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Date Posted: 06:33:56 01/19/09 Mon
Author: so many variables!
Subject: It depends on how you define "success". I think teaching alone would be very difficult just from a sheer exhaustion standpoint, but it all depends on what standard of measurement you apply - there are so many truly successful teachers out there who also work full time -
In reply to: momof3ids 's message, "What are some of the day jobs of male ID teachers? My son is thinking of combining his regular career with ID teaching, and I was wondering if it's possible with some professions. i.e engineer, accountant, architect, etc..." on 09:39:41 01/16/09 Fri

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[> [> for example (see inside) -- imho, 18:19:14 01/19/09 Mon [1]

not a high powered executive at one of the big firms, but have a lot of flexibility in my day job and don't have to work 90+ hours a week, so I have time to teach dance and raise my kids - is that success? some would say no, I am stuck in a dead end job not going far, but others would say, heck yes that is success - you are doing exactly what you wanted to be doing.

or, have national champs in teams and soloists, world medalists - is that success? Some would say yes based on those results. I would say, yes but not because of the results alone. I would say yes, as long as the kids are still having fun and are learning to love to dance and compete as much as I did and accomplishing what they are accomplishing at the same time! Others would say, no, that is not success because there is too much competition and not enough other stuff.

It is all in how you look at it.

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[> [> [> You are a success because you love what you're doing, seem content with life and certainly your students love you! What more could anyone ask for? -- happyness, 19:20:35 01/19/09 Mon [1]

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