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Unplanned Pregnancy Discussions

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This board is for women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, and don't know if they want to keep the pregnancy going. You can post your feelings and concerns and fears. Women normally will receive responses from people with both views, prochoice OR prolife. Please understand that by posting here, you will receive a lot of different advice and ideas - these are other people's views and feelings, use them as information as you decide what is the best answer for you and your life. It helps to know all sides of the story when trying to make a difficult decision.

For people responding to women who are pregnant, please remember to be sensitive and caring, and do not get into arguments with other posters about their views. Posters who post critical remarks about other posters, their messages, or the help agencies they recommend, or try to provoke debate will have their posts deleted. Public criticism of posts will not be acknowledged. Criticism of the board leader or helpers creates an atmosphere of debate and contentiousness that causes insecurity in women seeking help and so will be deleted. Offending posts will be deleted at the sole discretion of the board moderator. The moderator may not be able to approve posts recommending medical actions, for liability reasons. The participants are not qualified to diagnose pregnancy, and in any case, no one can diagnose pregnancy through a discussion board. Nor can posts that solicit for adoption be approved; the moderators are in no position to screen potential adoptive parents.

This board is not for debate. If you want to debate, please go to this board Prolife Debate or this one Abortion Debate

Using the above debate boards is at your discretion--The moderator is not responsible for content. For any questions about this board, or to report inappropriate posts, email Diane Cheryl DCHERYL51@yahoo.com or CHERYL51@mail.com

Be one of the founding members of a newly- formed group to ask questions and find answers about abortion and other alternatives. Join at TeenChoice or Join this forum at Abortion and Alternatives

If you want to chat with someone, and there is no one in the chat room when you are online, please post a note on the board, telling people when you can be there, or email Carieichel@aol.com to arrange a time to meet and chat.

If you want to sign up for the Unplanned Pregnancy Help email list, please go to this site: Unplanned Pregnancy Help Email list

Post Abortion Healing Support Board

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Help for Unwanted or Unplanned Pregnancies

Subject: I Don't Know if Im Pregnant

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Date Posted: 23:14:23 11/29/05 Tue

Im 16 I had sex on August 26 and started my period the same day. I've had my period every month but its been light. I've been nashus, very tired, light headed and my brest have been sore, also my stomic is hard and getting bigger. I can feel a heart beat in my lower stomic. I've taken 3 epts and they were all negitive. Could i still be pregnant?
Please respond someone i dont know what to do

Subject: devastated

Mommy of Three
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Date Posted: 10:02:39 08/07/09 Fri

Hello, I didn't find anywhere else to post. I am 9 weeks 3 days pregnant.... something I wanted so badly. I had a great job and everything was going well. That was till 2 weeks ago....

I was the only one working in my family, but it was a great job and it got us by... I lost my job because I was out of FMLA time and my attendance was horrendous when my daughter was in the hospital and then I had a day of morning sickness... I went from makeing $50k a year to $0.00... with no savings.

Now I have a house and car I can't afford. Three kids I can't take care of. I live in a state where people are begging the state for unemployment extensions after their 72 weeks are up.... my husband has no job skills (even though he and I are both looking for jobs). People aren't going to hire me knowing I am pregnant... and its wrong to not let them know...

I wanted this baby so much. I was so excited when I found out. I was so amazingly happy about having a baby again (My older children are 16, 11, and almost 2 yrs)... I had everything. Now this pregnancy isn't fair to this baby. It isn't fair to my other children. And I don't know what I am going to do. I don't want to end it, I love this baby. But what other options are realistically out there? Especially since I have to be a responsible mother?....

I almost would rather just hurt myself... but then I leave 3 kids without a mother. I just don't know what to do anymore..

Subject: abortions

Jordyn b (overwhelmed)
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Date Posted: 00:27:06 08/03/09 Mon

my names jordyn and im 18 years old. Im 7 weeks pregnant, the father doesnt want the child and expects me to get an abortion. Ive already had one abortion and to be honest im very pro choice but it honestly has ruined my life, and now im going through the same thing but the father doesnt wwant me to have it even thought i said i wouldnt tell anyone it was his and he didnt have to give me child support or even be involved with the childs life. im so confused everyones telling me different things but i dont know what i want to do=[

Subject: Confused?????

Esperanza (Kinda Happy)
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Date Posted: 18:39:01 07/08/09 Wed

Ok I'm 17 gonna be 18.Well here's the thing my periods aren't exactly normal.I had a problem with a cist on my overy I had it removed a year ago...Me and my boyfriend had sex for the very first time and he used a condom.Usually some girls Iv'e talked to say you bleed your first time well my bleeding has lasted a couple days after our first time doing it and I thought maybe it's my period what does that mean?.And on the second time we did it we didn't use a condom some I was bleeding a little bit still and at one point we had put his penis in me and he may have cummed inside me...how do you know if he did cum and can you feel it? Now I been going on 2 and a half months bleeding..could this be my period? or what's going on? I haven't been feeling good these couple days... recently I've been very tired and lazy,my breasts have been hurting,my back and sides have been hurting too..and Haven't been able to eat much,and I've been having pains on my stomache like if somethings in there...I'm not an average girl because of the cist it made me gain a little of weight and now I'm trying to loss some and if I may be pregnant...Will my stomache form more like as if I am pregnant? I'm ok with I am or not pregnant I just love kids and I would be proud to have one but I don't know how my parents would react...and me and my boyfriend have a very good relationship he loves kids just as much as I do so If I am pregnant is it best to tell our parents together? When should I take a pregnacy test? and should I take the test with my boyfriend around?I'm very confused this moment so if you can help me out and answer my question and give me advice it would be very helpful and I really appericate it.*Thank You So Much*

Subject: A Real Choice

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Date Posted: 00:56:45 06/09/09 Tue

What would really help all of us who have an unwanted pregnancy is for society to quit being a hyprocrit (and we're all guilty of that to come extent) and give women and couples a real choice. Instead of having to choose between the emotionally life-destroying choice of being parents when we don't want to be or aborting an unborn child, why can't the medical community work more extensively toward Fetal Adoption, Live Fetal Extraction & Incubation, and Artificial Womb technology.
How wonderful it would be to go to a doctor or clinic's office and have the unwanted child at the early fetal stage be taken from your womb and placed in the womb of a woman who wants the child! If this comes off as too "far out there", really think about it! No woman would have to go through unwanted childbirth and have the job of unwanted motherhood, women who want children would be more likely to be able to have them and the child (who is totally innocent) would not be aborted. When I was pregnant, it was literally soul-destroying to be told "congratulations" all the time and be told "it will all work out in the end" or "you'll get use to the situation like everybody else". Why is pregnancy, childbirth and childcare, as super difficult as these things can be, just assumed to be something to "congratulate" someone for? (Society has done this for so long and so automatically, that I don't even think we realize what the meaning is behind our words!) If a person is happy with the situation that is one thing, but many are not. And even though I had been married for 10 years when my birth control failed, it was over-whelming to be "congratulated on my pregnancy" just because I was married. Why is it assumed that when birth control tragically fails, that congratulations are in order. - Instead, we need to be able to talk freely and say "No, congratulations are not in order for this situation!" without being labelled in a negative way.

Subject: i think i mayb preagante but im not sure

Ashley (wondering)
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Date Posted: 00:53:32 05/04/09 Mon

well me and my boybfriend had sex a week ago right after i got off my period and i know he came in me and i havent been takin my borth control pills like i should ive missed quite a few of them,and i start my period in 2 week o week and half.....could there be a possibility that im preganate

Subject: Am I pregnant

Shon (worried)
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Date Posted: 01:17:55 04/22/09 Wed

I was on the birth control patch, I did not now it. It came off I had sex w/ my boyfriend of 8 yrs. My period was due friday of the next week, but it came exactly 1 week early. My period started that fri and ended that tues. We had sex again the next day. Did I start to ovulate once the patch came off and what are the

Subject: is the depo shot right for me?

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Date Posted: 00:55:09 03/28/09 Sat

Hello, I am 18 years old and i recently got on the depo shot i was normal for the first 3 monthes until my fourth that i started getting this brown viginal discharge. Its been going for about 3 to 4 weeks now. also when i urinate its smells awful. Could this be a light period or some type of infection. this never happened before in the past until i started the shot and started haveing sex. i am very worried please response me asap. thank you.

Subject: If you are thinking about having an abortion...

Diane Cheryl
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Date Posted: 08:35:26 02/08/08 Fri

If you are thinking about having an abortion, please go to http://www.voy.com/129741/ and read the sad stories from women just like you who thought they would just have an abortion and everything would be ok. But it's not...
Please let us help you make another plan.

Diane Cheryl

Subject: need answers fast!

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Date Posted: 22:32:51 12/12/07 Wed

i just found out a few days ago that i am about 4-5 weeks preg. i dont know what to do.. im not with the guy.. and it was totally unplaned.. im thinking about taking the pill form of abortion. i have an apt. on monday.. but i dont know if thats what i really wanna do. my main fear is that for the past month.. i have been getting wasted.. like bad every weekend.. and smoking weed once in a while. i dont want the baby to have defects if i decided to have it.. what are the chances of it being messed up from me doing so much partying the first month of development? HEEEELLLP!

Subject: Feeling a little stressed

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Date Posted: 22:35:38 10/31/07 Wed

I am having an abortion in 2 weeks or so. I have weighed out all the pros and cons. I jus wish there was more positive support. I know I am doing the right thing, I am scared about the procedure.

Subject: Is it possible that I can be pregnant?

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Date Posted: 13:56:14 04/10/08 Thu

OK here's the deal. this is going to sound so stupid, but I need reassurance. My period last month came on march 6th and ended on march 12th, and then a few days after that my boyfriend and I messed around..but I just gave him a handjob/oral and he fingered me and gave me oral. me first, and then i did it to him. we had clothes on but just our pants were down, and never at the same time. but while i was giving him a hand job he was fingering me and i thought that maybe there was some possible way that i'm not sure of he could've got precum on his hands and then fingered me? I don't know if he did for sure or not..i remember him "adjusting" himself and then helping me get his pants down. sorry this is so graphic. but i'm wondering what the chances are?? AND i also got my period on april 4th..with signs leading up to it and major cramping the first day, but my flow was exceptionally lighter than it normally is. now its the 10th and im just spotting. So could stress of me thinking I could be pregnant some how mess up how my flow is?? and am I just being ridiculous? I guess i'm just over thinking things and i've been on websites that say its "unlikely" but possible..so i'm just thinking maybe i just got bad luck?? who knows..but I need another opinion please!!

Subject: can this be possible????

danielle (worried)
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Date Posted: 06:15:16 12/26/07 Wed

HI my name is danielle iam 20 years olds and heres my story.... me and my b/f have been having unprotected sex now for a month, but he does use the "pul out" method! i normally start my period on the 29th and go on into the next month and bleed very heavy for the first few days, well this time i started dec.23 and was bleeding very very lightly and no cramps what so ever! and then two days later i am only bleeding like one to two drops NO MORE THAN THAT??? could i be pregnant??? or am i just over reacting???

Subject: Help Please!

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Date Posted: 17:55:42 02/26/09 Thu

I know this is crazy soon but i just wanted to know my chances....

My boyfriend and i had sex last night. I am not on birth control so we used a condom. after we finished, we realized the condom was broke and almost everthing went in me. I was told your safe days are before your period... and im due to start my period within the next week, but waht are my chances of getting pregnant from last night. are they high or low? Please help me!

Subject: Pregnancy after abortion

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Date Posted: 09:44:24 02/03/09 Tue

I'm a 36 yr old mother of 2 teenagers. 8 weeks ago I had an abortion. My fiance and I had unprotected sex (shame on me!) and now I am pregnant again. I am 2 weeks pregnant. What are the chances that this baby will be healthy? I'm physically fit and I don't believe that is an issue. I'm worried that there could be something wrong with baby since I had an abortion so close to the pregnancy.

Subject: help me!

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Date Posted: 00:23:06 02/05/09 Thu

I was on my peiord and on the second to last or last day of it and my boyfriend and i had sex without a condom on Jan 1st it was only for like one mintue if even that but I am a worry wort. so i went and got the pill the on the 3rd. and I had some of the side effects of light bleeding. they said that I should start anywhere from a week early to a week late. well its been four days sence they said I should of started. and my boobs are kinda sore and I'm cranky like I am before I start but I'm still worried. should I be or am I just crazy?

Subject: confused

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Date Posted: 18:58:35 08/04/08 Mon

i just got on the patch ortho evra and i was wondering that after my 4th week off can i get pregnant

Subject: confused!!!

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Date Posted: 03:26:40 01/11/09 Sun

Im 24 with a 3 year old lil boy... for the last 6 months my periods have been regular (every 28 days lasting 5 days starting off really heavy than light)... well i was supposed to start jan 8 but on the 7th i started spotting with a brown discharge and still spotting lightly(today is the 10th)... for the last two weeks my breast have tender and feel fuller, nausea, and slight cramping... can i be pregnant?

Subject: worried.....

Liza (nervous)
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Date Posted: 13:20:48 09/29/08 Mon

I am a 34 year old married woman with 3 amazing children. I have been using "nuvaring" birth control for over a year. I strongly believe I am pregnant ( u know these things after 3 children). I recently found out that "Nuvaring" should be kept in the fridge until use. I had mine ontop of my tv for a few days before I put it in. The pharmacy never told me to refridgerate it. I have 3 children already and don't think I can afford another. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment and can't afford to move. I am so confused as to what I should do. I don't want an abortion, but I can't afford another child! I could never give my baby up either. I just need some advice from others in the same situation. I am being consumed by this morning, noon and night!

Subject: Why have i got my period again?

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Date Posted: 12:43:41 12/04/08 Thu

my periods are irregular, they come bout every 12 weeks, i had a period 1st september then again on the 18th November so that was about 11 weeks and lasted about 4 days. Then for the past week my boobs have been realy sore and tender and then i started bleeding again today 2 weeks after the end of that period, why do you think that has happened

Subject: A little Confused

Jenna (Good)
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Date Posted: 00:41:39 06/28/08 Sat

Okay my husband and I had sex last night and he went all the way. Im suppost to start my period like tomorrow could I be pregnaunt?

Subject: Confused, please help!

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Date Posted: 21:47:47 11/03/08 Mon

My situation is a little different from most, but I still need help. I'm Danielle, I'm 18 years old and I really have no idea what to do. I've been on the Depo-Provera shot for 3 years now, but I've never had this happen before. I had sex on July 12th with my boyfriend and didn't think anything of it, seeing as I'm on birth control and I've had sex before with nothing happening. Well, over the past couple months I've noticed changes, changes that I've never experianced before. I've started gaining weight [which yes, I realize is a side-affect of the shot] but I gained some weight about a year ago do to the shot, which affected my whole body, this weight is mostly around my tummy. And I've had an uncontrolable need for sleep. I'm talking like close to 12 hours a day. Also, I've been having the worst nausea I've ever had, I can no longer lay on my belly [which I used to do often] and so much more. I know that thinking that you might be pregnant can make your body think you are and therefore start to show the symptoms, but this came out of no where. I hadn't even thought about till I started gaining weight and having these other symptoms. Please I just really need some answers. I've read a lot of message boards with women talking about how they've gotten pregnant on the depo shot, and I've read other factors for getting pregnant on the shot and the more I read, the more things add up. I'm really nervous about this, so if anyone can help me I would appreciate it so much.

Subject: Could i be pregnate?

Amy (confused)
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Date Posted: 23:07:45 10/31/08 Fri

Okay so my periods are never regular. I havent had one in about 6 months. Not because i am pregnate just because i am irregular. well my boyfriend and i have been having unprotected sex for over a year now. well about a month ago i started my period, kinda. It was very light with like that brown icky discharge. It lasted for a week staying light the whole time. Now my nipples have been sore and i want to have sex all the time which is really not normal for me, and i was just wondering if it is possible that i could be pregnate?

Subject: I Dont Know What To do

Kisha (scared)
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Date Posted: 10:40:30 10/29/08 Wed

i am 15 years old and me and my boyfriend (15) had sex 4 weeks ago 9/30/08. I am scared for him and myself because i heard abortions are 300 to 500 dollars and we nor our parents have that.I am wondering if abortions are free for minor ages. Someone help im confused

Subject: need help urgent

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Date Posted: 13:15:02 10/10/08 Fri


i really need some help, got this email from www.voy.com and i believe you are kris. well my problem is

can i be pregnant, if i had sex immediately after my mensurational cycle coz i had my cycle completed on august 26. me and my boy friend had sex on 27th night and we had a protective sex only but the next day morning i found that the condom was stuck and came out when passing the urine. i did not get my periods in september on the due day and till date, i have not got my periods yet and at the same time today i did my pregnancy test using the preg card and it showed negative do you think i could be pregnant.

Subject: IM NOT SURE

Pooh Bear
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Date Posted: 00:17:33 09/24/08 Wed


Subject: Need Advise!

veronica (Extremely Sad, Confused & very angry.)
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Date Posted: 16:45:48 04/14/08 Mon


My name is Veronica. Im a 25 year old woman with a child of 8 yrs old.
Im in a relationship of 5 months now,(FYI..this isn't my daugters father). this relationship is very different from other relationships. met my now boyfriend about a year ago or so knew he already had a girlfriend... was ok with that,, at the time i was with someone else. to make this story short... his girlfriend asked me to move into there home. she knew he had the hots for me, she aldo knew that he wanted something else besides just a friendship and she was okay with that (( funny but true)).. weeks passed, became closer to one another and finaly we began a relationship.. so now He had his 2 ladies living in the same house.. to all this my daughter knows NOTHING about this.. on her eyes and my family's eyes we're all just "roommates" ANYWAY....

We've been "of course" having unprotected sex therefor im 5 weeks pregnant now.
The resaon for this message is to get advise and some confort.
My partner isn't okay with me having this child therefor he is strongly considering an abortion. i strongly on my part, DO NOT BELIEVE in abortions. so were basicly like oil n water ((( not mixing))) & that's really affecting me alot..
we've discuss this matter numerous times up until WHEN he just got on my nevers n said OKAY IM HAVING AN ABORTION DONE. days later, weeks later i said to my self.... what did i just agreed on????
i now have second thoughts about having one done.. the only things keeping me from having this baby is the fact that #1. he will no longer be with me if i decide to keep this baby, #2. i will have to explain to my daughter that im pergnant by someone that she knows is with someone else and also have a baby by him..
#3 explain this WHOLE situation to my family.

im soooo confused, don't know what to do..
i see him playing with his almost year old daughter n it really hurts to see that he loves her but yet i can't have one...

what to do!!!?

Subject: could i be pregnant

so scared (nervous)
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Date Posted: 01:39:36 08/23/08 Sat

me and my guy friend were messing around i gave him a hand job and there were pre cum then we were trying to find my hole and i forgot that i still had precum on my hand while i was trying to find my hole and my period hasnt come on yet and im wondering could i be pregant but we didnt do the whole thing and im still a virgin please answer my question

Subject: am i pregnat?!

brianna (scared)
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Date Posted: 15:11:02 07/23/08 Wed

hi,im only 12 and i had sex yesterday.
he was my first and he didnt have a condom.
im really scared because i think he cume inside me.
what do i do?!?!?!?!!
how can i tel my mom i had sex and didnt use a condom.
shes going to be so upset with me!

Subject: Confused

Carlie (:-()
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Date Posted: 15:16:46 08/15/08 Fri

Hello. Me and my boyfriend had sex about 6-9 days after my period ended. It was one of those days and we always use a condom. But a week after we had sex my boobs began to become sore and a week later they still are. I feel a little nausious at time but nothing big.I think its just because of my situation. I am 17 and my bf is 19. My period is due in a week. Could i be pregnant or is it a bad case of pms or are my boobs just growing. I am very small chested. Thanks

Subject: Top Ten Signs you may be pregnant

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Date Posted: 08:06:50 07/22/08 Tue

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive pregnancy test

If you think you may be pregnant, you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test at a pregnancy center - Look one up near you at:

Subject: spotting a week befoe AF

angie (curious)
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Date Posted: 17:35:28 07/14/08 Mon

hi well me and bf had sex on all my fertile days june 26-30 last AF was june 16 so question is it possible to start having symptoms 6-9 dpo?? only things thats really diff. is my breasts were extremely sensitive n sore... nipples too. never experience this before period so any infos great. a few days after soreness eased up 9dpo i spotted once then nothing til the next afternoon i had light flow no cramps or clot by 3am it stopped. next day only spot when i wiped. i was due for per the 13 of july no sign of it at all. is this normal? im always reg w/ 28-30 day cycle for 6 yrs now no stress or lifestyle changes....any insight????

Subject: Trying to get pregnant

Victoria (joyful)
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Date Posted: 00:35:44 07/09/08 Wed

Me and my fiancee is trying to have a baby and the family is waiting for us to have a baby. We have been having sex for the past month without protection and he doesnt pull out and sometimes he stays in me afterwards, lately ive been nausea with cramps and have to pee alot like three times a night, my nipples hurt. I cant find a free clinic in galveston tx. could i be pregnant and if not what can i do to get pregnant and how can we have a girl?

Subject: Definitely unplanned

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Date Posted: 12:14:52 06/14/08 Sat

Hi. My boyfriend and I have been on and off for 2 years. And I mean really off with him seeing other women and I've seen other men. We just recently decided to try to make it work. The reason for us breaking up is that his parents do not approve of our relationship and he doesn't know how to cut them out of his life but with his recent decision he states that this time it's going to be different. I am 29 and was married very early. I had 2 abortions then and later on widowed. I don't regret my choice. I just got liposculputure last oct. 2007 and I work in dance so I need my body. Regardless of if he stays or not should I even consider having this child?

Subject: How do I know if my gf is preg?

Ernest (wondering)
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Date Posted: 23:23:21 05/25/08 Sun

hello, my gf is 13 days late in her period and she wa ssupposed get her period on may 11th but now it is may 24th, and she took the preg test and it came out blank which seems strange, wha should she do/ does this mean she is preg?

Subject: Am I pregnant?

Marisol (Anxious)
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Date Posted: 00:30:59 04/19/08 Sat

Im 19, Married, and my hubby wants a baby. I love kids and would have one too. Ive heard, and so it says on the box, that a pregnancy test is not 100% accurate but i wanted to know exaclt what the symptoms were? ive read one of your answers, about the sore breast and nipples and light bleeding or something after 6-12days of conception.......did i write that correctly? My boobs are sore, especially the nipples, my hubby says they're growing and ive kinda noticed, i pee somewhat mnore thatn i usually do and cant really hold it like i used to, im late on my period but when i took the test it said negative. what other things would i be able to tell if i am or not. and is the test always right?

Subject: Can I be pregnant? please help...

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Date Posted: 13:57:12 04/18/08 Fri

Well im 7 weeks late on my period and I have some pregnancy symptoms like tender nipples,bumps around my areola(montgomery bumps) fatigue, nausea but dnt throw up, headaches and frequent urination. But I've took lots of home pregnancy tst and there negative I dnt knw wat to do im real confused. If some1 can please give me some suggestions...thanks.

Subject: Could I be pregnant???

Nina (Confused??)
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Date Posted: 17:37:46 04/12/08 Sat

Hi i am 22yrs old and my bf and i had sex with a condom 5wks ago but when we stopeed having sex the condom was on his leg so i dont know if it came off during or after we were done having sex anyways, I have been peeing every 10 15 mins or so and feeling lightheaded and my stomach is tightening a lil bit i took a test last week but it was negetaive i have been having cramps like im about to start but nothing happens. could i be pregnant??? Ihave also been more tired latley for no reason

Subject: My pregnancy

Cynthia (excited!)
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Date Posted: 00:09:24 01/23/08 Wed

I am 16 years old. Me and my boyfriend have been togather for almost 3 months we had sex on our first month togather now i am almost 3 months pregnant i dont know what to do either abort or have 2 kids when i have nowhere to go.My boyfriend doesnt work and i only work for a few hours implanning to abort but not tellmy boyfriend but i dont know ifthats right what should i do??

Subject: Not sure what to think-or what my body is doing?!

Nichole (confused!)
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Date Posted: 21:21:42 03/31/08 Mon

I am a 26y/o mother of a 3 and 1/2 year old. His father and I recently split up- which is a good thing. However, we were still having intercourse up until things were broken off. And to make matters worse, I had my LMP January 15. I am nauseous to the extreme (it has been all day for the past 4 days, now) but had been sporadic now for about a week and a half. My breasts are slightly tender....I feel somewhat moody (ok, ok- I guess If you want to say absolutely hormonal that will work too- from crying to angry to sad to mad to numb to happy) and I have not seen ANY sign of my period. Nothing. Sometime in Feb, I did see some type of reddish discharge--not completely bloody, persay, but as if I had ovulated or something had implanted, almost, and it discharged a little out. But that is about it. My cycle has always been a little screwy, but not this screwy. The breakup wasn't stressing or emotional---I have been generally happy. I honestly wasnt worrying until these symptoms started appearing. I have a doctor's appt for friday- but the worst part is...I am getting a negative HPT. What is going on??? With my first son, i took 4 HPT and a urine test at the MD's office, and those were all negative, and then 5 minutes later after they did the blood test, that came out positive. So, what is your opinion on all of this? Do you think that if I was truly pg at this point that it would still not be showing on a HPT? I'm so confused, I really dont know what to think. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

Subject: Top Ten Signs You may be Pregnant

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Date Posted: 08:51:06 03/28/08 Fri

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive pregnancy test

If you think you may be pregnant, you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test at a pregnancy center - Look one up near you at:

Subject: Sex

Christine (sad)
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Date Posted: 22:40:40 03/25/08 Tue

My boyfriend nuts in me when i have my period...am i pregnant? I'm only 15

Subject: siegelinde

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Date Posted: 11:44:48 03/25/08 Tue

I had my period a couple of days early, and when i started it was very light, when it has always been heavy for the first couple of days. I want to know if i could be pregnant?



Nicole (OK)
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Date Posted: 23:39:56 03/23/08 Sun

Hi I had my tubes tide it will be 5 years Dec/5/08 I was supposed to get my period back around the first of the month it never came I have been felling like birds and stuff moving around in there I have been having unprotected sex with my man that I have been with over a year we live together I feel like I could be preagnant i just dont no

Subject: pregnant or not

Taylor (confused)
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Date Posted: 10:20:06 03/19/08 Wed

I am 20yrs old. I had sex a day before my period, my boyfried did cum inside me. Its a month later and Im pregnant, is it possible that it could have gotten pregnant that day?

Subject: pREGNANT?

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Date Posted: 11:26:11 03/18/08 Tue


Subject: Is it possible to discover pregnant within a month after period?

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Date Posted: 00:13:08 03/08/08 Sat

I had my period on 2nd Feb 2008. It ended on the 6th/7th Feb 2008. I got married on 8th Febuary 2008. Thats the 1st time I had sex(in life) and it goes on daily. I then went to the doctors for a check on 4th March 2008. And the doctor said my pregnancy test showed that I am pregnant. No doubt I am pregnant as said by the doctor but The question is, it is possible to be positive and detected by the test in such a short period of time? Please reply. Thanks

Subject: Help

TaSherra (Sad)
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Date Posted: 17:05:11 03/13/08 Thu

I have a problem. I wanted to know if someone can get pregnant by pre nut being on the wrong side of the condom but then the boy take the condom off and put the condom on the right the way? and then start having intercourse for a few minutes.

Subject: Trying to get pregnant

Vicki (sad)
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Date Posted: 01:26:28 03/14/08 Fri

Me and my boyfriend of two years have been trying to have a baby but have no luck, my boyfriend smoke weed heavily and i dont smoke at all. we have sex almost everyday at least 3 times a day and everytime he cums inside of me but im still not getting pregnant. sometimes after we have sex i feel like i have to throw up, my stomach feels full and i've been having sharp pain in my lower stomach around my belly button. can i still get pregnant while my boyfriend smoke weed? if he stop which i doubt how long do i need to wait after he stops??? why do i feel like i have to throw up after he cums in me?? why do i get headaches the day after he cums in me?? is my body trying to get pregnant?? please someone help

Subject: help me

jane (sad)
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Date Posted: 09:27:49 03/02/08 Sun

i had sex with my boyfriend on the second day of my period.. whats the percentage that i would get pregnant? he cummed inside me. i actually have regular periods.. when does my ovaluation period start anyway? but please help me.. will i most likely get pregnant???

Subject: hi

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Date Posted: 16:07:00 02/27/08 Wed

any1 who can help i had my period on the 15 feb which was alot longer than normal then 9 days later i ad a light bleed 4 about 3 days and we was having sex wiv out useing anything do u think im preganat

Subject: Whats the chances

Emma (worried)
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Date Posted: 22:49:48 02/23/08 Sat

Hi, ive bin going out with this guy for a month now and we have sex nearly every other day. 2weeks after we started going out i came on. and then when i came off we started having sex again, we dont use protection and we have sex more than once everytime we see eachother. he really wants a baby and i thought i did but im not too sure now, im due on by the end of this month, or the start of the next.
Just yesturday ive bin craving sweet things. i hate chocolate! and i went through about 6 different bars of chocolate in the space of 2 mins. from the time i woke up i started eating and i didnt stop till i went to sleep, and i cant seem to get full its really werid!, plus my nipples are realy sore! hpefully its just pms but
is there a chance im pregnant?

Subject: Concerns

Unique (worry)
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Date Posted: 02:26:17 02/15/08 Fri

hi im 18 yrs . old and am about to graduate from high school. me and my ? had unprotected sex and i checkd my ovulation calendar and it said my most fertile days were the 9th-13th. i jus wanted to see if i was fertile when i had sex on the 9th cuz i usually use it for my periods .i know they are not 100% accurate but nearly 3 years ago i got prego from pre-cum and i had an abortion. i was doing so good til now. please dont judge ,i just need advice . the calendars said i was fertile and i had sex on my first fertile day which was the 9th , i wish i could just know. i have been down this road before.this is not the first time obviously . Any advice is greatly appreciated, just not judgements.by the way it was the withdraw .but i got prego from precum in the past. could it be possible ?

Subject: What happens if the guy is doing drugs?

Chrisy (sad)
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Date Posted: 01:09:03 02/21/08 Thu

I recently got pregnat, and was using drugs. I know that you are not suppose to use drugs while you are pregnat so i stopped. But what if the guy who got you pregnat heavily used drugs. Will this effect the sperm that came from him?

Subject: Am I?

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Date Posted: 14:09:16 02/20/08 Wed

I stopped seasonique after my placebo pills, this was back in the beginning of january. I did not start a new bc. I was due for my period on Feb. 12th and I STILL have not started. I took a pregnancy test 3 days ago and it was negative.... Any ideas as to what could be going on? I was only on seasonique for 6 months, and did not just stop taking them in the middle of the pack, so I wouldn't think that it would still have my cycle mixed up... Was it too early to take a pregnancy test? My longtime boyfriend & I did have unprotected sex many times during that month.. We aren't trying or not trying to get pregnant.. Whatever happens, happens.. But why am I so late with a negative test??

Subject: Women Who Have Abortions Experience Post-Traumatic Stress

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Date Posted: 06:59:52 02/14/08 Thu

Study Finds Women Who Have Abortions Experience Post-Traumatic Stress

RSS Newsfeed

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
February 13, 2008

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new study published in the journal BMC Psychiatry finds that women who have abortions typically experience high levels of post-traumatic stress disorder. The findings mirror other research reports showing women are more likely to suffer mental health issues following abortions compared with keeping the baby.

The study appeared in the July 2007 issue of the professional psychological publication but it only coming to light now.

The research involved 155 women from South Africa who had abortions and were evaluated one month and three months afterwards.

Approximately 20 percent of the women had post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms just one month later. The results led the authors to note that "high rates of PTSD characterize women who have undergone voluntary pregnancy termination.

Looking at the women three months after the abortion, the number of women experiencing the PTSD symptoms increased 61 percent.

Dr. David Reardon, the head of the Elliot Institute and a post-abortion research who has been involved in more than a dozen studies documenting the psychological impact of abortion on women, notified LifeNews.com of the new study.

"The abortion industry should not be subjecting women to a procedure that is likely to increase or cause symptoms of post-traumatic stress or other mental health problems," he said.

"Furthermore, the evidence shows that many of these abortions are unwanted and the result of pressure or coercion from others," Reardon added. "The industry should be held liable for putting women at risk and performing unwanted and dangerous abortions."

Reardon said the researchers also examined the effect of levels of pain and post-abortion psychological outcomes.

The study found women who had received a local anesthetic versus those who had received IV sedation had higher levels of pain and were more likely to experience PTSD symptoms in the short-term but there was no long-term difference.

According to Reardon that means the abortion itself is more likely to cause the PTSD issues rather than the kind of pain management given during the abortion process.

This isn't the first study to show a link between abortion and post-traumatic stress disorders.

In a 2004 study published in the Medical Science Monitor, 65 percent of American women reported PTSD symptoms after an abortion and just over 14 percent reported all the symptoms necessary for a clinical diagnosis of PTSD.

Related web sites:
Elliot Institute - http://www.AfterAbortion.Info

Printed from: http://www.lifenews.com/nat3730.html

Copyright © 2003-2006 LifeNews.com. All rights reserved. For free daily/weekly pro-life news, email us at news@LifeNews.com.
Subject: is it to early to tell pregnancy?

Melanie (happy)
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Date Posted: 01:36:26 02/12/08 Tue

My husband and I last had unprotected sex and he injaculated in me 7 days ago..Three days later my brests wore tender and sore and they still are... My period is very irregular and sometime I may have two in one month or maybe none for several, so i cant really depend on my period to tell.. I was wondering if I got a prenancy test, would it be too soon?or could it be someething else making my breasts tender and sore??


Subject: pregnancy concerns

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Date Posted: 23:49:04 02/04/08 Mon

Me and my boyfriend had protected sex, and the next day i discovered something odd when i got done peeing,it was his condom that i pulled out of my vagina. It was inside of me upside down,am i pregnant?

Subject: I can't make up my mind

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Date Posted: 11:50:17 01/28/08 Mon

I really need help or advice. I'm 15 weeks pregnant with twins. I have a 7yr as well. I got pregnant last spring and found out it was twins early. Due to stress, complications and non support from the dad I had an abortion. I didn't even believe in abortions before that. Of course I was upset and depressed afterwards thinking I was less than human and I swore off sex. I went 8 months without sex and gave in (different guy). The 2nd time I gave in I got pregnant. I thought he had on protection and find out later he didn't. When I found out, I knew I was having the child because I didn't want to keep doing the alternative. I found out they are twins as well and was very excited told the whole family and my boss. Recntly I started getting scared again. One week I'm picking out names and very excited and the next week I'm terrified. I didn't start feeling this way until I hit about 12 weeks. I told my 7yr old about the twins and he is very excited, at the time I didn't intend on my feelings changing. I really don't know what to do. My stress is because of finances and support from the father who doesn't even call me anymore. My 7yr old's dad gets him 3 days a week and is very supportive. I don't know what a full time parent even feels like. I'm really scared to be single with 3 kids and I can tell you if I was financial comfortable or I had more support from the dad, I wouldn't even consider an abortion. I don't regret the first abortion to this day, does that mean I can go through it again and what do I tell my 7yr old. Or is it being twins again so soon a sign that I'm suppose to have twins. My problem is I can't decide, the clock is ticking and I don't want to regret my decision either way. Sorry so long. any advice?

Subject: 2 Kids ?

KAtie (Scared)
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Date Posted: 11:16:13 01/24/08 Thu

Hi im 16 yrs old and i think i may be pregnant.
me and my Boyfriend of a yr and a half started having protected sex a few months ago.
Im 10 days late on my period and im freaking out.
neither of us want an abortion but it looks liek there is no other way, he'll get kicke dout because he already has a son he is taking care of in his parents house and they dotn want him to have another child and ill be thrown ou tand disowned. ive tried many times to get a job bu tnoone will hir eme because im a minor. he is about the start college an dbegin a life. id love to have a baby with him but i just know it isnt the right time for etiher of us, we cant afford it and we will have nowhere to go ...


Kai (Distraught)
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Date Posted: 00:26:32 01/16/08 Wed

ok im 19 i graduated high school already im in my second semester of college,i have a good job grossing about 450 a month,im 3months pregnant im living on my fathers couch ,i dont believe in abortion so im going to have them its twins .the father and me have been together for about a year but this pregnancy wasnt planned , i always wanted to be married ,live in a house and be together 4 life ,but i dont know what im going to do.im soo scared and instead of him and me coming together we are pulling apart im just nervous i wont be able to fend for my children what do i do?????

Subject: No Way Out!

Lost Unicorn
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Date Posted: 00:54:00 01/18/08 Fri

I am a 30yr old mother of 2 beautiful girls, ages 9yrs and 1yr. My oldest was from an 8 yr relationship that obviously did not work out and the baby is from a 5 yr relationship that has been rocky for a long, long time. I had an abortion a few years ago from the baby's father and it was one of the hardest things I think I have ever had to go through! I didn't learn. I got pregnant once again but this time I kept my baby because I made a promise to God I would never have another abortion again.

My baby is going to be 14 months old to be exact and just yesterday I found out I am once again pregnant! This man left me for 6 months when I was pregnant with my little one and that was extremely difficult, but I made it through. I had a very hard pregnancy with gestational diabetes, really bad sciatica on both sides, emotional and psychological stress and worry, finances were also a worry. I feel at this point so angry with myself that I could have allowed this to happen again, that I put myself in this situation with the feeling of NO WAY OUT!! I'm dreading the consequences of another abortion, but I just don't see any way possible for me to keep my baby. I have a job, but I don't make enough money and have been so worried about the financial burden of raising 2 children alone, not to mention having another child to support!!

I'm trying so hard not to bond with the life I have inside of me, I'm trying so hard to be cold and numb to the situation, but I must admit, I'm not doing a very good job. I made my appt. for the termination today and the lady I spoke with said there was a flag in the computer by my name because of the way I reacted to the last one and she warned me I cannot come there if I am going to react the same way. After I hung up the phone I just cried. I got so angry with myself and then with God. I was wrong for that, I know, I just couldn't help but to ask WHY??? Why did He allow me to put myself in this situation again, WHY? I guess I'll stop writing because this is starting to look more like a book rather than a post! Thanks for letting me vent! God Bless....

Lost Unicorn

It's so sad that everything revolves around money, the Almighty Dollar! If I had the financial resources that would make it possible, I wouldn't think twice about keeping my baby!! I made choices and I made mistakes in my life, so once again I am in this situation because I allowed it. Always remember, the choices we make today will affect us tomorrow!

Subject: am i pregnant?

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Date Posted: 04:00:46 01/09/08 Wed

i am 32 days from my last cycle makin me 4 days late on my period, I always have regular periods I start on the right day n have a regular five day period. I am very tired have swollen breasts temperature keeps goin up i feel dizzy could i be pregnant? please reply asap. thnx x

Subject: Could I be pregnant?

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Date Posted: 09:33:07 12/28/07 Fri

Hi my name is ashley and i'm 18 me and my boyfriend had sex on Dec.9,2007 and about week later my peiord came on but after it went off i started to feel nausa and sick on the stomach and i have been sleeping alot i havent been on birthcontrol in a month so could i still be preganet?

Subject: Scared

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Date Posted: 00:17:34 01/05/08 Sat

me and my girlfriend had sex for the first time a couple days ago. it was january second and she normally has her periods at the end of the month. afterwards she was saying how she had stomach pains and a headache. its only been a day and she has stomach pains that feel sharp. is this bad?

Subject: Sex Before Marriage?

Diane Cheryl
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Date Posted: 01:04:18 01/08/08 Tue

Here is an article I found on http://www.lovematters.com

Sex Before Marriage?
Consider the Consequences

Know that a person likes you because of who you are and not because you will “go all the way”
Have self-respect and respect from others because of standing firm and accomplishing a goal
Know trust, honesty and patience
Experience peace of mind
Develop true intimacy
Have a clear conscience
Have healthy relationships
Discover the true meaning of love
Share a bond with your spouse that no one else has shared
Focus on communication skills and develop non-sexual relationships
Have a solid foundation as you enter marriage
Look forward to a very special honeymoon!
Adapted from Choices/Teen Awareness, Inc.


Loss of self-respect
Suicidal thoughts
Ruined relationships
Immediate marriage
Adoption (to place your baby with a loving family)
Single parenthood
Abortion’s consequences
Genital warts
Vaginal infections
Sterility risks
Cervical cancer
Breast cancer
(WARNING! Even if you use contraceptives, you’re still at risk for heartaches, pregnancy and STDs.)

“Living Together” Doesn’t Work
Research shows that marriages that started out as live-together unions have a 50 percent higher divorce rate.

Source: “The Role of Cohabitation in Declining Rates of Marriage,” Journal of Marriage and the Family, v53, 1991, pp. 913-927
Subject: Could I be pregnant?

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Date Posted: 08:51:59 01/02/08 Wed

My husband and I had unprotected sex on Dec. 29, 2007. He doesn't know for sure if he came in me. He says he had signs like tingling but we kept going and he came when we got done (not in me).

I was wandering if I could be pregnant. My period is like clockwork on the 10th of every month. I was on Birth Control pill seasonale for about 9 months and stopped taking it about 3-4 months ago.

I am having breat soreness but that usually occurs about a week before my period. Since, my period is due on the 10 of Jan 2008, that might be a sign of my period fixing to come on.

Please let me know what you think.

We both want children but with me just being done with College and trying to find a job, this might be kinda hard to handle....but we will see!

Subject: Unknown if pregnant. on pins and needles

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Date Posted: 23:45:39 12/24/07 Mon

My period came on between the 8 and the 9 of Dec. I had sex during the late hours of the 19 and early hours of the 20. Was I fertile at the time to have gotten pregnant. I dont know my exact ovulation date. Nevertheless, I have never missed a period. Every 28 Days, like clock work.

Subject: Re: One Week After Conception Symptoms?

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Date Posted: 21:30:50 12/18/07 Tue

i had my period nov. 24,2007 and it went off bout the 31st i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend the 1st of dec.2007. it is now dec. 18,2007 and i've been throwing up and my breast are really sore and i've been feelin pain in my lower back and both of my sides and its is very hard to sleep comfortably at night and i have been urinatin alot since then could i be pregnant?????

Subject: Jaimie Lynn Spears - 16 & pregnant

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Date Posted: 08:15:23 12/19/07 Wed

"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," she said. "I was in complete and total shock and so was he."

Spears is 12 weeks along and initially kept the news to herself when she learned of the pregnancy from an at-home test and subsequent doctor visit, she told the celebrity magazine, which hits stands in New York on Wednesday and the rest of the country by Friday.

What message does she want to send to other teens about premarital sex?

******"I definitely don't think it's something you should do; it's better to wait," she told the magazine.*******

"But I can't be judgmental because it's a position I put myself in."


By the time you're reading this from today's news, you are probably in the same spot - or worried that you are in the same spot - an unplanned pregnancy.

I found it interesting that her wise observation is to advise young ladies (and men) to abstain, to WAIT for sex.

If you end up not pregnant at this time, give some serious thought to being sexually active until you're married.

Subject: Top Ten Signs You are Pregnant

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Date Posted: 20:58:27 12/18/07 Tue

• 10. Tender, swollen breasts
• 9. Fatigue
• 8. Implantation bleeding
• 7. Nausea or vomiting
• 6. Increased sensitivity to odors
• 5. Abdominal bloating
• 4. Frequent urination
• 3. A missed period
• 2. Your basal body temperature stays high
• 1. The proof: A positive pregnancy test
Subject: could it happen?

ashlynn (confused)
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Date Posted: 14:35:20 12/18/07 Tue

ok so i started dating this guy and we have been having unprotected sex since we been together,BUT he DOES pull out, i have had friends tell me that pre cum is just as bad as the real thing, is this true??? whats my percent of gettin preg even if he does pull out?? we do it like almost every night but i just dont like condoms and aint sure how likely it is for me to become preg.please help me!

Subject: I've been on ortho evra for 5 years and after i got my period i didn't put it back on and had sex

Janna (scared)
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Date Posted: 22:02:42 12/16/07 Sun

well... ive been on ortho evra for 5 years and i had my period but ive had morning sickness for like a month now b.c last month i had sex without it on and he didnt pull out. NOW i havent had it on for a week we had sex twice and he didnt pull out and i wonder if i am pregnate should i put my patch back on because i dont wanna kill the baby if i am PLEASE GET BACK TO ME AS SOON AS YOU CAN..

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