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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Please help us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer has help with: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 15:04:39 06/12/23 Mon

    If only I could write fast enough to have beaten this week’s 3M to the punch! Hehehe, it’s still different enough to keep going though!



    Have you ever had an idea in your head and started writing it out, only to find that somebody else was going to put something really similar out before you finished it? Hehehe, well, I have been working on a short story called “Believe” for the second volume of the “Darkness Waits” ebooks, and this is movie is really close to a bunch of the ideas that I had in mind. Hehehe, DAMMIT!!! :P

    However, I really liked this movie! It kind of gets in your head, to be honest. A serial killer, on the day of his execution in prison, invites a highly skilled lawyer in to see if he can be declared certifiably insane in order to avoid the death penalty. The lawyer, a skeptic and full fledged atheist, comes in to evaluate his mental state...and is told that he is a ‘demon’ and, therefore, not responsible for his actions. But is he though? Is it all a lie to escape certain death...or is there more to what he’s saying?

    This entire movie takes place in a single day. Within a few hours actually. And is mostly wrapped this one conversation. But it’s extremely tense and engaging from start to finish, and it brings up a lot questions and fears that had me completely locked in from the moment these two characters met. Absolutely brilliant!

    I don’t want to say anything more. Just watch it and let it sit in your intellectual mind for a while. You’ll love it! >:)

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  • Omigod! Just released like an hour ago! :O -- Comicality, 20:50:53 06/05/23 Mon

    I LOVE Stephen King!!! He's on of my writing heroes! The whole time I was writing "Darkness Waits" Vol 1 (and now 2), I was thinking..."I want to write something that was naturally 'Comicality', but would hopefully make Stephen King PROUD! That he might accidentally see it and go, whoah...good start, kid! I don't think I could even handle that! LOL!

    Omigod! Can't fucking WAIT to see this! ::Dances::

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  • Working on something at the moment.... -- Comicality, 15:21:03 06/05/23 Mon

    ...And it is draining my energy dry, because I keep doubting that it'll be anywhere as good as I want it to be... :/

    But I'm going to push my way through it anyway, and see what happens. My head is just messing with me, I suppose. Heh...more than usual.

    BUT...all stories start again on Friday! And another mail marathon is coming in the meantime! Cool? I'll seezya Friday night, and we'll talk more later!

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 15:13:52 06/05/23 Mon

    If the people we’ve lost were still lingering around, and looking in on us from time to time...would you really want to know? Find out in this week’s 3M!

    ”Our House"


    While this might be listed as a horror movie in a lot of places, I’d like to think of it more like a paranormal thriller. It’s not really, like, terrifying or anything like that, but there are definitely some significantly creepy moments within that are worth mentioning. Hehehe! But it won’t scare the shit out of you! Promise!

    When a college aged brother comes home to visit his family after spending his every waking moment working on a new project that he’s really passionate about, his parents and younger brother and sister just want to keep him close for a little while instead of having him so far away and burying himself in his work. But when a tragic accident takes the lives of both parents, it’s up to him to the man of the house now. However...he can’t leave his work alone.

    When it turns out that the machine that he’s been building may in fact be capable of making contact with the dead very time he turns it on, all three siblings begin seeing signs that their parents might be trying to communicate with them from beyond the grave.

    Is this a way to finally reach out rebuild their family...or is it something else reaching out for them instead. Check out this chilling little gem to find out! Enjoy!

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  • And...here we go again with this bullshit... -- Comicality, 16:54:09 05/31/23 Wed

    It's Pride month...so I guess it's time to start hating gay people even more brazenly and out loud than ever before! JUST like I said down below! FUCK YOU PEOPLE!!! Every last fucking one of you!!!!

    What are you doing? Do you have a goddamn JOB? Do you have a purpose in life? A hobby? Do you have ANYTHING in your life that makes you happy??? At all? Go get a life you sick, bigoted, bitch! I fucking HATE you! I wish I could spit in your fucking face!

    Why are you shopping at Target all by yourself at 2PM on a Tuesday? You absolutely friendless, nonsensical, CUNT! Fuck off!!! I wish to GOD that I could be in a position to be harassed by one of these idiots in person. I would, literally, black out and beat her to fucking death with my bare fists! I'm sick of these people. SO sick! Go crawl under somebody's porch and DIE like a sick cat you brainless bigot bitch! Leave people alone! Nobody asked you!

    I hate these people. I really do...

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 10:12:40 05/29/23 Mon

    This week’s 3M selection is definitely a gem that a lot of pople have either overlooked or forgotten about. SHAME on you! :)

    ”The Impossible"


    Watching this again not long ago, I was instantly reminded that Tom Holland has always been a phenomenal actor. I love seeing him as Spider-Man and I even liked the Uncharted movie for what it was...but sometimes I’ll see him in something, even when he was still a young boy, and the blockbuster movie stuff almost seems like it’s just a walk in the park for him. And here, he was fresh off of the stage from playing “Billy Elliott”, so I was immediately impressed. And in love! Hehehe, but that hasn’t changed any! :P

    Based on a true story, this is one of the most heart wrenching disaster movies out there. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to personally go through something like that myself, but this movie has a very visceral appeal to it that puts you right in the middle of it. When a family on a vacation is having fun on their beach front hotel...an unexpected surge of water suddenly comes rushing towards them as a tsunami overtakes everything around them and splits the family apart in the chaos.

    From there, the movie goes from a desperate need to survive the flood, to a period of dealing with the severe trauma of it all, to finally trying to search through the damage and the rubble in order to see if they can be reunited as a family again. If you’ve never seen this before, I would highly suggest that you check it out! It won’t disappoint!

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  • "My One True Weakness 13" Is Up! :) -- Comicality, 08:38:04 05/30/23 Tue



    A brand new chapter of "My One True Weakness" is now up for you guys to enjoy! I know that it's been a while, but I'm dealing with complex emotions here! Hehehe! I've gotta get this stuff right on the first try, so be patient with me! :P

    Anyway, have fun with the new chapter! And if this is your first rodeo with the story, just follow the link up above to start from the very beginning! Cool?

    More to come soon! Seezya then! :)

    PS- Awwww...I love my little Colin pic! ::Giggles::

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