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Unplanned Pregnancy Discussions

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This board is for women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, and don't know if they want to keep the pregnancy going. You can post your feelings and concerns and fears. Women normally will receive responses from people with both views, prochoice OR prolife. Please understand that by posting here, you will receive a lot of different advice and ideas - these are other people's views and feelings, use them as information as you decide what is the best answer for you and your life. It helps to know all sides of the story when trying to make a difficult decision.

For people responding to women who are pregnant, please remember to be sensitive and caring, and do not get into arguments with other posters about their views. Posters who post critical remarks about other posters, their messages, or the help agencies they recommend, or try to provoke debate will have their posts deleted. Public criticism of posts will not be acknowledged. Criticism of the board leader or helpers creates an atmosphere of debate and contentiousness that causes insecurity in women seeking help and so will be deleted. Offending posts will be deleted at the sole discretion of the board moderator. The moderator may not be able to approve posts recommending medical actions, for liability reasons. The participants are not qualified to diagnose pregnancy, and in any case, no one can diagnose pregnancy through a discussion board. Nor can posts that solicit for adoption be approved; the moderators are in no position to screen potential adoptive parents.

This board is not for debate. If you want to debate, please go to this board Prolife Debate or this one Abortion Debate

Using the above debate boards is at your discretion--The moderator is not responsible for content. For any questions about this board, or to report inappropriate posts, email Diane Cheryl DCHERYL51@yahoo.com or CHERYL51@mail.com

Be one of the founding members of a newly- formed group to ask questions and find answers about abortion and other alternatives. Join at TeenChoice or Join this forum at Abortion and Alternatives

If you want to chat with someone, and there is no one in the chat room when you are online, please post a note on the board, telling people when you can be there, or email Carieichel@aol.com to arrange a time to meet and chat.

If you want to sign up for the Unplanned Pregnancy Help email list, please go to this site: Unplanned Pregnancy Help Email list

Post Abortion Healing Support Board

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Help for Unwanted or Unplanned Pregnancies

Subject: The Burden of Hope

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Date Posted: 11:13:34 12/14/07 Fri

The Burden of Hope
From Jars of Clay
“Christmas Reflections”
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
Christmas comes each year with its dangerous invitation to hope. Yet for most of us, this invitation feels more like an inconvenience and a burden. We see this burden from the very beginning, as Mary herself pondered the meaning of all of these things, I wonder how many of her personal hopes and dreams were on the altar at this moment. Surely this was not the life that she had dreamed for herself, and who could possibly understand the road that she was about to walk? Who would go with her? As she began to consider all that she would lose along this journey the invitation to hope must have felt callous and far-fetched.
If you are like me this is where most of my adult Christmas’ have been spent, burdened and heavy under the Hope that promises much but asks for everything along the way. Maybe this is your story this year, maybe your losses have been deep and painful. Maybe you stand in the reality of every Christmas from now on being a bitter reminder of those that are no longer with you, and things that have been lost along the way. If this is you take courage from Mary who somehow found a way to move from deep pondering and introspection to singing. Somewhere along the road the question of her life ceases to become “If you knew me and loved me God how could you ask this of me” to “God who do you see when you look at me?” Somewhere along the way her hope was unfettered to all those good things that she had hoped her life would be and became anchored to God’s hopes for her.
“for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed,” – Luke 2:48

**Mary walked in your shoes - she knew the frightening feelings of being an unwed mother - and she knew she was facing stoning (the death penalty) for her position. Remember that God is with you in your situation, He will see you through the tough time.

Subject: Am I pregnant or what? Please help

Sarah (worried)
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Date Posted: 22:52:29 12/11/07 Tue

Hi, im Sarah, and im 15 years old. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend who ive been dating for a year. We had sexual intercourse 2 months ago and since then I havent had my period Ive had a few symptoms such as:
fatique, sleepiness, drowsiness, swollen and tender breast, hoorible pains in my sides and also 2 cases of morning sickness.
But i havent took a test yet but i am soon, but today i started to bleed a very slimy brownish color for a hour or so ... Can any on give me advice andtell me if yall think im pregnant or not and what is the brownish stuff is that my period im so confused and so young please help..

Subject: Doctor's don't know everything

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Date Posted: 09:01:05 12/11/07 Tue

Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Tebow Could Have Been a Victim of Abortion Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
December 9, 2007

New York, NY (LifeNews.com) -- University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow became the first sophomore in the history of the NCAA to win the coveted Heisman Trophy as the best football player in the nation. However, Tebow's accomplishments may never have been supported had his mother followed a doctor's recommendation to have an abortion.
With 29 passing touchdowns and 22 rushing touchdowns, Tebow displayed the kind of versatility that has become more valued at the quarterback position.

Pam Tebow and her husband were Christian missionaries in the Philippines in 1985 and they prayed for "Timmy" before she became pregnant.

Unfortunately, as the Gainesville Sun reports, Pam entered into a coma after she contracted amoebic dysentery, an infection of the intestine caused by a parasite found in a contaminated food or drink.

The treatment for the medical condition would require strong medications that doctors told Pam had caused irreversible damage to Tim -- so they advised her to have an abortion.

As the Sun reported, Pam Tebow refused the abortion and cited her Christian faith as the reason for her hope that her son would be born without the devastating disabilities physicians predicted.

Pam ultimately spent the last two months of her pregnancy in bed and, eventually, gave birth to a health baby boy in August 1987.

As she told the newspaper, Pam was not surprised that her son would be up for the Heisman despite no underclassman receiving the award since its inception in 1933.

"The combination of Timmy's God-given talent, hard work, character and leadership have made a mark on and off the football field," she said.

As prominent researcher Joel Brind writes in a new LifeNews.com editorial, doctors are frequently telling women they should consider abortions when confronted with various medical situations affecting their health.

Yet, as he notes, physicians can successfully treat both mother and child without suggesting that the baby be killed to spare a mother's life.

Because Tim Tebow was spared, he's wowed a nation by his athletic skill and, at his younger age, has an opportunity to become the second person to win two Heisman awards.

Printed from: http://www.lifenews.com/nat3523.html
Subject: Advice Needed A.S.A.P. Please

Tiffany (Worried)
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Date Posted: 20:24:51 12/07/07 Fri

Okay. I've never done a forum thing but i need help!!

My periods are very regular, and usually last 6 days.
My last period was November 6 through the 12th.

On November 21 I had a pap smear done so I could get started on birth control when my next period started.

I was in a 7 month relationship which broke off around the time i got my pap smear, it was an emotional crisis for me. We talk about getting back together, and then staying friends...It's immature I know, but the stress is overwhelming.

Him & I had sex on November 29. He went for a little, and then stopped, and we did other things until he ejaculated to make sure nothing happened. We had always used condoms, except that time.

I was his first person to have sex with and he didn't want to just have sex with anyone else when he hadn't been in a relationship with them, and he still has strong feelings for me.

It's now December 7 leaving me late by a day!!
I'm having mild cramping, but no period...

Could it just be the stress from the break up, or is it more likely that i could be pregnant?

Subject: pregnant and need to decide

Anna (confused and sad)
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Date Posted: 14:52:59 12/05/07 Wed

Well I'm 22 years old and I'm 12 weeks 5 days pregnant and I feel very bad for not making my decission yet. There are many cons to having this baby in my opinion. The father of the baby is now my ex boyfriend and is seeing someone else, he doesn't have a proper job and is having financial prolems. He's also not emotionally supportive, only seeing my once in a while,although he's for me keeping the baby. However, he spends all his time with his new girlfriend and doesn't have time for me and my needs when I need him. I also have financial problems and my family isn't in a position where they would be able to help me. I also feel like if I have a baby now I will not be able to help my parents and my family, financially in the future...we have a lot of money problems. My parents also don't like my ex boyfriend because he has lied and betrayed me in the past, and also because he has been in trouble with the law. If they found out about me being pregnant with his baby they would be extremly dissapointed and shocked. I don't know how my family would react and I don't want to be the cause of putting stress and problems on my family, I'm afraid it would make me and my family grow apart. I have already had 3 abortions and I don't know how having another one would make me feel, I feel like I'm too weak and I feel bad for not being strong enough.After my last abortion I felt depressed for a while, and constantly kept asking myself "what if i kept my baby". It's very painful to be preganant and not have the father around, especially knowing he's with someone else, someone who he left me for and caused me a lot of heartache. I just want to move on and forget about him, but how can I if I'm pregnant with his baby? I don't think I'm strong enough to do it on my own. He says he will be with me when the baby comes, but I don't believe him. He's so careless with my emotions and doesn't understand that being pregnant isn't easy. io haven't told anyone in my family yet, but I know that I would be too embarrased to live at home with my mother and my uncle if I kept the baby because it's my uncle's house and he has been kind enough to let my mom and I stay with him for many years, I would dissapoint him and my father who lives in a nother country very much. Where would I live? How will I afford this baby?

Subject: Re: One Week After Conception Symptoms?

stacey (happy)
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Date Posted: 14:44:53 11/27/07 Tue

hey me and my boyfriend have sex like every couple days..my period is not expected until the fourth of december..today is the 27th of november..i have been feeling dizzy and been nauseated..but every time i feel as though i am about to throw up i just gag and nothing comes up.Is it possible to be having pregnancy symptoms this early in the game?

Subject: Funding Issues

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Date Posted: 20:07:44 11/17/07 Sat

Hello all. I am in a tight spot and wondered if anyone had any ideas. I am just a couple of weeks pregnant and am planning on having an abortion. Obviously, time is an issue here in terms of raising the money for the procedure. My husband and I are both in college and money is extremely tight; does anyone know of any types of public or private funding that I might take advantage of to help pay for the prodecure? Thanks for any suggestions.

Subject: Am I pregnant?

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Date Posted: 01:05:54 11/15/07 Thu

Well, i am 19 and two months ago i met this guy at work who is 36. He came up to me to ask how my mother was. I didnt know him from adam and i didnt think about him after that. Days later he started talking to me and then talking, went into flirting and then just about 11 days ago, i had sex with him and he was my first but it was unprotected. About four days later my breasts/nipples started to get sore and tender and i've been feeling really nauseas and started cramping and been very bloated but today i got my period and its regular but it came like over a week early and some of my friends have been telling me that i might be pregnant even though i have my period cause their mom's had their periods up to the day they gave birth to their children so i was wondering if i should still go and get tested by a doctor? Oh ontop of that, this man is very fertile and already has five other kids.

Subject: Am I pregnant or overthinking the situation?

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Date Posted: 00:33:58 11/06/07 Tue

my period has been irregular since the age of 14. i got on the pill when i was 16, and i started to become regular. i got off the pill, and it went back to being irregular. i am now 17, and i took the birthcontrol shot once about 6 months ago. i know by now it would have worn off, and it could be a chance that i am pregnant. lately i have been very tired, moody, i cry sometimes for no reason, and i am very bloated. my breast don't hurt like i hear a lot of people say when they get pregnant, but my nipples are very sensative. what has really been bothering me though is my lower back. it just won't stop hurting. could that also been a sign of pregnancy, or not really? i really have a couple of questions, so if someone could please help me i would really appreciate it.
~is it possible to get pregnant when u have an irregurlar period?
~does back pain have anything to do with it?
~how soon after pregnancy do u start to show?

Subject: so scared

ashley (scared)
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Date Posted: 13:55:26 11/05/07 Mon

ok heres the deal! i went to the dr and i had chilmidia i got treated,not knowing how long i had had it and i ended up sleepin with the same person and caught it agian four months ago, and still havent got treated, we have been having unprotected sex for 5.5months now and i still havent ended up preg....then a friend said if i kept that disease so long that it could make it where i couldnt have any more kids. how long can you have it till this happens???

Subject: Confused about everything

Chantel (Sad)
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Date Posted: 21:04:59 10/30/07 Tue

Well hi everyone im 16 years old and my boyfriend is 19.We've been together for 3months and i just found out im pregnant.I told him and he's happy and all but today we were talking and he said"i dont want it anymore".i started crying because i thought we were on the same mindset.He said he has enough money for me to get an abortion.I dont want one,i wanna keep my baby.My moms gonna be mad but i dont care.I dont know what to do.......i wanna keep my baby but i cant do it by myself.Can someone help me please.Thanks

Subject: ?

Stephanie (happy)
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Date Posted: 01:31:00 10/28/07 Sun

if i had sex on sunday will i be able to tell am pregnant or see signs dat am pregnant

Subject: Re: What are my chances of being pregnant or just a worry wart!!

Allison (Nervous)
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Date Posted: 20:23:50 10/28/07 Sun

I'm worried about being pregnant. Although I've been on the pill for nearly 10 months, I took it about 8 hours late on Wednesday.. I ended up having sex on Thursday, as well. I think I'm worrying myself sick, but I really am scared.. What do you think my chances are?

Subject: What should i do!?!

Jenny (confused)
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Date Posted: 00:22:42 10/25/07 Thu

Im 17 and ive had unprotected sex with my bf quite a few times, and im pregnant. I haven't told him yet, but i kind of hinted to it, and he said if i turn up pregnant at any time that i should get an abortion. He is 18 and already has a kid. But i dont believe in abortions, and i dont want to get one, bc i could never live with the fact that i killed my own child! what should i do?!

Subject: Need advise

x vigil (happy)
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Date Posted: 15:15:11 10/19/07 Fri

Okay i'm the boyfriend i'm 16 written this i know its weird but who cares but me and my girlfriend for 1 yr. and 9 monthe, .. well she just turned 18 this year and we stop having unprotected sex after she turned 18 then a week after her birthday she's knowing that she's pragnant but we havent went to the doctor yet but are soon . Is she goin to get into trouble for being pregnant being with me cause i'm still underage? we are still together but we dont have sex anymore .. And if we go to the doctor will they ask my age if i said i was the father? I look older then her i'm scared i want to be with her and my baby .. My mother knows about this and she is happy but i'm just need advise from someone who knows ...but i dont no what to do .. Please help me

Subject: Worried

Luci (down)
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Date Posted: 00:18:12 10/17/07 Wed

hi.. i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on sunday the 14th in the morning..since then i havnt been feeling very well..getting cramps and sore breasts .. but iam due on round about the 18th... i have jus come on today at dinner time ( tues 16th ), does this now mean iam not pregnant? or should i take a test? if so when?x

Subject: Irregular periods, possible pregnancy?

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Date Posted: 23:45:37 10/16/07 Tue

I have had irregular periods for a few years now, off and on. I have only been on birth control for 6 mo (that was 6 yrs ago!) so it's not due to that. My period was starting on Oct 2nd, but my fiance and I had unprotected sex that night (but he did not finish inside me). Subsequently my period never continued. I am having no symptoms whatsoever but here at 15 days past a regular period date I still have yet to get it. I am highly stressed right now; could that cause me to miss a period? I am scheduled for pregnancy test on Friday. Please pray for me to be content with the results. Thank you.

Subject: HELP???????

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Date Posted: 18:39:19 09/30/07 Sun

ok i am 16 and i am dating a guy who i 18!!! we are having sex and i am on ortho evra birth control patch!! he all ways trys to pull out!!! BUT anyways... ok i just had my period and i was supposta put back on my patch friday but i forgot.. and we had sex... he kept pulling out and i asked him why.. he said i think i am bout to cum... so i started to give him a blowjob and it took him like forever to cum...he thinks he might have cummed in me but... and then cummed again in my mouth.... i got off my period 3 days ago and i woke up with brown stuff in my panties and i bleed alittle after or during sex....ok should i take a preg test or what!?!?! please help I CAN'T BE PREGANT!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: abortion

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Date Posted: 17:09:12 09/27/07 Thu

Hiya i recently had an abortion i feel a whole range of emotions like guilt, anger, sadness, and a loss ! the boy who got me pregnant is now in prison for 18 months, and was no help what so ever when he found out i was pregnant he did not want to know.
then when i told him i had the abortion he was really angry with me which i cant understand

Subject: is natural abortion ok at least the first 2 weeks

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Date Posted: 20:32:14 09/20/07 Thu

i had my first daughter unplanned. her father try to convince me to have an abortion even tell me he will marry after. my decision was made i didn't go along with it. he left me alone homeless and no job and said he din't want me or my shit that i was carrying and never been in her life i went trough so much sleepin in sb couch but god bless me i finished school while i was pregnant i'm workin on my profession now . i met a great guy he has been the greatest father to my child . we this time planned to have a child together he was born 2 months ago. the problem i think i'm pregnant again i had 2 section i don't want to go through that pain again. he doesn't even seem to mind but i do. is natural abortion ok i can't sleep thinkin of that i was just waitin for my period to come to have the birth control injection done but i had unprotected sex it drivin nuts


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Date Posted: 11:50:22 09/25/07 Tue


Subject: condom failure

carol graham
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Date Posted: 10:40:49 09/25/07 Tue

My partner and i hAad intercourse using a condom(he has since told me that the packet was open before he used it} I am now experiencing pregnancy symptoms but its too early to do a test. At the time of intercourse neither one of us noticed a failure or fault with the condom, what im wondering is - is it possible for a condom to fail without any one of us knowing? i have never heard of this happening to anyone else, surely if it split we would have noticed?

Subject: im confused

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Date Posted: 12:59:52 09/17/07 Mon

i think im pregnet its weird i have i child allready and he was text book but this time i feel weird its been 2 months that i have felt like this im still getting my period but its hard to tell as i am allways irregular i have done 2 urine test both said negitive but weird things are happening to me sore boobs heavier, sleepy, more tiolet stops even thought i felt a flutter sleepings bad my wisdom teeth are angry and im getting unusualy pain when i do things like stretching to high or squashing my belly by kneeling im also breaking out in pimples the only effect i havent felt is nausia/vomitting theres no sickness feeling could this be a phantom pregnancy???or maybe i am pregnet i have heard of urine test not allways working i was going to go down to the docs 2day to see if i could get a blood test but i chickened out we have been trying for a child but im worried that the doc might say theres no baby and that maybe its my brain causing this to my body so i really dont know what im asking for maybe on anyones oppinion on if they think that i am pregnet or have anyone here had a phantom pregnancy and give me some insite if this is what it sounds like im so confused i should just go get the test

Subject: Possible pregnancy

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Date Posted: 21:47:04 09/12/07 Wed

I am possibly pregnant. Here is a brief history- my last three periods began on the following dates: May 28, July 4, August 6. It is now September 13 and I have not started yet. I am not sure if I should take a test or wait another week. I have also been feeling extremely tired and have a sore throat and cold like symptoms. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Subject: i am i pregant

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Date Posted: 03:23:44 09/16/07 Sun

i had just finished my period on the thr 30 august had unprotected sex 1st sept and now on the 14th day my brest are so tender and swollen down below is also tender this tenderness normaally happens aweek before my next period which is due 24th sept tenderness should had started arround the 17th it is to early for a pregantancy test so do these sign my indicate that i may be pregant ?

Subject: I'm not sure in I'm Pregnant

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Date Posted: 01:32:56 09/14/07 Fri

I'm not sure if I'm Pregnant. Me and my boyfriend had sex and we used the "Jerk" method. the next day i started my period so i thought i didn;t have to worry. Now its a month later and i'm almost a week late.

Subject: Re: i need help

Nicole (scared)
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Date Posted: 15:44:51 06/21/07 Thu

My Boyfriend and I have been together 6 months on the 14th and we are only 19yrs old. We had unprotected sex and he thinks he may have cam in me. I am on birth control but I am scared that I could be pregnant because my mom got pregnant on the birth control. What do I do?

Subject: A few questions

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Date Posted: 22:09:49 07/01/07 Sun

My last two periods were on April 26 and May 28. How long would this make my cycle? It is now July 1st and I have not started my period. I had unprotected sex on June 13 and ever since have been feeling a little strange- very sore breasts which look bigger, I am able to see the blue veins in my chest, have felt cramping on and off on in the lower part of abdomen- near where I think ovaries are. I also had increased cervical mucus which I do not normally have and very tired as well as having very vivid dreams. I have been having headaches on and off and I took two tests- one one June 25 and one on June 29. Both were negative, does this mean I took them too early or I am not pregnant and late for some reason?

Subject: can i b pregnant?

lg (help)
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Date Posted: 23:19:09 09/10/07 Mon

me and my husband had sex on the second day of my period can i get pregnant

Subject: Unplanned pregnancy led to hurt and sadness

Claire (sad, emotions running high)
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Date Posted: 00:19:00 09/09/07 Sun

I found out that i was pregnant after a few weeks when my periods were late. I took a test and it came back positive. At the time i had mixed feelings, i was happy in one way but scared in another way.
Once i told the baby's father, he spilt from me. He is 33 and i am 26. I felt alone and very nervous. I had support from my family and friends. I started to get used to the idea.
After my 12 weeks scan, i was the happiest person on earth on this day. Staring down at this picture i felt an oumph run through me.
As the weeks carried on, my bump started to increase, and although it was early stages, i started shopping for unisex clothes.
I had my 20 weeks scan, i couldn't wait to receive my next scan picture...well things took a turn for the worst. You can find out if there are any abnormabitities (excuse spelling) so i choose to have that. Waiting outside i felt nervous that they were taking there time.
I found out that i was carrying a boy and that it had downs syndrome.
I wasn't prepared for this, this wasn't meant to happen to me. I came out of the Sonographers unit completely in shock.
To cut a long story short...i discussed this with my doctor, with my family and my current partner and made the hardest decision of my life.
I had to think of the long run, all the problems, with learning, even walking, giving up my day job as a training solider it scared me to think that i could put a child through this.
I went to a clinic in my home town where they made an appointment for me in a clinic over 200 miles away, as i was so far gone this was the only place that would offer me the Surgical Termination.
Well you can imagine how i felt afterwards...the pain, the grief, part of me that had been with me for 22 weeks was gone, the bump had gone, it was a horrible horrible feeling.
This had made me look back on life! Although this site is for people worried about unplanned pregnancy, if you are not sure about what to do, if you feel alone, talk to your doctor, DISCUSS with your doctor, before making any drastic decisions.
No matter how old or how young you are, this is a new life that you are bringing into the world, make sure your ready for it, think ahead of all the money issues, your social life being put to the side.
I read through some peoples problems on here, and some are young, what ever you decide make sure you always talk it through with a family member, your Sonograpgher (person that scans your bump), doctor most of all your partner if your with him.
Thanks for taking time to read this, i orginally came on the net to think of a poem to write, to put my feelings of hurt and pain down onto paper and i came across this website and wanted to share what i had been through, with other people who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.

I decided to have a Termination. This tore me in 2.

Subject: preagnant?

cathy (worried)
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Date Posted: 21:26:23 08/23/07 Thu

me and my b/f had sex during my period and he did wear a condom and it looks like it didnt rip but im 3 days behind so can i b preagnant?

Subject: Top Ten Signs you may be pregnant

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Date Posted: 14:35:55 08/11/07 Sat

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test

*This list is NOT a "All inclusive" list. Each of you is uniques and so is the way your body responds to pregnancy.

Some would have a few of these signs, some none, some all - the main "proof" would be the pregnancy test, taken correctly or administered by a health expert.

If you think you may be pregnant, seek out a pregnancy center near you - look one up at this site:


or call

Subject: Pregnancy concern

Kerinique (worried)
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Date Posted: 00:37:06 08/11/07 Sat

me and my boyfriend had sex late friday nite and my period had just went off the day before, on thursday. while we was doin it we realized that the condom had broke and he said that he ejaculated in me a little bit, but it wasn't a lot. I have been very worried that i might be pregnant & for the past few days my stomach has been hurting and i have been urinating a lot. I went on the computer to clculate my possible ovulation day and it showed it to be on tuesday 8-7(4 days after i had sex). I really would like to know if it is possible that i may be pregnant & is there anyway i can find out before i see if i miss my period.

Subject: confused

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Date Posted: 00:20:40 08/11/07 Sat

my "girlfriend" is 2 months pregnant. weve been through alot in the past couple of months she used to date my best friend who now hates me. she is very stressed out all the time cuz everything happened too fast for her and she still wants to be young (shes 21 and im 22) and travel and pretty much "do her her own thing". everybody already knows shes preg. including our families and friends. i know she cares about me and what i think and im completely against abortion, tho a child is pretty rough at the point in both our lives. she told me a couple days ago she needs a few days alone to find herself (should i be ok with that?) she told her xbf she cant talk or see him at all anymore. she promised me she wouldnt get a n abortion but im truly scared she will or even miscarriage due to her stress. what should i do when i cant even talk to her right now????????

Subject: Unsure

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Date Posted: 11:24:03 08/09/07 Thu

My boyfriend and I broke up but were still sexually active. We had sex on the day I was supposed to ovulate and we usually use the "pull out method," but this time he came in me. We did this twice. A week later, I had sex with someone else who did not come inside of me. What are the odds that this baby is my x boyfriends?

Subject: Re: birthcontroll

kelly (new)
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Date Posted: 13:13:43 08/06/07 Mon

ok I've been throught and through with many different people and still i get no answer when takeing birthcontroll when are you suppost to start your cycle? I have been on my green pill for 4 days now and still I have not gotten my cycle I just started the pills last month and now am at a loss at weather or not I got pregnate because of the pills so do I continue takeing them untill I find out if I am pregnate or do I stop takeing them and what are the odds that I did get pregnate?

Subject: Help!!!!!!!!

Confused in Indiana
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Date Posted: 10:12:01 07/10/07 Tue

My last normal period was in April (Apr.6-13) and my May (May 18-25) period was 13 days late and wasn't normal at all but with the little flow I had there was some clotting, I haven't had a period for the month of June at all, nothing, now it's July 9 and I have been spotting for about 5 days, no clots, no need for pads, nothing, I only see it when I use the restroom, I am nauseous from time to time, not really an appetite, I had lost 10 lbs in May but have gained every lb. back. My breasts are sore and itchy and I feel like my stomach is bloated and gassy, Can anyone help with some information.


Subject: Period

CJ (None)
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Date Posted: 01:53:17 07/26/07 Thu

Can a women get pregnet during their period and can they get pregnet if i dont cum in them (unprotective sex)

Subject: Oral

Ben (Sad)
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Date Posted: 00:33:25 07/25/07 Wed

I'm just asking 2 questions one can you get pregnet from oral sex and two can a girl only get pregnet during their ovulation period

  • Re: Oral -- Kris, 08:22:13 07/27/07 Fri
Subject: Unprotected sex, on birth control, almost missed period

Tom (confused)
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Date Posted: 19:45:22 07/14/07 Sat

My girlfriend is turning 16 and i recently turned 18. we had sex June 27th not thinking w/o a condom. She has been on birth control since february (knowing it isn't reliable) i instinctively pulled out before ejaculating... we may have done this 3 times that night and i did (also instinctively) urinate between each session. she finished the b/c pills tuesday night and she is on the plecibo pills... she's supposed to start taking the bc pills monday. If she hasn't gotten her period by monday should she refrain from taking them until she has?

Subject: I Think I'm Pregnant

Katie (wondering)
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Date Posted: 22:44:12 07/05/07 Thu

i'm a 23 years old i'm married and have a 16 month boy!! we had sex last weekend(i'm not on birth controll r condoms)my last period was june 22, and i want to know if i'm pregent i know its early but i want to know,is there any way to know this early???

Subject: 5 months preg.

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Date Posted: 21:47:12 07/05/07 Thu

okay i have a question. well a few. Im 5 months preg. and just found out im having a baby boy. but anyways, why do doctors determine the due date by the last period someone had? And can you get pregnant the day before a period? Or is it usually 2 weeks before a period or 2 weeks after a period? I had sex and that was late at night and then i had my period that morning. Like we had sex at like probably 3 in the morning and when we woke up after awhile i had my period. It was a normal period, nothing light or short or anything. Everything was normal. SO that means that wasnt when i got pregnant right? OKay sorry for all this. just a curious question.


chen3 (not happy)
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Date Posted: 00:40:33 07/04/07 Wed

hey every1?i NEED HELP?i was pregnant but found out i lost baby so i need d/c done but i did get my period on 10june for five days,and now its been one month of trying for other baby,things dont taste same anymore like when i have cup tea i always put two sugars in it but now it has to be 3sugars.been haveing alot ttc,so now i am waiting on my period on 10 july iam hopeing i dont get them. can any1 HELP COULD I ALREADY BE PREGNANT.SHOULD I TAKE TEST OR JUST WAIT IT OUT.

Subject: Brokenhearted

Jennifer ((sad))
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Date Posted: 21:57:25 07/02/07 Mon

Date Posted: 22:24:24 06/30/07 Sat
I got a abortion six weeks ago. I know it needed to be done. We where both out of a job. Not any place would hire me. There was always someone better qualfied. Before the procedure was done I bawled my eyes for 30 mins. I cried for days after. I felt backed into a corner into doing it.My husband of 8 years does not understand. Every time I see apregnant women I just want to scream and cry but I hold it in. I need to know how to stop this and go on with my life.It broke my heart when I told my hubby I was pregnant unless than five mintues later. He said where getting a abortion and kept on me until I did. I know he was right. What do I need to do to get over it.

Subject: Can I get pregnant during my period?

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Date Posted: 22:54:15 08/29/05 Mon

Hi guys well i started my period normal ..like i always do but after i got off i had sex. So like 2 days later i started to bleed again and stoped. is this healthy or normal?

Subject: possibly pregnante?

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Date Posted: 10:50:17 06/15/07 Fri

Need someones opinion on my matter.

Im 22, ive been with my boyfriend for a year now. I had my last period on May 14, it was a normal every month period. i started antibiotics on the 17th of May. On the 31st of May we had unprotected sex. i am on birth control also, but i'll be honest, i miss some pills and have to double up sometimes. i was supposed to start my period on wednesday and havent. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came up negative, but......on the part of the test where it should have had a straight line for neg and a crossed line for positive it looked different like it could have been inaccurate. It told me to pee on it for 10 seconds but i only about 4 seconds. I have a OBGYN appt. on thursday for an annual appt, should i just wait and ask the dr. Is it possible that i am pregnant and the home test is inaccurate.

Subject: Top Ten Signs You are Pregnant

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Date Posted: 08:11:35 06/06/07 Wed

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test

*This list is NOT a "All inclusive" list. Each of you is uniques and so is the way your body responds to pregnancy.

Some would have a few of these signs, some none, some all - the main "proof" would be the pregnancy test, taken correctly or administered by a health expert.

If you think you may be pregnant, seek out a pregnancy center near you - look one up at this site:


or call

Subject: whats the odds

julie (little happy little sad)
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Date Posted: 23:52:48 06/04/07 Mon

okay i just got with my bf witch ive known for years we just stated sleeping together i already have a 2 year old i want another child but he had me say at one time that i dididnt so i guess therefor we use the withdraw method my question is whats the precentage rate of a person getting pregnet that way i havent had sex in about 5 months prior its only been 5 days since the first time we slept together but my breast are tender could it just be my hormones from not having sex for so long or could i actually get pregnet that way i think i may have been ovulating and my ex sister in law says she got pregnet twice that way ive done it before and never became pregnet so whats the odds

Subject: dont want this baby

nien (unhappy)
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Date Posted: 06:20:03 04/24/07 Tue

I am pregnant that i know for sure, but come i dont want this baby. I am 23 years old and my parents will have a heartattack if they must find out. my mother already knows, but everytime she askes me, i tell her its not true and that i dont know why my tummy is so big. any fool can see im pregnant, but i really need help, cause i dont want to go to a doctor, and as i have been told, i am about 7 or 8 months pregnant already. Anybody please help me before i get on a roof and jump from it?????????????????

Subject: I NEED SOME HELP!!!

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Date Posted: 01:00:48 06/02/07 Sat

Hi I have questions that have been bothering me and I was wondering if someone can give me information. I was on a birth control shot for about 6 months and at the end of the 5th month i started taking birth control pills.Well my shot ended and i stopped taking the pills the day the shot ended.After i stopped taking the pills like 2 days later i got my period really BAD!! This is the 4th day i've been on my period.since i stopped taking the pills the day my shot ended i've been having unprotected sex almost every day or every other day for about 5 days. I still have my period really bad.im having sex on my period.im trying to get pregnant as you can see.But i dont know why im still on my period if hes been ejaculating in me.so how would i know if im pregnant? and why am i still on my period?will it take a while for me to get pregnant???someone help me......

Subject: im really scared

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Date Posted: 23:44:27 05/30/07 Wed

me and my boyfriend Ben had sex on May 11th, we used a condom up until he wanted me to give him oral, so he took it off and it got hot and heavy and we started having sex again, then he pulled out and came all over me "down there" so we both went to the bathroom and i wiped and went pee, blah blah blah. then we went back to his bedroom and we ended up having sex again, is there any way that because he came down there some sperm got inside of me durning our second course of action? because i was suppose to start the 25 and i still havent started and im 16 and scared, i told him i might be and he said he didnt cum in me at all and theres no way and i told him hes wrong there is always a way, what do i do? i cant get a test because i have no money and i CANT tell my mom. is there anyway that what happend that night got me....pregnante?

Subject: Possible Pregnancy

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Date Posted: 23:02:01 05/25/07 Fri

Hi everyone... I have a few questions- first of all here is my situation. My husband and I had unprotected sex on April 15 and on April 26 I started lightly bleeding but then it got heavier and lasted for about four days on and off. We have an eight month old daughter and were not really trying yet to have another baby, but it may be a good thing. Anyway, I have been having a lot of headaches, and the past few days my stomach has been looking very swollen, much like it was when I was pregnant with our daughter. I have also had some discharge from my breasts and I have not breastfed my daughter since she was four months old. I have taken three tests and all have come up negative but I feel strange. I guess the weirdest part is that my stomach is hard and round, when it is usually very flat. Do you think I am pregnant?

Subject: Someone Please Help Me

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Date Posted: 23:32:06 05/10/07 Thu

I have unprotected sex with my boyfriend. In December of 2006, I had an abortion which I truly regret. I haven't had my period since February. I took a pregnancy test in April and then another one last week. Both tests were negative but recently I have had spotting in my underwear.
I'm really scared.
Does anyone know what might be wrong?

Subject: What should I Do?

Mandy (Worry)
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Date Posted: 00:18:41 05/23/07 Wed

Hi, I'm Mandy and I'm 16. I have a friend who might be Preg. She doesn't know what to do and might get an abortion if her home preg test comes back positive. I told her we can find another way to save the baby without getting an abortion. I was told by someone that she can get the egg out before it fully developes. Can someone please tell me if this is true? If not is there any other option other then her giving birth and letting the child get adopted?

Please Answer Me Back ASAP! Thank You in advance for your help!

Subject: Could I be?

Amber (crazy)
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Date Posted: 00:41:48 05/07/07 Mon

My ex boyfriend and I had sex on March 25 and we did not were a condom b/c we wanted to have kids. But my problem is that I did not have a perod for 1 and a half months and I was haveing all the signs of being pregnant. But I started on may 5 but it is not normal. So what I am asking is could I have my period and still be pregnant? I have had people tell me that I could be pregnant but I am not sure. Help me please.

Subject: Late Period

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Date Posted: 23:03:43 05/17/07 Thu

I am 19 years old and have had a boyfriend for about 6 months now. We have been having sex almost every night using a condom. Throughout my life my period has been very irregular and not on time at all. On May 17th I woke up and thought I started my period. I was bleeding and put a tampon in, but when i went to change it found very little on it. Throughout the day I received a little bit of brown discharge. Prior to my period I have had brown discharge before but I am still getting scared. What do you think is wrong? What should I do? Thanks.

Subject: What do you do when you're in this position??

T-Sheena (Confused)
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Date Posted: 23:57:17 04/15/07 Sun

I am 15 years old. I had been dating this guy (Jeffery) for 2 and a half years. And we were sexually active. We never used protection. He said he didnt like the way it felt. That was my first mistake. We broke on November 20, 2006. That was the last time we was sexually active. We didnt use protection. He ejaculated inside of me. I didnt think anything of it. He had done it millions of times. I was supposed to have started my period December 13. I never started. I thought ok its going to be late but no biggy. I finally started January 1, 2007. It was really dark. Not the natural color. It lasted 5 days. I got off of it January 5th. I didnt think anything of it. I was a little concerned. But just ignored the fact that there was a possibilty I could be pregnant. My appetite grew. I started having these crazy cravings. Like Pickles dipped in Ketchup. My stomach startin gettin alot bigger. Then January 14, 2007. Me && Jeffery Had sex for the the last time. He was rough this time. He had never been like this before. And we went until he ejaculated twice. It hurt. I told him that. But he kept on. Then after he was done he took me home and said he never wanted to talk to me again. I was really upset. So the next night...A couple of my guy friends wanted me to go out with them. So I went back to their place. We ended up having a 3-some. The next morning I woke up and there was blood everywhere. I thought I was on my period again. It scared me because I had never bled like this before. It was Really red and was in clumps. It scared me. And I was wondering if anyone knew what that could have been. I told my friends about it and they said that I could have been pregnant and lost it. Someone please write me back at my email atop and let me know your opinion. I need to know this. Its really important.

Subject: My Girlfriend she is pregnant (abortion)

Lole (sad)
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Date Posted: 01:40:18 04/04/07 Wed

she is 20 years old and we want to do the abortion she is pragnant for 3 weeks we did the pregnant test from the clinic in our country now we desided to do the abortion.

hope to hear soon from you .


Subject: i dont know...

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Date Posted: 17:58:24 04/28/07 Sat

my boyfriend and i had sex but didnt finish. i made him stop because i didnt want to do it and i am a christian. he is too, and i feel like we are both failing miserably. My period was supposed to start 3 days ago. i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. that was 6 days after we had sex. can i be pregant if we didnt finish? can the test inacurate after only 6 days? im 17 and scared, but he says im worrying too much about it.

Subject: UCLA posed as a pregnant teenager and exposed PP

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Date Posted: 08:30:36 05/16/07 Wed

ALL I can say here ladies is that it proves to me PP has NOT changed in over 25 years - if anything, they've only gotten worse as the "used car salesmen" of abortion......you need to stay away from Planned Parenthood - they are NOT looking out for your best interest in any way. Kris

Planned Parenthood Threatens UCLA Pro-Life Advocate on Abortion Coverup

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
May 15, 2007

Los Angeles, CA (LifeNews.com) -- Planned Parenthood is upset that a pro-life student at UCLA posed as a pregnant teenager and exposed it for advising her to disguise statutory rape. In an undercover investigative story for a student-run newspaper, UCLA student Lila Rose posed as a pregnant 15 year-old and entered a Santa Monica Planned Parenthood.
She told officials there that a 23 year old man had impregnated her and her article in The Advocate newspaper says PP staff assured Rose that if she said she was 16 or older, they wouldn't have to report the rape.

Unbeknownst to Planned Parenthood officials at the time, Rose taped the conversations and posted them on the popular web site YouTube.

The abortion facility staff encouraged her to "figure out a birth-date that works," to obtain the abortion and avoid getting the man in trouble with the police.

That isn't going over well with the abortion business and Mary Jane Wagle, the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles sent Rose a letter threatening to sue her.

According to the letter, which LifeNews.com obtained, Wagle claims the videos were made "through false pretenses and unlawfully" and that the conversations they contain "were surreptitiously recorded without the knowledge and consent of PPLA employees."

Wagle claims the videos violate the state's invasion of privacy laws and she demands that Rose remove the videos from YouTube and provide the original copies of them to PPLA officials as well as cease all communications with the abortion business.

"If you do not take these three steps, PPLA will seek appropriate legal remedies," Wagle wrote and threatened that failure to respond could be met with several fines at $5,000 each for violating the state law on privacy.

Responding to the letter, David French, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund, told CNS News that Planned Parenthood is "engaging in a campaign...to bully an 18-year-old to distract attention from the fact that their employees were engaging in unlawful behavior."

French is providing legal counsel to Rose and told the news service that "Nothing changes the truth of what's contained in those videotapes."

"Planned Parenthood was advocating that a patient lie, advocating a way around mandatory reporting requirements for statutory rape, and nothing that Planned Parenthood does as far as trying to bully her regarding the tapes themselves can change those facts," he said.

French said that Rose doesn't want to wind up in court and that she will comply with Planned Parenthood's demands.

After releasing the videotape, Rose told LifeNews.com that "California's mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape are supposed to protect pregnant minors."

"Underage girls are being targeted by predators, and Planned Parenthood is busy covering up the evidence. How many other rapes has this one clinic covered up?" she asked.

The story appears in the second issue of the newspaper and the first one had details about the UCLA case.

In that situation, the counselor told Rose, who again claimed to be pregnant, that the college has no resources available for students keeping their babies. The counselor also encouraged the student to get the state health system to pay for the abortion.

The advice came from Ann Brooks, nurse practitioner and counselor at the UCLA Health Center.

Rose said the counseling was entirely aimed at encouraging an abortion -- thinking that was the only option to help her stay in school.
The student said Brooks also advised her to use Medi-Cal to fund her abortion with taxpayer funds.

"I have a place I can send you where they will get you signed up for Medi-Cal coverage and they just don't ask," the counselor reportedly said.

Brooks allegedly said Rose should have an abortion because of a lack of support for pregnancies on campus and the discomforts of pregnancy.

"Most of the students I talk to terminate their pregnancies," Brooks said, describing the unborn child as "a collection of cells."

She added that Rose could expect "physical difficulties" during pregnancy and the "embarrassment of your classmates" as a pregnant student living in the school dorms.

Brooks said "UCLA doesn't support people who are pregnant and make things easier for them necessarily."

Related web sites:
The Advocate - http://www.laadvocate.com/

Printed from: http://www.lifenews.com/state2286.html

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Subject: I just dont understand

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Date Posted: 20:05:44 05/06/07 Sun

Me and My boyfriend have been tryin to conceive since Jan of 2006 and still nothing but I was expecting my period like the 29th of April and it never came, I AM 9 days late, and I took a quiz online that said I was most likely pregnate, I have all the symptoms, except, I dont have morning sickness or tender breasts,everything else, I pretty much have experianced, but I just took one of those dollar pregnancy tests an it said Negative, but I dont know weather to give up hope an believe it or try again, because every other time I thought I was pregnate I wasnt now Ive experianced all syptoms but came out with a Neg result, What do I do?

Subject: working out when pregnant

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Date Posted: 17:11:05 04/29/07 Sun

If I work out -i.e sit-ups, push-ups, ect, while pregnant, will it hurt the baby? 2 weeks along btw.

Subject: Might be Pregnant?

Cassie (worried)
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Date Posted: 01:14:42 05/01/07 Tue

I'm 18, about to be 19, and I started my period April 10th late in the afternoon, and my periods always last 6 days, and on the end of the 4th day, , and i was still bleeding at medium amounts, so me and my boyfriend were fooling around, but no sex or cumming, yet, and then he wanted to have sex, but we had no protection, so he put it inside of me barely, and like a few minuted later he was about to cum, and he pulled out completely, and then a half a second later he came on the bed, but not in me
could i be pregnant?
and when would be a good time to take a test to see if i am?
my boobs have been itching alot, but not sore more than a boob is suppose to already feel, and ive been constipated, but ive always had that problem ( i have to take a pill to help me go to the bathroom easy), i get a fullness in my stomach area, but i do have a large cyst on my left ovary, and a few small ones on my right ovary plus im always bloated and gasy, and i go pee same amount i usually do,
so besides of all this are there any other symptoms i should be aware of?
please tell me soon, cus im like freakin out(some days)

Subject: I'm scared

Anita (don't know how to feel)
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Date Posted: 17:36:35 05/07/07 Mon

My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and I think I could be pregnant what should I do

Subject: To Nien

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Date Posted: 01:30:57 05/04/07 Fri


I was wondering how you are doing. Email me if you want to talk or if you have any questions. If you feel more comfortable posting here I encourage you to do so.


Subject: the horrors of cerazette

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Date Posted: 05:30:53 04/24/07 Tue

i've just this second made an appointment with my g.p. I've been taking cerazette for the last few months, and i feel absolutely awful.... mood swings, depression, weird periods (sometimes they go on forever, sometimes it's just spotting)but the worst thing for me is, well, ive not been well for the past 2 years. my consultant has no idea whats wrong with me...i get severe abdominal pain an have lost weight rapidly (am a size 6 now!!) i found cerazette has made these symptoms worse when i am pre-menstrual....i'm in agony, keep throwing up, feel absolutely knackered, depressed, cant stand anyone touching me....i'd rather not have to take another contraceptive pill again, but then again, i'd rather not be pregnant either!....what to do aye? what to do?!

Subject: Top Ten Signs You're Pregnant

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Date Posted: 08:51:21 04/23/07 Mon

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test

*This list is NOT a "All inclusive" list. Each of you is uniques and so is the way your body responds to pregnancy.

Some would have a few of these signs, some none, some all - the main "proof" would be the pregnancy test, taken correctly or administered by a health expert.

If you think you may be pregnant, seek out a pregnancy center near you - look one up at this site:


or call


Subject: am i pregnant

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Date Posted: 09:58:38 04/22/07 Sun

I am about 2 and a half weeks late. I tool a test and it was neg. can i still be pregnant?

Subject: I had sex without protection

AD (Happy)
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Date Posted: 22:34:19 04/18/07 Wed

I had sex just the other day without protection and I came inside her too. How long does it take before she notices the pregnancy stuff

Subject: i just had unprotected sex

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Date Posted: 23:23:59 04/08/07 Sun

hi i just had unprotected sex and im terrified that i might have gotten her pregnant because i used "the pull out" method. im am terrified because i am a christian and immediately after i left i was so sad i cried like a big fat baby boy what should i do to cope with this?

Subject: Sand Up Girl

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Date Posted: 21:35:47 04/12/07 Thu

Any girl here that is worried about being pregnant - please take a few to check out this site:


It's pretty cool.

Subject: I took a Qualitative Bloodtest But i have all the symptoms of a Pregnancy

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Date Posted: 17:04:12 04/12/07 Thu

My Name is Mandy. I took a Qualitative Blood test at Planned Parenthood 4 weeks ago i was told it was neg. I came in there due to the fact I had gained 20 pounds in 2 and a half weeks,I also was constantly Exhausted,. I was being told constantly that i looked like i was 4 months pregnant. I went from eating a Plate to 3 plates just in the morning alone. And now I look like im 5 months along. Is it possible for the Qualatative Blood pregnancy test to be wrong. Like i said it showed up neg. so could it be possible it was wrong and im actually Positive. I have always been neg on Urine pregnancy test and i heard the blood test they gave me is just like that. please help me. ty

Subject: 2nd post to im pregnant

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Date Posted: 14:49:31 04/10/07 Tue

Is it safe with the baby if i don't tell my mom right away? I am not stressing about it too much so i didnt think it would do anything, but i heard today that the baby could come out slow or something. I am only 17 thats why i haven't told my mom right away. I am taking care of everything on my own with the docotors and everything. So i don't think she needs to know this soon.

Well im kind of excited about my appoitment. I want to know when i am due. :) and how exactly far along i am. Will they be able to tell me when i got pregnant?

im glad that i dont have morning sickness, although today on the way to school i felt really sick, every little bump made me feel sicker.

Even though i just found out that im pregnant, im not even with the guy. I am going to raise the child on my own basically...its going to be very hard, but i know i have to do it..Well im going for now. Hope to hear back. && thank you for the information :D

Subject: How have I got myself into a situation like this!

Amy (Very very ashamed)
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Date Posted: 12:10:27 03/30/07 Fri

Ok where do i start. Hi my names Amy i'm 19 & i'm from the uk, i found out on 03/23/07 that i was pregnant this came as a huge shock to me as i've been told by my doc that i'd always need help to have children. i've been with Danny for the past year & for some stupid reason i cheated on him i'm now seriously paying for my actions but he has been fantastic and has stood by me. i had my scan on the 03/28/07 and was told i was 7 weeks gone but the problem is i'm now not sure who the dad is as the dates are way to close for my liking this is why i've opted for a termination. i feel very selfish & deeply ashamed of myself as i've never done anything like this b4. when i first met Danny i was going through a divorce & while i was married me and my ex husband decided to try for a baby & i ended up having 6 misscarriages, a baby is all i have ever really wanted but not in this situation. i feel i have no support from my mum/sisters as they all know the trouble i've had trying to have a baby none of them want me to have a termination. i have my first appointment on april 2nd and i'm so scared incase i'm making the wrong choice but i know its the right one for me & my baby. i live in a small village where everyone knows everything and no one is talking to me since i cheated on danny if they was to find out i was pregnant i would get complete hassel i feel so lost and alone its untrue i just cant belive i've done this to myself

Subject: im pregnant

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Date Posted: 12:30:10 04/08/07 Sun

well i just found out i was pregnant on April fools day. What a great day to find out huh? Well i was supposed to have my period on the 24th or 25th and i took a first response test and it came out positive. I don't have many syptoms though. My boobs are really sore and i have cramping. I am not sure if the cramping is normal though. Thats what im here to ask for. And the fair was here in town and i rode a few rides. I made sure they didnt squish my stomach though...is that okay? I dont have morning sickness or anything though and i have been eating but not as much as i thought i would. Well will someone help me and answer my questions and tell me some information.

I have my first doctors appt. on the 20th. Im really scared about that though...i dont know what to expect or anything. Well thanks for your time. Hope to hear back from one of you....

Subject: a month off the pill

Carol (feeling bloating and scared)
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Date Posted: 01:11:55 04/08/07 Sun

Hello my name is carol and i have ben felling really bloated since yesterday i want to take a pregngnancy test but?However it could be nothing or something i tried to take some gas meds but felling is still here.I have two kids and dont want any more need advice if anything im going to take my sunday starter pill tomorrow and the other ones after until my period comes i dont want to abort anything too late.

Subject: Birth Control

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Date Posted: 23:43:29 03/06/07 Tue

Hi my name is Lindsey and i want to know something. I stoped taking the pill about a month ago. What are my chances of getting pregnant now?? And now for about a week or so i have been gitting sick everytime i eat and i go pee a lot. Can this be because i am pregnant?? I just want to know. Thanks

Subject: Women Having Abortions More Likely to Be Abused by Their Partner

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Date Posted: 08:01:00 04/04/07 Wed

Study: Women Having Abortions More Likely to Be Abused by Their Partner

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
April 3, 2007

Canberra, Australia (LifeNews.com) -- A new study published by researchers at La Trobe University in Australia finds that women who are abused by their partners are more likely to have an abortion of an unexpected pregnancy than to keep the baby. Women having abortions were also more likely to be from lower income families.
The researchers studied 9,683 young Australian women between the ages of 22 and 27. The information came from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health, which contains health data compiled by the government.

Women who had abortions in their teens or early 20s were more likely to have been abused by a partner than those who carried the pregnancy to term, they found.

The scientists published the results of the study in today's edition of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

In their article, they wrote, "'Women experiencing violence and abuse can be subject to coercive sex and unprotected intercourse, leading to a higher rate of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies."

Angela Taft and Lyndsey Watson led the study and Taft said that young women appear to have less control over sex or contraception decisions when they're with an abusive partner.

"'You could say that young women don't feel they have the right to say no," she said.

"What can society do about this problem?" Dr. Taft asks. "The take home message is that if we want to reduce the rate of abortion and unwanted pregnancy in Australia, especially among teenagers, we need to reduce violence against women."

"Also healthcare providers and pregnancy counseling services should ask women seeking [abortions] about their experiences of partner abuse and if necessary, refer them to supportive agencies," she added.

The study backs up the contention made by research in the United States that an inordinate number of women who have abortions do so because they feel pressure or coercion from a husband or boyfriend.

Dr. David Reardon of the Elliot Institute says they are a part of a widespread problem.

Reardon is the co-author of a recent 2006 Medical Science Monitor study of American and Russian women that found that 64 percent of American women who had abortions reported that they felt pressured to abort by others.

His organization, which monitors the effects of abortion on women, has also prepared special research previously showing cases of violence against women who refused to have abortions.

Reardon said that cases of women being pressured, threatened, or subjected to violence if they refuse to abort are not unusual.

"In many of the cases documented for our 'Forced Abortion in America' report, police and witnesses reported that acts of violence and murder took place after the woman refused to abort or because the attacker didn't want the pregnancy," he said.

"Even if a woman isn't physically threatened, she often faces intense pressure, abandonment, lack of support, or emotional blackmail if she doesn't abort," Dr. Reardon explained. "While abortion is often described as a 'choice,' women who've been there tell a very different story."

Reardon said the report underscores the need for legislation requiring abortion businesses and health care providers to screen women for evidence of coercion or pressure to abort and to direct them to people and resources that can help them.

A handful of states, including Michigan, have looked at such legislation.

Free copies of the special report, "Forced Abortion in America," and fact sheets on coerced and forced abortions can be downloaded at http://www.unchoice.info/resources.htm.

Printed from: http://www.lifenews.com/int239.html
Subject: I'm 40 and i need advice

Lizzie (confused)
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Date Posted: 22:40:34 03/31/07 Sat

too much alcohol on a casual date led to crazy unprotected sex and now i am 3 weeks pregnant. i am a 40 year old divorced mother of 3. i can't believe i am in this predicament at this stage in my life. i never thought i'd ever consider abortion but it seems differant now. if i have this child what would that do to my children boys 17 & 5 and girl 9. That's my main concern right now. nevermind how it'd alter my plans, and I haven't even considered the father in it all yet. i have to make a decision quickly because medication abortion is only available until 7 weeks and i could never go through with a d&c. What would be the least selfish option for me? i know i'm not the only older woman ever to be in this predicament. please, someone who has been here, share your experience with me....I could really use some food for thought right now.

Subject: Could I be pregnant?

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Date Posted: 10:57:53 03/30/07 Fri

Hello guys, i was wondering if I could get some help. I dont remeber having my period last month, but my boyfiend does, lately for the last almost year I have been kinda late, all the time. but hes says I had my period, last month in Feb, but its March, and not sign of my period at all, i took four pregany testes, this month and thry all came back negative, so could I be pregant? My taste for things has change a little, and I dont feel like doing nothing, I have a four year old, and I really didnt have systoms with her, so could I be? Do I need to get a blood test done?

Subject: I think I may be pregnant need help

Toni (Scared)
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Date Posted: 23:38:43 03/28/07 Wed

Hello i am 23 years old and my futer husband and i even thought i been on the pill have sex with out condoms i wanted to know if we had sex on the 24 and 25 can i be pregant i been having sharp pains in my laft side that never had before. what signs can tell me im pregnant. I had been pregnant before but family forced me to abort the baby that was over a year ago. please get back to me

Subject: Could I be pregnant?

Rebecca ((scared))
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Date Posted: 00:04:12 03/03/07 Sat

My boyfriends and i had unpertectewd sex just once but he went just alittle bet in me and I took a pregancy test 2 times and it came back Not Pregnant but my big concern is that i still havent started my period yet, could i be pregnant or will I start getting my period back

Subject: could i be pregnant

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Date Posted: 15:32:09 03/21/07 Wed

i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and i was worrying if i was pregnant. I have only just come on my period and it is three weeks late does this mean i'm definately not pregnant?

Subject: Stressed

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Date Posted: 00:41:26 03/24/07 Sat

My cycles are about 32 days long, i do have irregular ones sometimes where i skip a month. Im married so sex is unprotected my period is now about a week late i have two kids already and never had any real pregnancy symptoms with them right now i do have bloating, heartburn, dull lower back aches, some fatigue took preg test came back neg i feel weird could be stressing over nothing but is it possible to be preg with those symptoms and could i have tested too early

Subject: Could I Be?

Ashley ((SCARED))
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Date Posted: 00:13:14 03/24/07 Sat

I Think i may be pregnant. and it deffinently is freaking me out..i was supposed to have my period a week ago..i cant afford a test right now..as i am only 16. my boyfriend and i have been having sex since my freshman year..i am not on any kind of birthcontrol.and we hardly ever use a condom, but he is careful to pull out. i know that this is a really risky behavior. but we have been lucky in the past about a million times. ovcourse i know this also has nothing to do w/this time. this last week i have felt sick and very tired, and my breasts have hurt like no other, i thout it might be cuz i should have started my period. but today my niples have enlarged so much, atleast twice normal size. my boyfriend and i had sext a couple times in the last month, unprotected. i know that this is my fault. but do you think ther is a chance that i may be overeacting and could possibly have another explanation about why my breasts have been this way in the last few days??? omg please help if you can...!! thanks!!

Subject: my friends say i could b preg. but idk (am i?)

Nicky (Im so scared and confused)
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Date Posted: 18:08:56 03/19/07 Mon

All my friends are saying that it is possible that im pregnant b/c i've been havin headache, stomach bubbling, and my boobies hurt and i have had a high temperature for the last lik almost month. I havent had my period last month or this month and that scares me!!!!
Im 15 and in the 9th grade, my bf and i have not had sex sex but we have down everything else ... like oral and touching kind of stuff. And see I want to know can you get pregnant from that kind of stuff? Do you think I am pregnant???


Subject: am i pregnant?

jennifer (sad :()
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Date Posted: 03:52:53 03/16/07 Fri

if i had sex 8 days after my period and the guy cummed in me whats the chances of me being pregnant?

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