surgeon told me that I had a very aggressive and deadly cancer. According to my surgeon, I had cancer for only 6 months and the one in my breast was the size of a quarter and the one in my armpit was the size of a nickel. The doctor said it can hide in the milk ducts so between that and it having been in a lymph node, that's probably why it came back.

I am very lucky and BLESSED to still be alive today!!!!

I did NOT have any of the symptoms of IBC except for breast pain including the stabbing sensations.

So ultimately if I were you, when it's time for your annual mammogram, suggest an MRI also just to be safe.



What is Inflammatory Breast Cancer? INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER (IBC) is an advanced and accelerated form of breast cancer usually not detected by mammograms or ultrasounds. Inflammatory breast cancer requires immediate aggressive treatment with chemotherapy prior to surgery and is treated differently than more common types of breast cancer. "African Americans have a higher incidence of IBC than do Caucasians and other ethnic groups (10.1%, 6.2%, and 5.1%, respectively)."

One or more of the following are typical signs and symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (also known as Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma or Inflammatory Carcinoma of the Breast). Most patients do not experience all of the signs and symptoms, and it is not necessary to exhibit all of them in order to be diagnosed with IBC:

* Increase in breast size over a relatively short period of time (sometimes a cup size in a few days)

* Pruritus (itching) that is unrelenting and unrelieved by oral drugs or topical agents

* Erythema (pink, red, or dark-colored areas) sometimes with peau d'orange (texture similar to the skin of an orange)

* Ridges and thickened areas of the skin

* What appears to be a bruise that does not go away

* Nipple flattening or retraction

* Nipple discharge

* Breast is excessively warm to the touch

* Breast is harder or firmer than usual

* Breast pain which is not cyclic in nature (may be constant or stabbing)

* Change in color and/or texture of the areola (pigmented area surrounding the nipple)

* Swollen lymph nodes in the axillary area (underarm) or the supraclavicular area (above the collarbone)

* Although a dominant mass is present in many cases, most inflammatory cancers present as diffuse infiltration of the breast without a well-defined tumor.

* Rarer cases have been reported in which the first sign was lymphedema (swelling) of the arm

* Another rare case was reported in which the breast decreased rather than increased in size, but this is very unusual.

These signs and symptoms may be present in benign (non-cancerous) breast disorders so do not immediately become alarmed if you exhibit any of these signs and symptoms, but do consult your medical professional to ensure quick and proper diagnosis.

You now know more about the signs, symptoms and seriousness of Inflammatory Breast Cancer than almost all of those you know or will meet. Spread the word and help to save lives; and remember, You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer. Mammograms and Ultrasounds are not enough.

These symptoms often appear with IBC because the cancer is fast-growing and blocks the lymph vessels in the breast and skin. All of the listed symptoms may also be present with benign breast disorders. Different women have different symptoms, and although IBC is normally associated with infiltration of the skin lymphatic system, in some cases there may be no visible skin changes.

IBC is a serious illness, although techniques for treating it have improved a lot, and survival rates are rising. Some recent studies show about 40% survival five years after diagnosis, and here are relatively few recurrences after five years. Men can get IBC too, although it is extremely rare, and it has been documented in girls as young as 12. Two thirds of patients are post-menopausal at diagnosis.

The dark pink is the IBC surrounded by the white area containing white blood cells.

Thank you; and hopefully, because you have become more educated about IBC...lives WILL be saved. Pass the word along.

Check out this URL for more info: http://www.ibcresearch.org/

Last edited by author: Wed August 30, 2006 04:21:08   Edited 3 times.


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Date Posted: 22:54:38 08/29/06 Tue

I had my blood checked again today. My counts and platelets are still low however the good news is that my platelets rose from 33 to 38 in two days. At least no transfusion or platelets as of yet. I'll go back Monday to have them checked again.
[> Subject: Hey...

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Date Posted: 22:54:38 08/29/06 Tue

Did you have your blood checked yesterday? How did things go? Do you still have blood, or is there just grenadine in there?


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Date Posted: 08:24:05 08/29/06 Tue

Last edited by author: Fri August 25, 2006 01:30:17   Edited 1 time.


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Date Posted: 13:18:04 08/25/06 Fri

[> Subject: Thanks!!

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Date Posted: 12:35:11 08/28/06 Mon

Thanks, Kiddo!
[> Subject: Crabs!!

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Date Posted: 12:42:07 08/28/06 Mon

The CRABS were great!! Yummy! Makes me wish I had another birthday coming again this week...well..maybe not quite that soon..

Thanks Kiddo! Even got a sundae!! Good night!! ;-)
[> [> Subject: Happy Birthday, Stacy's Mom!

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Date Posted: 22:37:45 08/28/06 Mon

[> [> [> Subject: Thanks Cliff! It was great!!

Stacy's Mom (Barbara)
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Date Posted: 08:24:05 08/29/06 Tue

The company was greater than the crabs, but the crabs were really good!


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Date Posted: 14:06:13 08/24/06 Thu

I was supposed to go in this Thursday for my Procrit shot (for red blood cells) but my doctor's office called to ask me to come in today (Tuesday)instead. My doctor will be out of the office on Thursday.

I went in and had my blood counts checked. WHOA! Everything was real low!! The nurses asked the doctor what he wanted to do about it. Dr. Hahn said to come back this Thursday anyway and have my counts checked again. He definitely wanted me to get my Procrit, so I got it after warming it up.


The white blood cells (WBC's) normal range is 4.8 - 10.8.
Mine were 2.4.

The red blood cells (RBC's) normal range is 4.20 - 6.10.
Mine were 2.82.

The hemoglobin (part of the red blood cells) normal range is 12.0 - 18.0.
Mine were 8.6.

The hematacrit (part of the red blood cells) normal range is 37.0 - 52.0.
Mine were 24.5.

Then there are the platelets........

The platelets (part of the red blood cells) normal range is 140 - 440.
Mine were 33.

Because the platelets are so low, I have to stop taking my Coumadin (blood thinner) and I cannot take ANYTHING with aspirin in it.

After I get my counts checked Thursday, if the platelets are still low they will decide if I should get another shot, get a blood tranfusion, or get platelets. Or do nothing if they are up.

Unless they drastically go up, I will NOT be receiving chemo next week. I'll have to wait until the following week. The doctor wants my blood to have a chance to heal itself.

A low platelet count is called Thrombocytopenia.

What the risks are:

excessive bleeding
fainting or feeling light-headed
hematoma (blood accumulating under the skin)
infection (a slight risk any time the skin is broken)
multiple punctures to locate veins


The human body does not handle excessive blood loss well. Therefore, the body has ways of protecting itself. If, for some unexpected reason, sudden blood loss occurs, the blood platelets kick into action.

Platelets are irregularly-shaped, colorless bodies that are present in blood. Their sticky surface lets them, along with other substances, form clots to stop bleeding.

When bleeding from a wound suddenly occurs, the platelets gather at the wound and attempt to block the blood flow. The mineral calcium, vitamin K, and a protein called fibrinogen help the platelets form a clot.

Calcium and vitamin K must be present in blood to support the formation of clots. If your blood is lacking these nutrients, it will take longer than normal for your blood to clot. If these nutrients are missing, you could bleed to death. A healthy diet provides most people with enough vitamins and minerals, but vitamin supplements are sometimes needed.

A scab is an external blood clot that we can easily see, but there are also internal blood clots. A bruise, or black-and-blue mark, is the result of a blood clot. Both scabs and bruises are clots that lead to healing.

[> Subject: Blood counts

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Date Posted: 23:17:50 08/23/06 Wed

Are you sure they drew blood and not something else? Maybe you had a can of Hi-C, and they hit that by mistake. ;) Hope the counts get back to normal quickly. Any idea why they dropped so much?
[> [> Subject: Where is the V-8?

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Date Posted: 13:43:14 08/24/06 Thu

Whooooooooo, I agree with Cliff. What did they really get. Where is the V-8 can? Did you slip it under your arm? Haaa Haaa
All kidding aside, I sure do hope your blood starts to act right, so you can get your chemo.
I haven't been on line much lately. Had a brother-in-law die from ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) Was very sudden and unexpected as he had MS and we expected more complications from that. The life support was not helping enough for his blood to get oxygeniated so his brain was starving for oxygen. So sad.........
A friend had a tumor removed from her breast yesterday. She was my strength when I was going thru everything, now I am here for her. She got company last night, when I was at her house. It was so funny, we were all comparing 'scar' stories. "Where are your scars, what did you have, etc." We sure had a good laugh - as it turned out all of us had gone thru breast cancer treatments of some type or form. They were all stage 0 or 1, but I was the only one stage 3B. And then my other sister-in-law called and said she might be leaving my brother. Problems have been brewing. haaaa haaa Plus my sister is having medical problems. She has COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A here daughter, my niece, is having major problems from migraines. And then my husband's hours got cut at work.
And then all I could feel is "but guys, I got great news from my physical on the 10th." I feel so happy about that, but so sad about what is happening around me.Life sure can take you on a roller coaster at times.
[> [> [> Subject: MY GOODNESS

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Date Posted: 14:06:13 08/24/06 Thu

MY GOODNESS, you certainly DO have a lot going on!!! I'm sorry to hear that but I'm thrilled you received good news.


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Date Posted: 02:02:52 08/24/06 Thu

Subject: SELF CPR

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Date Posted: 23:36:06 08/22/06 Tue


What are you to do if you have a heart attack while you are alone. The Johnson City Medical Center staff actually discovered this and did an in-depth study on it in our ICU The two individuals that discovered this then did an article on it .. had it published and have even had it incorporated into ACLS and CPR classes.

It is very true and has and does work. It is called cough CPR. A cardiologist says it's the truth ...

It could save your life! Let's say it's 6:15 p.m. and you're driving home (alone of course), after an usually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.

What can you do? You've been trained in CPR but the guy that taught the course, didn't tell you what to do if it happened to yourself.

Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed to be in order. Without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about very two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!

From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter "AND THE BEAT GOES ON ." (reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. publication, Heart Response)

Subject: Hi Ya!

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Date Posted: 23:27:27 08/22/06 Tue

Hi Stacy! From my journal to yours, huh? Just checked out a little of your journal and We have the same chemo plan, how about that? Now, I'm not sure of the units, but my Mondays are 4 hours sessions, Tues & Wed are about 2.5-3hours depending on when they plug me in (I have been "assimilated" with a chemo port - trekkie humor). I go every 3 weeks but that will ending soon and then I'll have to go back to the land of the working class *sigh*. It's been so nice being off all these months (even though I was fighting for my life from stage 4 BC too). I got a lot of stuff done around the house that I normally wouldn't have time for with a work schedule.

I think you look great in your current hair style, I think bald woman are beautiful, I should know 'cause I'm one of them too.

Thanks for buying some buttons from CancerCousins.com (my other little thing I did while I've been off). I really appriciate your support as I start my little business and I promise to stay in touch. We'll get through this together and I will always keep you in my prayers.

Stay stong! Lisa
[> Subject: HEY LISA

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Date Posted: 00:29:32 08/19/06 Sat

Great to see you visited my web site!

I'm thrilled to say I won't be returning to work, retirement works quite well for me!

Your statement "bald women are beautiful" could be one of your buttons!

[> [> Subject: LISA'S WEB SITE

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Date Posted: 00:37:57 08/19/06 Sat

Lisa has her own web site also. She has breast cancer also. Her site is very different than mine and it's very good. It's basically her "journal" of her journey. She also has a place you can purchase buttons, keychains, and magnets with really cool cancer sayings on them. It's called "cancercousins.

To visit her journal web site, go to:


To visit her button web site, go to:


[> [> Subject: button idea

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Date Posted: 11:02:59 08/20/06 Sun

You're right on about that saying we bald gals are good looking. I'll make that one up today and I'll put your name on it as credit for the idea. Stay Stong! Lis
[> [> [> Subject: CANCER COUSINS

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Date Posted: 13:23:03 08/21/06 Mon

SEE THE NEW CANCER COUSINS CLICKABLE LINK IN THE HEADER. Click on the picture above and it will take you directly to the page.
[> [> [> [> Subject: NEW BUTTONS

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Date Posted: 23:27:27 08/22/06 Tue

I gave Lisa from Cancer Cousins some ideas for buttons a couple days ago.

Uselink www.cancercousins.com or click link in the header section to see them completed and for sale.


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Date Posted: 19:31:57 08/16/06 Wed

I finished my 3RD ROUND OF CHEMO this passed week without any problems. I'll see Dr. Hahn next Thursday for a shot of Procrit and bloodwork.

This passed Thursday was the day for the Neulasta shot (helps keep white blood cells up). The shot is in the belly and it hurts... not as bad as the Aranesp but it still burns. I never look forward to it!! My nurse gave me the syringe to hold and try to warm up since they are refrigerated.

I held it for about 30 minutes so it was good and warmed up. She came out and gave me the shot. Not too bad.

I also discovered getting the shot in the right side of my tummy makes it less painful.

[> Subject: Hi Stacy

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Date Posted: 23:10:04 08/13/06 Sun

Glad to hear the chemo is going smoothly thus far. Hopefully it's working well!

Looks like the crowds are getting bigger at the Friday night car cruise down here on Ritchie Highway. You should bring the wagon on down through the tunnel some night!
[> Subject: Hi Stacy!

Al R
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Date Posted: 15:27:13 08/15/06 Tue

I hope I get to see you at the track on saturday, I'm not racin anything but I'd like to see you and Mark
[> [> Subject: HEY AL

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Date Posted: 16:49:32 08/15/06 Tue

Mark and I are planning on being there! He won't be racing either.
[> Subject: chemo

vickie cranford
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Date Posted: 19:31:57 08/16/06 Wed

Stacy, I am glad to hear your treatments are going well! Thanks for the pictures and the breast cancer information. I am going to include it in my pt ed library at my new job. Miss you!! xoxo Vickie


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Date Posted: 12:50:14 08/10/06 Thu

I am asking for prayers for my brother, Mark. He was in a motorcycle accident last night (Saturday night - Sunday morning) at 2:00am. He was at the WAWA in Hickory getting ready to leave and was driving across the parking lot when a car pulled right in front of him. Several people that were there said that they thought they were going to just pass each other when all of a sudden she made a turn right in front of him. He did not even have time to hit the brakes. He T-boned her then flew over the car and landed on his head.

They took him by ambulance to Johns Hopkins - Bayview Hospital on Eastern Avenue in Baltimore. He had all kinds of CT scans, an MRI, and x-rays. Unbelievably, the only thing broke is his nose. He is having a lot of back pain between his shoulder blades. His right arm and hand are not working quite right. Imagine what it’s like to wake up in the morning and your arm and hand are asleep….. You don’t have the correct control of your arm. That is somewhat how it is for him with the right arm and hand. Both of his hands are numb also.

He had a deep cut below his nose and a few on his lips so a plastic surgeon stitched him up. She did a really good job.

The neurosurgeon wanted him to stay overnight so they can watch him since some things show up later. So he was admitted. I do not know how long he will be there. He may be allowed to go home tomorrow (Monday). I have chemo Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so I am not sure how much I will find out. I hope that my Dad will keep in touch with me often to let me know what is going on.

After I received that horrible call from my Dad I called my Mom. What a heart-wrenching thing to have to tell your mother. I was concerned about her being upset so I picked her up and drove there.

The really cool thing was that I didn't know how to get to Bayview. Marks friend, Bryan K., called me to tell me how to get there about the time I pulled up behind a state trooper on 695 that had someone pulled over. I wanted to ask him how to get there. The cop walked up to my car to see what I wanted as Bryan was giving directions. I explained to the cop that I wanted directions but the guy on the phone with me was telling me. Mom explained that "her son" was in a motorcycle accident. The cop actually said... "I'm the only trooper out here tonight. Put your flashers on and GO! But be careful." That was awesome!!

Many thanks to the people that were at WAWA that tried to help him. THANK YOU for keeping him still!!!

Special thanks to Goldfarb for riding in the ambulance with Mark and to Bryan K. for riding with my Dad to make sure he knew how to get to the hospital and to make sure he was okay!

[> Subject: stacey, sorry to hear about mark.. i thought of trying to go down there today but figured id better not. if you or mark need anything just let me know.

ORV (TROY) 410-937-7508
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Date Posted: 22:48:02 08/06/06 Sun

[> [> Subject: Hey Troy

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Date Posted: 05:19:51 08/07/06 Mon

There's no reason why you shouldn't go. Mark would be happy to see you, I'm very sure of that.
[> [> [> Subject: MARK'S FACIAL INJURIES

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Date Posted: 02:06:35 08/08/06 Tue

The blood under his nose and on his lips are where he had stitches. I'm not sure but I think there's more places on his lip that were stitched but he got the blood off. Looking at the picture - you can see the break area on his nose on the left side of the nose. It has a lump and a bloody scrape. It's actually on the right side of his nose. A doctor is going to see him tomorrow to see if anything needs to be done about it or if it can heal like it is.

Thank GOD this is all that happened to his head considering he landed on his head and face!! God definitely had an Angel on Mark's shoulder.

[> Subject: Yikes

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Date Posted: 23:00:32 08/08/06 Tue

Give Mark my best. I've only met him once (remember that car cruise...he had his wagon...the police were there because of blood on the side of a car...we had to try to keep the police from seeing that Mark had slicks on the wagon!), but I know how close you two are. Looks like the facial injuries will heal; I hope the numbness is better. I know it could have been a lot worse.
[> [> Subject: UPDATE

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Date Posted: 12:50:14 08/10/06 Thu

Mark did find out that he hit a car with guys in it, not girls.

Mark is out of the hospital. His pains and numbing are the same. They are calling it Cervical 7 Radiculopathy which means the nerves in the 7th vertebrae in his neck is affected. It could mean they are pinched or they just have a lot of pressure on them from swelling or both. He is taking a steroid that reduces swelling. He is also on pain medication.

None of the doctors requested he come back for further evaluation. I'm not real comfortable with that. I guess he could contact the hospital to have the neurosurgeons name and number if he needs to go see him again. I would think at some point if it get's better he would need to be released so he can work.

Mark has had a lot of friends call him and come see him. Quite a popular guy!


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Date Posted: 21:32:19 08/04/06 Fri

I had to go see the eye doctor this passed Tuesday because of problems I’ve been having since I had Steven’s Johnson Syndrome. I am sure everyone knows what it is like to drive at night in the rain. I bet you see halos or stars around headlights and maybe even taillights.

My vision is like that all the time starting at the darker side of dusk. In the last few months it has gotten so bad that ALL lights at night are like that including streetlights, store signs…. Emergency vehicle lights are even worse because they flash. It makes it very difficult for me to see, focus, and judge.

He did a complete examination on my eyes. He dilated more than he normally does because he wanted to check every angle inside my eyes. He was looking for the cancer but fortunately; it had not spread there. Thank you, Lord!!

It turns out I have “Dry Eye Syndrome”. He told me to throw out all of my Visine (except Visine tears) and Clear Eyes. He said they actually dry the eyes out. Yes, they get rid of the redness for a while but eventually they make the eyes dry making you use more of it. No one should actually use them on a regular basis. He highly recommends “REFRESH TEARS”. You can use it as often as you need to everyday. You cannot “overdose” on it. It’s not that cheap but it is worth it. My eyes feel a little better but it has only been two full days. I also have not driven in the dark yet.

[> Subject: Dry eyes

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Date Posted: 21:32:19 08/04/06 Fri

When my eyes get dry, I just pop my eyeballs out and soak them in a cup full of WD-40. That usually does the trick!

Actually, since I wear contacts, I use lubricating eyedrops. I hope yours are working well for you.

Subject: FLAT TIRE

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Date Posted: 16:34:52 08/01/06 Tue

I had a daggone flat tire again on my X-Terra. At least it was flat in my parking lot.


[> Subject: Flat Tire

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Date Posted: 16:34:52 08/01/06 Tue

your quite welcome Lil Sis!
glad I could help!

Subject: MY HAIR

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Date Posted: 23:23:04 07/31/06 Mon

For those of you that didn't know me in 1999 when I first got cancer and for those that forgot since it's been so long.... Here's a picture of how long my hair was when I had to lose it from chemo....

My hair Christmas 1999 (or lack thereof LOL....)

and it's finally growing in nice with curls....

Here's a picture of how long my hair was when I had to lose it the second time (2003)....

And I was refusing to cut it!!!!

Here's a picture of how short my hair was when it started growing in the second time....

Here I am coming out from getting radiation...

Here's a picture of how long my hair was when I first when into the hospital for Steven's Johnson Syndrome... I think it shows in my face how uncomfortable I was. My mouth was killing me.

Here's a picture of how much hair I lost in those two weeks in the hospital for Steven's Johnson Syndrome... It can make your hair fall out also.

Here's a picture of how short my hair was on my 40th birthday in January this year!!!!

Here's a picture of how short my hair was on Tracey's last day!!!!

And here I am now!!!!


[> Subject: Hairstyles

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Date Posted: 23:26:20 07/30/06 Sun

Hi, Stacy! Would you classify your current look as a "hair" style? Oh well--I hope you'll be able to start growing it again in the not-to-distant future.
[> [> Subject: OF COURSE!

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Date Posted: 12:11:37 07/31/06 Mon

Since there are still about 50 or so strands there, of course it's a hairstyle!
[> [> [> Subject: Hairstyle

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Date Posted: 23:23:04 07/31/06 Mon

Then I hope you don't go out in public with your hair in curlers, as some women do....


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Date Posted: 12:42:31 07/28/06 Fri

I saw Dr. Hahn yesterday for a follow-up and for bloodwork to check my counts. He was content with both.

My WBC's (white blood cells) were 4.1.
Normal range is 4.8 - 10.8.
Remember the white blood cells fight off infection.

My RBC's (red blood cells) were 3.37.
Normal range is 4.20 - 6.10.
Remember the red blood cells help carry oxygen throughout the body. If you're not getting enough oxygen, you will feel more fatigued.

Since my RBC's were a little low, Dr. Hahn wanted me to get a shot to improve them. I will be getting Procrit instead of Aranesp from now on because I 'feel better' on Procrit. I will have to get that in the tummy but I can handle it as long as I can more it up.

Remember my nurse Tracey that left back in June? She was replaced by a very sweet woman named Vicki. Vicki lives in Harford County so she found a job at Upper Chesapeake Hospital as a cancer navigator. It's a brand new position. When a woman first finds out she has breast cancer, Vicki will walk her through the whole process. I wish her well. It was a brief stay at Good Samaritan but I can understand why she wants to be closer to home. I'm sure gas prices have something to do with it. GOOD LUCK VICKI!! I'll miss you!

Last edited by author: Fri July 28, 2006 12:37:59   Edited 1 time.

[> Subject: VICKI

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Date Posted: 12:42:31 07/28/06 Fri

I forgot to mention that TODAY is Vicki's last day.

I'm glad I got to see her yesterday. I gave her a bunch of cancer books that I don't need anymore. I sure hope it helps while she's setting up the new department. Maybe she'll have a small library of books that patients can borrow.

Last edited by author: Fri July 28, 2006 22:21:48   Edited 1 time.


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Date Posted: 22:23:29 07/26/06 Wed

Sorry I haven't posted much in the last week and didn't respond to anyone. I was having major cable modem problems. Everytime I'd get into this site or other sites, the computer would reboot itself. So I went out and bought a completely different modem and hooked it up over the weekend. But I had to wait until today to call Comcast to have it activated. So I'm back!!

I finished my 2ND ROUND OF CHEMO last week. I'll see Dr. Hahn this Thursday for a check-up and bloodwork.

This passed Thursday was the day for the Neulasta shot (helps keep white blood cells up). The shot is in the belly and it hurts... not as bad as the Aranesp but it still burns. I never look forward to it!!

Well.... my nurse gave me the syringe to hold and try to warm up since they are refrigerated. I held it for about 15 to 20 minutes so it was good and warmed up. I got up to get a drink and she saw me. She apologized and said she had forgotten I was there. It was real quiet in there that day. So she came out and gave me the shot. Warming it up makes a huge difference!!!! I barely even felt the needle. It's the medicine in the syringe that is painful and I didn't even feel it. I told Jeanette to make sure I warm up all syringes in the future for at least 15 minutes!!!!!

Last edited by author: Tue July 25, 2006 12:42:26   Edited 1 time.

[> Subject: There you are!

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Date Posted: 22:41:56 07/25/06 Tue

I've been wondering where you've been. I thought perhaps you were hiding in a monastery in Tibet. Glad to hear you're doing ok.
[> Subject: keep on rolling

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Date Posted: 22:23:29 07/26/06 Wed

I read about the eating of corn and had to laugh so hard. Are you trying to "pop" everything bad out of you. That is the first that I have heard anyone on chemo liking corn like that. Sure glad to hear that the chemo is going good and that you can drive. That must bring a big smile!!!
Was nice to hear that a cancer site was "quiet". Wouldn't it be great if they didn't have any patients.

Subject: CHEMO

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Date Posted: 11:31:58 07/25/06 Tue

My chemo went just fine yesterday. They gave me the Ativan again which makes me sleep like a rock. Vicki (my nurse) said she had to call me twice before I woke up. Then I slept real good last night. I love that stuff for that reason. But I only get it on the first day.

I still have to go today and tomorrow for the Etoposide chemo.

My appetite has improved way too much for my liking! I need to be careful, I'll gain all the weight back I lost. Since last July, I've lost 85 lbs. and I love it. I'm finally back to a weight that works for me. I've lost enough weight to go down 6 pants sizes!! I don't need to lose any more but I don't want to gain either.

Fortunately most of what I eat is good for me or has things in it that I need, like protein. I eat a lot of fruits for snacks and I drink Boost for nutrition. I've been eating corn on the cob like crazy!! I've cut way back on the butter, salt, and old bay that I put on it just because I know that's not healthy. But at least I'm getting a vegetable. Some things are just for fun like snowballs with marshmellow and I love ice-cream sandwiches. I've never been one for sweets but I'm starting to really want them. Must be the chemo. I think eating is really helping with my energy level.

My balance is improving too. The doctor is REAL happy to hear that. So am I, it's a lot easier to control the dogs outside. I also don't have any pain and I don't need pain killers anymore. He's very happy about that too. I can drive when I want to with no pain killers.


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Date Posted: 12:13:49 07/18/06 Tue

Great to hear things went so well... Keep it up "Casey-Jones" Love and prayers forever.....
[> Subject: Off to a good start

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Date Posted: 22:35:58 07/18/06 Tue

Hey Stacy--glad to hear things went well. I hope it's a sign of good things to come.

And that talk about sweets just reminded me--I have some cake downstairs, and I'm going to go get some!
[> Subject: Chemo

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Date Posted: 08:04:14 07/19/06 Wed

Stacy, what good news!! I'm so glad things well for you with this new regimen. Really sounds like this is going to do the trick.
Love, Peg
[> Subject: appetite

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Date Posted: 08:29:13 07/19/06 Wed

Glad to hear you are getting your appetite back!! Maybe since you are able to drive again you can make it down this way for an OG or Longhorn lunch!
[> Subject: Hi Stacy!

Al R
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Date Posted: 09:20:09 07/25/06 Tue

All these weird foods! You sure it's the chemo and not pregnant?............lmao
[> [> Subject: PREGNANT?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Date Posted: 11:31:58 07/25/06 Tue

HOLY COW! Definitely not pregnant. Unless it's miraculous conception!!!

Subject: THIS APPLIES...

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Date Posted: 11:24:52 07/18/06 Tue

I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved....

Last edited by author: Tue July 18, 2006 11:24:52   Edited 1 time.

Subject: ROUND 2

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Date Posted: 21:08:01 07/17/06 Mon

Tomorrow (Monday) I begin ROUND 2 of the new chemo....

Day 1 = I will get Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV and Carboplatin 720 mg's

Day 2 = I will get Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV

Day 3 = Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV

Day 4 = I will get a shot of Neulasta in my belly to improve my white blood cells (WBC'S)

Day 8 = Start taking Levaquin antibiotic for 7 days. Start taking temperature every 4 hours. If 100.0 or above call Dr. Hahn.

Day 10 = I will have blood work taken to check CBC’s (blood counts) and see the doctor.

Day 21 = See the doctor and start the next round.

[> Subject: Hello!

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Date Posted: 11:12:32 07/16/06 Sun

Hows everything going? Glad to see your appetite is back.Never saw anybody eat a whole dozen ears of corn by them selves.
[> [> Subject: MORE CORN

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Date Posted: 21:39:25 07/16/06 Sun

Believe it or not I had corn Thursday, Friday, and Saturday also. But the most was 6 ears at one sitting.

I ate my whole lunch today at Chili's. Then came home and nibbled on pistachio's, ice-cream sandwiches, and cherries. I should be losing my appetite again this week. I hope I do, at this rate I'll be gaining a lot of weight back and I do not want to do that.

Actually I've been feeling pretty good. I haven't napped in several days. My balance is a little better also!! That's a real good sign, I'll be sure to tell Dr. Hahn tomorrow. My neck is finally feeling a little better. The shoulders are still hurting though.

Really the only bad thing that has happened, Bo attacked Tyler Friday night around Midnight. I was in another room when it got started so I'm not 100% sure what happened. I ran out of the other room and had a hell of a time getting Bo off of Tyler. He put puncture wounds on the inside of Tyler's armpit. I think he actually bit Tyler's shoulder because he was limping. He's doing a lot better now. They are no longer left alone together.

I took Bo to the SPCA Saturday but they said they would put him down so I brought him back home. The SPCA gave me a magazine and a list of rescues to call. I haven't had much luck. I haven't heard anything out of the one rescue I was working with. At this point, he has got to go and the sooner the better. But I refuse to take him to simply just be put down. What a predicament. It may just come down to putting an add in the paper and see if anyone wants him.

What have you been up to?

[> Subject: HEY STACY!

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Date Posted: 23:10:40 07/16/06 Sun

Just realized I hadn't stopped by here in a week or so. I was on vacation last week--took Patrick to OC for a couple days. He doesn't do much other than ride his boogie board and feed potato chips to the seagulls. I, however, slipped out one morning and went parasailing.

Just got back from a cookout at my sister's place. Had to re-wire a couple of hanging lamps for my mom. She's getting very comfortable in her new place, and is glad to have most of her kids so close.

Good luck with the new chemo. I hope this one works well!
[> [> Subject: TODAY-7-17-06

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Date Posted: 21:08:01 07/17/06 Mon

how'd your chemo go today? Is your appetite still going strong?
I'm hating this hot humid weather!


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Date Posted: 11:38:54 07/15/06 Sat

I went to see the doctor today for blood work and so he could see how I handled my first round of the new chemo.

My white blood cell count is down but he is satisfied with the number. It was 2.3.

My red blood cell count was also down. He wanted me to get that awful Aranesp shot. I basically begged and asked if we could wait until I had the IV in my port. It burns so bad. So he wrote me prescription for Procrit instead for this week. I got it in my tummy. It is MUCH MORE tolerable than the Aranesp AND the Neulasta.

Overall he's happy since I don't have anymore chest pain AND because I did so well on the chemo.

[> Subject: hi

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Date Posted: 10:53:48 07/09/06 Sun

just stop by to see how you are doing and say hi
[> Subject: Good News

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Date Posted: 09:35:08 07/10/06 Mon

Stacy, it was great to hear that your blood tests were good. It sounds like you are going to tolerate this new regimen pretty well. Also good to hear that you're still taking an active part in your treatment -- that's important.
Love, Peg
[> Subject: reply to 7/10/06 message

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Date Posted: 15:11:45 07/12/06 Wed

Hi Stacy,
I just checked in. I'm glad to hear that your blood tests were OK and that you got to put off the awful medicine.

Keep hanging in there. My prayers are going strong for you every day.

[> Subject: glad to hear it

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Date Posted: 14:17:08 07/14/06 Fri

Glad to hear all is well with you. It looks like the last round of chemo went well. I am on your site often but usually get called away or distracted before I can leave you a message - NOT THIS TIME DANGIT!! Give your girls (and boy) a hug from me and I hope you keep up the good work.
[> Subject: Glad you are doing better

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Date Posted: 11:38:54 07/15/06 Sat

I am Soooooooo happy to here you are feeling some better and you can drive again. I am doing well and the 6 dogs are fine. The geese are doing well. The Iguana that I gave Anthony has turned out to be a lover, if it sees food it tries to get to it in or out of the cage, it loves to be held and had feed. Oh have you ever looked up any info on the "alligator turtle" I think that is what you might have. They live in water and use their tongue as bait to catch food... You keep the faith and keep us all in prayer... Love Ya


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Date Posted: 02:24:57 07/05/06 Wed

[> Subject: fourth...

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Date Posted: 11:58:59 07/04/06 Tue

HI and happy 4th of july.. I sent a adderss for a fireworks show on your computer, I hope you got it.. I sure miss you and everyone out there. It gets a little lonely here I get to see one or two folks now and then. I better go and I will keep praying for God's will continuing to be done in all our life. Love Ya Kid...
[> Subject: Happy 4th of July, Stacy!

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Date Posted: 13:12:10 07/04/06 Tue

Hope you enjoy the day, and I hope the weather holds out and you get to see the fireworks tonight! I'll be going to my sister's house, where most of my family will be. It will be the first family gathering with their pool open.
[> Subject: FIREWORKS

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Date Posted: 02:24:57 07/05/06 Wed

FIREWORKS DISPLAY in BEL AIR. I watched from Dad's front yard.


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Date Posted: 18:08:45 07/03/06 Mon

Last edited by author: Mon July 03, 2006 18:08:45   Edited 1 time.

Subject: 4th of July

Connie (Honig)
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Date Posted: 22:07:22 07/01/06 Sat

How you doing? I was wondering what you are going to do for the 4th? Do they have any big firework displays in your area. I go to the end of my block and can see a firework display given by the college. Sure glad to hear that this chem is going better so far.
Got your Irish Wish - And I did send it back to you. haaa haaa haaa
Thinking of yah
[> Subject: Gonna rain

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Date Posted: 22:07:22 07/01/06 Sat

Hi Connie! Traditionally I drive up to my Dad's for the 4th of July. He still lives in the same house I grew up in. Some years, depending on the heat, we walk up town and watch a parade.

My old high school is within walking distance from Dad's. They set off fireworks there. You can see some of them from Dads but it's a better show at the high school. However, this year I'm hearing it's supposed to rain. I HOPE NOT!!!

I was in the hospital last year for the 4th and was upset that I couldn't go watch fireworks. So I've really been looking forward to it this year. And now I'm hearing RAIN is in the forcast!!!

Subject: Hi Stacey

Al R
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Date Posted: 08:35:18 06/30/06 Fri

I've been thinking about you, and my offer still stands, if you want ANYTHING, including bringing you something special to eat you just call me, I know you have my number
[> Subject:

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Date Posted: 08:35:18 06/30/06 Fri

Al, I REALLY appreciate that and may just have to take you up on it sometime.


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Date Posted: 08:26:03 06/30/06 Fri

I finished everything necessary for the first week of the new chemo. I got all the chemo drugs and pre-meds successfully. And so far I haven't gotten sick.

I wasn't looking forward to the Neulasta shot knowing it would be given subcutaneously and in the belly. They usually burn. Well it still burned but not as bad as the Aranesp. The Neulasta is to improve your white blood cell count and the Aranesp is for the red blood cells. I still get the Aranesp but now they can put it right in my IV and it's painless. I like painless!! I can do painless!!


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Date Posted: 08:15:44 06/30/06 Fri

Mom took me to my follow-up examination. Since my chest pain level is better he wants to wean me off the Morphine. I will be going from two 30 mg tablets per to two 15 mg per day. YEA baby!! I will be able to drive again. As for the chemo, he is changing it to VP 16-213 (Etopside) and Carboplatin starting Monday June 26th. The rounds are in 21 day cycles again. Carboplatin is very hard on the WBC's, RBC’S, causes nausea, and hair loss. The Etopside is one of the very few chemo drugs that can make it through the brain barrier.

The Gamma Knife procedure is out of the question. If it were one mass and it was in the exact same place as last time, we could do it thinking that it did not complete the job. Doing radiation or Gamma Knife on multiple areas would be like chasing our tails by not knowing where it is going to hit next. Two out of the three are growing. That is why we are trying the Etopside. 11:15am blood pressure = 100/68 pulse = 72. Two out of the three in my brain are still growing so hopefully the Etopside helps!

Day 1 = I will get Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV and Carboplatin 720 mg's

Day 2 = I will get Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV

Day 3 = Etopside (VP16-213)=180 ml IV

Day 4 = I will get a shot of Neulasta to improve my white blood cells (WBC'S)

Day 8 = Start taking Levaquin antibiotic for 7 days. Start taking temperature every 4 hours. If 100.0 or above call Dr. Hahn.

Day 10 = I will have blood work taken to check CBC’s.

Day 21 = See the doctor and start another round.

Last edited by author: Tue June 27, 2006 17:25:58   Edited 2 times.

[> Subject: Response

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Date Posted: 17:31:25 06/23/06 Fri

I think I am going to start calling you Dr. Preston. And instead of Dr. Hahn receiving billing from the insurance company, I think you should take your fair share. You impress me with all of your knowledge. I don't know how you keep it straight.
Good Luck with the VP-1 and carbo on Monday.
I will be thinking of you-as always. Tracey
[> [> Subject: GREAT TO SEE YOU

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Date Posted: 12:16:12 06/24/06 Sat

Hi Tracey! It was great to see you at the Relay for Life. Sorry I couldn't stay for the illuminary lighting. But I had a good reason to leave. Huh!?!?!

That's funny!! I'd like a fair share too. It's easy to learn when you have nurses like you and Jeanette that allow me to learn. You'll answer all my questions and deal with my whims. And plus I just "get it". The body and how it works makes sense to me. Dr. Preston's prescription is just keep me here long enough to learn every bit I can. But it doesn't all have to be by experience LOL!!!!!!!

[> Subject: Thinking of you

Bonnie Bain
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Date Posted: 18:50:31 06/23/06 Fri

Hey Chickie,
You know I love ya girlfriend and have you in my thoughts and prayers. Next tuesday I'm having a revisional operation on my right arm...so I'll be around and will hopefully catch you at home when I'm better. I've been doing some consulting work ...nice to be needed.

You are an awesome person and quite a fighter...I admire you...so does Addy who is helping me type!

[> [> Subject: SAY HI TO ADDY

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Date Posted: 12:22:34 06/24/06 Sat

I still gotta get there to meet the (half-grown by now I'm sure) kitten. Good luck with your surgery.

I'm not really looking forward to starting this new chemo from what I'm hearing about it but hey, if it helps......

What kind of consulting work?

[> Subject: hey stacy

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Date Posted: 21:57:46 06/23/06 Fri

I'm sorry to hear the latest about your scans. But if anyone can beat this YOU CAN. I do have to correct you though. The carbo is on the first day and the vp-16 is for 3 days. I don't know if you have ever tried sea-bancs for nausea. You wear them on your wrist. People use them when they go on ships for seasickness. It's always worth a try. It works for some of my patients. I still find you amazing. Just know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I haven't forgotten you and your mom and I are supposed to go out for crabs one day. Bet you thought I forgot about that. Just cause I left Good Sam doesn't mean I forgot you. Hang in there. I love your web site. You still are the poster child for coursage and strength. Hang in There. Love ya
[> [> Subject: HEY KAREN

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Date Posted: 00:02:51 06/24/06 Sat

I always love to hear from you even though it's rare. I remember about the crabs... just get on Mom about it. I know she'd love to see you AND have crabs!!

I could have sworn the script was written the way I wrote it above. I actually copied it from the script. Maybe he's trying something different with me. I'll have to check that out.

I've never heard of the sea-bands but I've also never needed them. The AC treatment was the only one I actually needed extra anti-nauseau drugs for. But I'll keep them in mind just in case. Thanks for the heads up!!

[> [> [> Subject: DARE I QUESTION MY NURSE

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Date Posted: 05:10:32 06/26/06 Mon

Hey Karen, I was re-reading what I copied from Dr. Hahns' script. You are right, I will be getting the Etopside for three days and the Carboplatin just the first day with the Etopside. I missed the "x3" part next to the Etopside. Thanks for bringing my attention to my error. I don't like giving false information about my care and treatment. Sure do miss you!!
[> Subject: Good Luck

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Date Posted: 07:57:36 06/24/06 Sat

Sounds like the side effects are not going to be fun, but I think the aggressive treatment is a good thing, especially if it can have an effect in your brain. Hang in there and let us know if there's anything we can do to help. And a special thanks for keeping all your friends who love you up to date on what's going on.
Love, Peg (and Jerry)
[> Subject: casey-jones...

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Date Posted: 11:59:40 06/25/06 Sun

HI, I am checking in on you daily, sorry I do not get back to you more, Guess I am getting old. I know that the Lord is with you all the time watching and protecting. We do not know why things are the way they are but we sure can trust in Jesus. I know there are many prayers for you every day, and the most I can do is say that I know His will be done. With someone like you showing haw brave you are and being an example to many others, thank you so much... Love Ya Casey-Jones...GBY
[> [> Subject: HI UNCLE ANTHONY

Casey Jones
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Date Posted: 08:34:34 06/26/06 Mon

I believe I'm only as brave as I am because of Jesus. I know He has many Angels on my shoulders around the clock. I have complete faith in Him and my life is in His hands. I hope His will is a miracle for me though!

[> Subject: greetings

Mary White
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Date Posted: 08:40:16 06/26/06 Mon

Hi Stacy,
I wish you the best that God has to offer. I know these treatments are difficult to get through but whatever helps is worth doing. I know you have the strength to see it through. Keep going. My prayers are going out for you every day.

[> Subject: CORRECTED

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Date Posted: 17:33:09 06/27/06 Tue







Last edited by author: Tue June 27, 2006 20:50:21   Edited 1 time.


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Date Posted: 18:29:11 06/27/06 Tue

Glad to hear you got some sleep! I know sleep,or at least sleep for more than a couple hours at a time has been rough for you.Feels great to get a good nights sleep,I hope you sleep 8-10 hours without any wake ups!
Glad to hear your appetite is coming back too!
[> [> [> Subject: SLEEP

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Date Posted: 21:00:57 06/27/06 Tue

Yea, that drug Ativan that they gave me is a wonderful sleeping pill. And you're out cold while you're asleep.

My nurse, Vicki, told me that I had such an appetite yesterday because of the steroid Decadron. I told her that Decadron has never increased my appetite before. She said I never got that high of a dose. But she was still surprised I had an appetite. Most people get nauseaus from the Carboplatin. But I could still feel sick within the next few days from it. Hopefully that won't happen.

I stopped taking the Morphine last night. This is the first day without any sooooo expect to be seeing me up there again soon in the wagon.

Last edited by author: Tue June 27, 2006 22:12:45   Edited 1 time.

[> Subject: STACY!

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Date Posted: 23:05:30 06/29/06 Thu

Hey Stacy! Just thought I'd say hello, to make sure you haven't forgotten me. Are we still getting married next weekend?
[> [> Subject: SORRY DEAR

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Date Posted: 08:15:44 06/30/06 Fri

After thinking it over, I just can't do it. Sorry Hun!

But have a great birthday on the 4th anyway!!

Subject: Hi Stacy

Al R
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Date Posted: 14:53:38 06/26/06 Mon

Hey kiddo, been thinkin about ya, call me if ya need anything, I'll be there with bells on! Mark has my new number

Subject: typo

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Date Posted: 22:02:44 06/23/06 Fri

I had a typo it's sea-bands for nausea

Subject: Hi Stacy

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Date Posted: 07:34:47 06/23/06 Fri

I hope things went well, or as well as can be hoped for, yesterday. I was going through my old computer last night, transferring old pictures to the new computer, and I found my favorite Stacy picture. I'll e-mail it to you.

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