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Guys Irish Dance Too!
WELCOME! This board is dedicated to all the boys, men and their parents who wish to share thier ideas, thoughts, questions, etc. about Irish Dance. Enjoy and be nice. Thanks for visiting!

  • Oireachtas...Final round says "Set Dance". How is that different than "Traditional Set Dance" that I see for other age groups? -- Thanks!, 03:50:34 09/17/08 Wed [8]
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  • Boys straight legs -- ., 14:18:30 09/16/08 Tue [2]
    My son finds it so difficult to do his jumps and get his legs straight - they sort of ways bend at his knee and droop downwards. They look terrible and I'd love him to be able to do those fantastic leaps with pointed legs that I see other boys his age doing. He does try very hard and practises them - but alas, no joy.
    Anybody any tips?
    He has lots other things he needs to perfect - but we'll take them one at a time.
    THanks for your time in reading this.

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  • happy downloader try www.deancrouch.co.uk sets at any speed -- :-), 05:32:09 09/17/08 Wed [1]
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  • It's a big day for Alaska! -- :), 12:39:55 08/29/08 Fri [43]
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  • --- -- gavin doherty vests? info anyoneee, 20:10:43 09/13/08 Sat [1]
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  • His feet are growing at a scary rate!!! We bought new hard shoes maybe 4-6 wks before Nationals. Shoes are now too tight. I should have known when his school shoes went up 1 1/2 sizes. Yikes, this growing thing can get expensive! -- Irishmama, 19:19:39 08/28/08 Thu [11]

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  • The 2008 Chicago Autumn Feis will be held on Sunday Nov. 2, 2008. The Feis will again be held at the Tinley Park Holiday Inn and Convention Center - first class venue. Registration is open on efeis.com. Great judges & musicians! Register soon before the caps are reached! -- Chgo Autumn Feis Committee, 21:31:13 09/06/08 Sat [1]
    Teddy bears for all first feis dancers! Cool awards for boys in Champs & PC! Hope to see you in Chicago!

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  • Below we did favorite boys to watch dance, now for fun lets to Favorite Treble Reels to watch since they are more of a "Fun" thing, and hopefully it will push the spam down a little further -- Lets have fun and get rid of the spam!, 05:06:07 09/04/08 Thu [7]
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  • Looking for Boys reel/soft shoes with the heel/sound -- Mom of growing boy, 19:25:41 09/02/08 Tue [9]
    My son wears a size 1 (one) US sneaker/street shoe.
    His current jazz shoe/with heel says a 1 1/2, but it is too small. I think the dance shoes run different.
    looking for a pair of good condition shoes if anyone is selling a pair that is the size of a boy US sneaker 1.

    Thank you,

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  • Has anyone ever seen the little blond boy do his "Slide" ??? -- Too cute!!!!, 18:25:56 09/04/08 Thu [2]
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  • New Liffey Rivers Mystery Now Available -- Brenna Briggs, 21:14:15 09/02/08 Tue [1]
    New Liffey Rivers Thriller Unfolds Under Celtic Blood Moon

    The ancient Celtic Blood Moon summons 13-year-old Irish dancer Liffey Rivers back to Ireland, plunging her into deadly danger as she searches for the mysterious woman who wears a diamond ‘M,’ on the summit of the Mountain of the Moon.

    Sligo, Ireland. September 2, 2008-- 13-year-old Irish dancer Liffey Rivers finds herself summoned back to Ireland by the ancient Celtic Blood Moon and plunged into deadly danger in the much anticipated third book of the Liffey Rivers Irish Dancer Mystery Series: Liffey Rivers and The Secret of the Mountain of the Moon, by Brenna Briggs. (ISBN (10): 1419652907; ISBN (13): 9781419652905, 178 pages, perfect/trade paper: $13.99).

    Irish Dance and Cultural Magazine says, “Liffey Rivers...will keep you guessing right through to the end, starring a quirky Irish dancer who should not be underestimated!”

    Liffey Rivers and The Secret of the Mountain of the Moon is available through bookstores and online at www.amazon.com.

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  • Take the unofficial Oireachtas survey! -- for US and Canada dancers, 16:13:26 09/02/08 Tue [1]
    As we're all gearing up for the "O", there's a lot of things to wonder about. How does feis level affect recall or placement? What about when you started dancing, when you learned your "O" steps, how often you practiced, or whether or not you tanned?

    As a first time "O"-goer, I created a survey for people in the US and Canada who went to the O in 05, 06, or 07. It has some questions about your level, "look", school, and experience and how it might relate to how you did.

    Of course, this survey won't give any definite answers, but any information helps for those of us going into unfamiliar territory!

    Visit the following link to take the survey and share some information on your Oireachtas experience:


    You don't have to answer all the questions, and any response is appreciated!

    I'll be closing it on September 10 and then start calculating some statistics for us all to know going into the "O".

    It's totally anonymous and no results will be posted in a category with fewer than 5 surveys submitted.

    Thanks for your time!

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  • Hey Ealain.. how did you go at States?? Still going to Nationals - we gotta meet up for a meal or something one night. Gabbi and I will arrive on the Wednesday and are staying till the following Wednesday. -- Lee in Darwin, 19:50:37 09/01/08 Mon [1]
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  • Boys feet - when do they generally stop growing? What kind of soles do you or your DS wear? -- ecr mom to a ds & dd, 19:35:18 09/01/08 Mon [2]
    Trying to find a general age or growth spurt when feet finally stop.

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  • Gustav now a cat 5 hurricane ... gues we will see if Bush has fixed FEMA -- time to pray, 14:57:05 08/30/08 Sat [1]
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  • How long for the awkward stage? -- Not liking it one bit!, 14:46:49 08/17/08 Sun [8]
    My son started dancing late and things were looking really good. Since June, he's not been able to dance well. He sort of doesn't believe me that it's just temporary and that, once he gets used to his new body, he'll be back to the good dancer that he was. I read him a couple of these threads, explained that he's suddenly bigger and so his body doesn't know itself so well, anymore. It seemed to give him little comfort.

    I know it's just a matter of time, but does anyone know how *much* time? Will he get his groove back in time for Os?


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  • Rutherford hard shoes, size 6 1/2W on ebay. Just saw them, but my guy has quickly surpassed that size. Price was 9.99 last night and these shoes look brand new. -- not the seller, 03:36:34 08/14/08 Thu [6]
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  • Anyone have a pair of hardshoes, Fay's black suede soles, Size 5 or 5. 5 (UK) for sale? -- molly, 03:48:39 08/21/08 Thu [1]
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  • Boy's flat front black trousers (Perry Ellis brand) many sizes: -- maryann, 19:10:55 08/15/08 Fri [4]
    Going through the closet and have many of ds old dancing pants, some worn just a couple of times, some more times(and tiny fray at the bottom where maybe there were front clicks), but unnoticeable by judges.
    Is there any interest in these? I know it's hard to find flat front (no pleat) trousers that hang nicely since they are discontinued by Perry Ellis. Thinking of selling for around $10-$20 each pair, plus shipping. Sizes to fit age 8 - 12 year old boys. If there is interest I'll post on ebay or take emails here, if no interest, will just donate to charity. I think we all have paid about $45-55 at Nordstrom's for these (I did)so thinking $10-$20 pair is fair.

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  • I have a green crepe-backed satin emerald green shirt for sale. It is a size 10. Shirt was made by a wonderful seamstress, and is a really nice quality. Here is a link to a picture.http://www.dance.net/viewImage.html?image_id=214147&page=1 (I am not selling the vest) $25, originally $50. Post if interested. -- Irishmama, 18:21:02 08/18/08 Mon [2]
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  • Any advice for improving posture? My ds seems to have trouble controlling his arms and sometimes leans forward. -- All constructive advice welcome!, 13:51:54 08/06/08 Wed [9]
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  • Anyone have a pair of mens 12's hard shoes in good shape? -- might be interested, 17:17:23 08/14/08 Thu [1]
    Given the price of a new pair if someone has a US size 12 ( however that translates into European not quite sure ) used pair that might interest me.

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

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  • How much time do other boys spend practicing? Do they practice daily / mulitple times per week and how long per session? -- Mom of non-practicing ds, 11:54:17 08/08/08 Fri [6]
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  • Oh gosh it's lovely to come over here and not have to read about dresses, dressmakers, costs etc. Who ever said boys were trouble? -- Tallagirl, 04:06:56 07/19/08 Sat [3]
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  • As the mom of an 8 year old ds, I am just starting to look into costumes. I get his pants at any department store but am having trouble finding shirt/vest/tie combinations anywhere. He is a relatively small thin 8 year old. -- Mom of ds, 08:27:25 08/01/08 Fri [8]
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  • www.deancrouch.co.uk - a nice site for all your downloads, cds and ringtones, easy to follow instructions -- www.deancrouch.co.uk, 04:34:15 08/06/08 Wed [1]
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  • Boys Dancing Outfits For Sale -- Parent, 05:27:54 06/17/08 Tue [8]
    Age 8-9 yrs, new outfit never worn, black pants and shirt with silver/black waist-coat and matching tie. Slim fitting.

    Age 9-10 yrs, black pants, black velvet waist-coat with glitz effect and black/white design shirt with black tie, excellent condition, slim fitting.

    Age 10-11 yrs black pants, black waist-coat with maroon back and diamonds all over. Excellent condition, slim fitting.

    Boys size 3 1/2 Rutherford heavy dancing shoes never worn and boys size 3 1/2 Fays heavy dancing shoes never worn for sale.

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  • Change in dancing -- mom of 1ds, 17:01:54 07/20/08 Sun [6]
    I'm wondering something: My son has suddenly lost his turnout and cross, as well as lift and grace. Pretty much a mess dancing these days, dropping from firsts to low placement. He still loves dance, but his frustration is very apparent. Has this happened to any of your ds(s) and if so, what did you/he do?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Nationals Video -- Brian Doherty, 15:22:45 07/17/08 Thu [1]
    Check out this video from the parade of champions featuring senior mens winner Scott Doherty!


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  • There was a long (and rather nasty) thread on one of the boards about the boys outfits at Nationals. I really cant believe the nerve of some people... -- Irishmama, 19:56:13 07/12/08 Sat [12]
    Someone actually insinuated that only a "certain type" of boy will wear a glitzy costume.(While I would love my son, no matter "what type of boy" he was),I think this is ridiculous!! Some young men want to be conservative, and that is just fine. Others are more daring-like my ds. He likes to be just a little "on the edge". He is totally all boy and would never wear his costume out of the stage arena, but there, it seems natural to him. He does do his own thing, even at school. He puts various colors in his hair daily-it is his way of expressing himself! I guess I just wonder if any other of the dancing boys feel the same.

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  • Congrats Bobby Clark 6th Place Boys U/15 -- Bobby fan, 10:24:32 07/12/08 Sat [3]
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  • white video ipod misplaced prior to u17 boys thursday at nationals -- family of sad dancer, 12:25:35 07/09/08 Wed [1]
    used to warm up prior to U17 boys, looked for just after competition in our belonging and wasnt there. If anyone found or heard of a video ipod we would appreciate being emailed. Did report to hotel and kept checking registration at nationals. Hoping to have it home, a lot of music and only one dvd.

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  • Congrats to the Leneghan boys! Adam K, Kieran D and Brandon A. All recallers, Kieran and Brandon World Qualifiers!! -- Fantastic job!, 22:22:05 07/07/08 Mon [1]
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  • Jacob Sieve 5th Place!!! -- Congratulations, 18:01:49 07/07/08 Mon [1]
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  • Congrats Kelcey Steele - 3rd Under 15 at Nationals !!!!! Great Job in a fantastic competition -- congrats to all these talented boys/men!, 21:11:53 07/06/08 Sun [1]
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  • Michael Fleck 2nd at Nationals -- No name, 19:47:44 07/06/08 Sun [1]
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  • Tyler Schwartz -- First place under 17 !!!!, 18:12:02 07/03/08 Thu [3]
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  • Antonio Pacelli Boys reels on ebay BIN only $12.99. Boys reels are not cheap jazz shoes but are...Leather Soles, Leinster Heels ....These retail for over $65 -- bargain, 09:29:29 07/05/08 Sat [1]
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  • Congratulations to all the boys & med who danced today! -- ecr mom to a ds & dd, 20:59:45 07/02/08 Wed [1]
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  • Confused about this board and who posts here -- good luck all, 16:27:58 07/02/08 Wed [2]
    It this a Mid West board for boys and men or a board for all boys and men everywhere?

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  • Male awards...is there a good place to get them? Do feis organizers seek them out? -- Man in a Woman's world!, 04:26:09 06/25/08 Wed [12]
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  • Good luck to all the MW Region boys !!!! -- Do us proud !!!!, 04:41:18 06/28/08 Sat [10]
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