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Date Posted: 12:59:05 02/26/10 Fri
Author: teacher
Subject: Why did you Join?

I'm trying to increase my Male Enrollment at my school and am having a rough time. I've offered incentives to my ladies to get a guy in class for teams, offered full scholarships to the boys and partial ones to their referrers. I put pictures of the guys I do have dancing at my school in all my ads.

What more can I do?

Why/How did you start?

Thanks for your help!

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[> My son started because his sister was dancing, and he was tired of waiting in the lobby for her to finish. Now he dances because he LOVES it! You might want to look at having a boy sibling special?? -- Mom of DS and DD, 06:34:31 03/01/10 Mon [1]

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[> [> That is why my son started too. He is quite young U6 and isn't that thrilled with it mostly becuase there are hardly any other boys. He used to get excited about class...but its just more time with girls.... -- we'd love more boys to join!, 12:06:41 03/01/10 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> Same here. -- ., 09:46:23 06/02/10 Wed [1]

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[> If there was an older male dancer who could come in here and there, maybe that would be helpful? -- x, 12:21:08 03/01/10 Mon [1]

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[> Both dd and ds started at the same time. My dd quit when ds won the Oireachtas. Some boys started because they saw my ds dance and different dance outs. -- 7kids4us, 13:05:20 03/03/10 Wed [1]

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[> Thank you for making the effort to recruit boys! My ds (now a WQ) started after hearing a celtic band. He wound up on stage with the band. I thought being the only boy would bother him but it never did. But (more inside) -- MW Mom, 17:27:02 03/03/10 Wed [1]

. . .he loves the all boy workshops and opportunities to get the guys together and play football or wall ball and do some dancing too. Emphasizing that ID training will improve stamina for other sports may help - my son sometimes describes it as "cross-training" to his soccer buddies even though he really dances for the love of it. Highlighting boys at shows helps. Be sure your school is careful not to send messages like "All dancers should wear poodle socks and wigs . . .." He always threatens to show up in a wig although he hasn't actually done it yet. :)

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[> [> we have the same problem here - male to female ratio ... well its like 12 to 1. -- ..., 01:18:39 03/23/10 Tue [1]

We now have two boys in our school now.... one is 19 and one is 12..... motivations are different. 19 yr old is because he thinks if he is good enough he can join a show and tour the world whilst getting paid.. .12 year old is my son, so hes there anyway, might as well dance.

Funnily enough, the 12 year old has a great eye for what works and what does't makeup, dress and choreography wise, but ask him to actually pick up his feet in class and you might as well cut his legs off.

Both boys love to perform, and we always get the most audence applause for the boys... all our workshops are run by male tachers as it gives the boys a role model as well.

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[> I started after watching Lord of the dance, Riverdance etc, however alot of boys transfer because of older male rolemodels -- dancer, 05:08:40 03/04/10 Thu [1]

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[> My ds started at 6 (wanted to at 4) after watching Riverdance on PBS endlessly! Took me -- ecr mom to a ds & dd, 08:57:12 03/05/10 Fri [1]

2 years to convince hubby that ds would still be a "boy" & wouldn't turn gay just because of dancing.

He did go thru a slump at 11 and pulled himself up and practiced harder and then got to go to the O's at 12. Now he's the "senior boy" (how'd that happen) and he's got lots of girls around him all the time. Grew up with girls so can handle conversations with them. The lots of girls thing doesn't come into play until 13ish...

Our school has a boys only class once a week. All boys, all levels - the little guys are so darn cute.

If your school colours have PINK or purple in them, have the boys not wear those colours.

It's nice to see that you're trying. Talk to parents at your local Irish club. Bring the boys you have to all dance outs, give them a solo when you can. Give the boys a special dance at your school recitals. You have "crazy week" as I call it, showcase your boys in your dance outs. If you pass the hat, get your boys out there holding the hats, people will ask them questions, tell them that they were great! Good luck!

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[> What region are you in? Lover the scholarship idea. -- Mom of WQ DS, 13:33:09 03/06/10 Sat [1]

Husband bribed son to dance after dragging son to DD comps.

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[> My son started dancing because his sister did. He was a natural and is in Open now. He stays dancing for the girls -- Mom of a son and a daughter, 12:03:14 03/10/10 Wed [1]

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[> Mine lived for hanging out with the boys in class. If there aren't boys the same age, it isn't fun for them. It helps to become known as getting good results for boys. If you mainly want them for ceili, that will only work for the older guys high school or older. -- mom of 2 ds, 00:21:55 03/27/10 Sat [1]

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