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Date Posted: Sat, February 24 2024, 11:44:35
Author: Betsy, I'm pretty sure I'm Betsy. Somedays I'm sure, but not today.
Subject: QOTD for Saturday (I think)2/24/24

Happy Saturday/Sunday to us All,

My desk-top computer sits up against a wall full of (dusty) pictures of four generations of Family paintings and photos. Paintings of my two grandmothers as young women hang above my head, sometimes beautiful, sometime eerie, sometimes intimadating. Both of those ladies were about twenty when the original pictures were taken. My parents had oil paintings made sometime in the sixties and the Ladies now reside on my wall, beautiful and haunting.

There are many more photos planted all over the wall.....From a cute black and white of my father, age about two trying to climb into a wagon with his cousins, to David's father as a young man, David as a baby, and a ton more, but you get the picture.

Way over on the left side is a miniature painting of an unknown woman in my ancestory. The framing around it is quite beautiful, but the woman herself doesn't appear to have been a beauty. Her head is large, her arms are short, her hair is pulled severly back behind her ears into what may be a curl down her back BUT her eyes are quite nice. When I was young, my brothers and I had many times stood staring at this mystery relative, wondering who she was and why do we have her on our wall. When I reached my later teens, I inherited Miss Aunt-Somebody and she moved to my room, hanging on the wall right by the door.

One day, a couple who were friends of my parents came to visit and were being given a tour of our home. When they entered my room, the woman put her glasses on and stared at the Mystery Woman's miniature. "This is amazing!!!! How did you get a picture of Betsy into an authentic miniature? This is fascinating!" Before anyone had a chance to reply, my younger brother volunteered (lovingly) "That's not Betsy..... That's Aunt Ugly."

No one said a thing, just meandered judiciously out of my bedroom to go see a very beautiful painting in a different room. I don't remember exactly how the "chat" with my brother went, but I was four years older and out-weighed him by a considerable amount. I think there was blood involved.

And Aunt Ugly is still hanging on my wall. Maybe I'm working off some Karma.


The following quote is taken from "Go Tell The Bees I Am Gone," by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 126, 'When I go to sleep at night, I die.' Copyright 2021 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.

"Let's leave Albert out of it," he said hastily "At least for now."

"Alright," she said agreeably, "Einstein never got it to work, anyway. All I'm saying is, Maybe when you walk into one of those places--- if you have the genetics for it---you, um, die. Physically. You disolve into stardust, if you want to call it that---- and your particles can pass through stone, because they're smaller than the atoms that make up the stones."

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[> It's a short quote today. This whole conversation between Brianna and Roger gave me the willies. It still does. Taking into account subatomic particles and the principles of physics...."Energy doesn't die, it only transforms," and all that. When I read this the first time, I had shivers running up my back and I got a headache. There is a lot more of this conversation but the past couple of days represents the gist of it. It still makes my head spin backwards. -- Betsy BFS, Sat, February 24 2024, 11:59:19

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[> [> I agree, Betsy. This was too much for me. I once read The Dancing Wu Li Masters, which is about quantum physics (!?!?!?!?) One thing that I got out of it: when you go deep, deep, deep into subatomic particles, there's nothing there, so we're basically made up of nothing! I When Bree and Roger had this discussion, I remembered that factoid...... -- Janet, Sun, February 25 2024, 9:06:21

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[> [> [> Wow! Janet, you are ambitious to pick up a book with THAT title! lol. I do agree that this stuff boggles my brain; and the part where Jamie and Claire discuss “matter changes but never disappears.” -- Kathy in PA, Sun, February 25 2024, 12:19:32

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[> [> [> [> Janet, You are a brave woman! That’s quite an undertaking. The reason this discussion made my head spin was because it actually made sense to me. I’ve shied away from quantum physics…. I was pretty sure I’d recognize a word here and there, but that would be it. Bree’s thoughts struck a chord with me. -- Betsy BFS, Sun, February 25 2024, 20:44:35

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