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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Thank You all for helping us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer had help with.
It made a huge impact and was very much appreciated by her!
The campaign is now closed at her request. You can view the campaign here: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 08:20:49 10/02/23 Mon

    It’s time for our spooky October 3Ms! So let’s bring on our fright fest with this creepy little gem!

    ”The Autopsy Of Jane Doe"


    Hehehe, you would think that this movie would start off slow and build up with the scary visuals and atmospheric horror...but NOPE! You get tossed right into the darkness of it all...and if you think the idea of a movie about an autopsy is going to be short on the blood and gore...hehehe, you’d be VERY wrong! So, just know that this one is not for the faint of heart! It’s not too over the top, but this isn’t going to be a PG-13 ‘light’ horror flick at all. Trust me.

    Basically, you have a coroner and his son working on one last body for the evening before closing up for the night. An unknown woman who is a ‘Jane Doe’ casualty that was found at what appeared to be murder scene and brought in by the police to find out the details of what happened to her so they might be able to figure out why. However, as they investigate the horrible things that were done to the body...from mutilations to broken bones...the coroners discover that there is something truly sinister going on here. Bringing an enraged spirit into their midst and making for one creepy ass movie!

    Hehehe, one thing that I loved about this flick was the common sense of both coroners when things start getting freaky around them! They’re like, “NOPE!!! Let’s get the fuck out of here!!!” Hahaha! Unfortunately, they get locked in and are forced to deal with it all. But that cracked me up! My thoughts exactly! Good job, movie!

    Perfect for a late night Halloween treat, “The Autopsy Of Jane Doe” is one of those movies that gets overlooked, but is more than worth the watch! So turn the lights out, crank up the volume, and enjoy! >:)

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  • New ebooks now available!!! -- Comicality, 12:42:41 09/30/23 Sat

    THREE new ebooks are now available! Thanks to some help online, I've been able to finally fix whatever it was that was keeping the books from previously being available, and I'm working through everything to make sure that it's top notch like I meant it to be! :)

    So click any one of the links below to find the ebooks when you get a chance! Cool? And look for them to appear in the Comicality Ebook Section ( https://imagine-magazine.org/store/comicality/ ) some time soon! Cool? And remember...the ebook version of "If Memory Serves" has a DOUBLE SIZED extra chapter added that you won't find anywhere else online!

    Enjoy! :D







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  • "Lost In Question 10" Is Up! :) -- Comicality, 06:52:00 10/01/23 Sun

    The tenth chapter of the Premium series, "Lost In Question", has been posted! So be sure to hop on over, give it a read, and let me know what you think whenever you have a chance! Cool!


    And be on the lookout for my next Premium story, "Smoke And Mirrors" soon! Don't miss out! :)


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  • I really don't understand how people can get involved in ANY of this stuff... :( -- Comicality, 02:48:49 09/25/23 Mon

    And yet, over the past few years, I've seen it all with my own two eyes. Why? Why are people like this? It's like I just woke up one morning and was forced to ask, "How the fuck did we get HERE?!?!"

    What is WRONG with these people???

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  • A very special gift from Hai Tran! XD -- Comicality, 10:49:10 09/25/23 Mon

    He put this together all on his own, and I LOVE it!!! Thanks, dude! I'm honored! ::Bows Down::

    This from a solo "Gone From Daylight" themed story called "Nightfall"! And you can find the completed and improved version in the Comicality Ebook Section! (https://imagine-magazine.org/store/comicality/) Which has a much better ending, in my opinion, once I re-wrote and edited everything! But this is just an excerpt from the first chapter, and it's amazing! Check it out! CUTE voiceover too! Hehehe! Well done! Major applause, dude! ((Hugz))

    And be sure to check out the whole story some time soon! Don't miss out! :P

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 05:28:31 09/25/23 Mon

    The series for this 3M selection could have easily gone on for ten more seasons, and I would have loved it! But they wanted three...and they wrapped it all up in three! Well done!

    ”Into The Badlands"


    For those of you who have been around for a while, you might remember how crazy I used to go for this show when it was still playing every Sunday! Hehehe! Definitely one of my favorites, and not just because of the action and martial arts, but the story was really fascinating as well. There’s a lot to absorb with this show, but the world they built here was insane!

    It’s like if you took “Django Unchained” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and mashed them together! The lore of the series is really cool. There are these ‘Barons’ who own large pieces of land, almost like plantations, and they have ‘Clippers’ who are in debt to them for one reason or another and protect the Barons from being assassinated or overrun for their riches and strongholds. Our main character, Sonny, is one such Clipper...and in defense of his Baron master is sworn to defend the borders of his property, and handle any problems that may arise from other Barons who might want to stab him in the back the first chance that they get. There’s a lot of details that I won’t go into, as they’ve really built a whole world and a different set of rules for this society...but to make a long story short, Sonny is an unbelievable BADASS!!! And when he finds a younger boy who has been kidnapped and transferred to another place of business, he heads out into the badlands to protect him and keep him safe. Only to find out that the boy is keeping a deadly secret that may make him extremely dangerous, as well as the warriors looking to grab him for themselves! :)

    So check it out! There are only three seasons...but by the time you get done with the first episode or two, I’m sure that you’ll just end up binging the rest! ::Giggles:: Enjoy!

    And Widow? Omigod, she’s so fucking kickass! LOVE HER!!!!

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  • Imagine Magazine Question For 9/9 -- Comicality, 20:19:44 09/09/23 Sat


    It can be a very difficult journey to take, navigating our way through a relationship. Finding the right person, having them find you, lining up all of the things that you may or may not have in common, and trying to deal with quirks and flaws as they come along. I would never tell you that it's easy. Can it be fun? Sure! Can it be worth it in the long run? Absolutely!

    But...what if it's a relationship that is simply no good for you? Or maybe even toxic to you? Something that changes you and brings out the very worst in you?

    They may be extremely attractive, and you may have a bunch of good times together...but what do you do if the people around you are telling you that this person is simply not worth the effort you put into supporting them? What if it was one YOUR friends or family members? Would you feel the need to step in and talk some sense into them?

    There's a saying...it's much easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they've been fooled by somebody else. Is it true? Does the illusion of love blind us all from the truth? Would we listen to anybody else telling us that we've been duped? Or should the person hold out and trust their own judgement, even when everyone else is telling them that it's a mistake?

    Let us know what you think! It can be a rough question to answer in certain situations! Let me know what you come up with! :)

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  • D'awww.....so cute! :P -- Comicality, 00:35:29 09/22/23 Fri


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  • Ummm...wow... :O -- Comicality, 18:29:18 09/20/23 Wed

    DAMN, Troye! Hehehe, you're gonna end up having me take you home for the weekend!

    Not the night...the whole WEEKEND!

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 18:00:25 09/18/23 Mon

    I truly believe that this week's 3M is about as much fun as you can have with a series this year so far! ::Still Grinning::

    ”One Piece"


    I have to say that I had no idea what to expect with this short series going in. I had never seen the anime or have even heard of it before the trailer came out. So I took a look and gave it a chance. BOY, am I ever glad that I did! This show is sooooo much FUN! XD

    When a notorious pirate is finally caught and ready for execution, everyone desperately wants to know where he hid his massive amount of plundered treasure is hidden. Well, he knows that he's got no further use for it, but instead of telling them where it is, he sets everyone out to go and find it for themselves to become the next king of the pirates. This of course creates a GIANT hysterically motivated generation of new pirates, all seeking the treasure of all treasures, and there is a young boy who has his heart on being the first one to find it. And there we have our story.

    A GREAT story! GREAT characters, both good and bad! You've got a lot of hilarious moments, a lot of action packed moments too, as our main character 'Luffy' travels from place to place and begins to gather up his own crew. Some magical type powers, some martial arts, danger, swashbuckling, and a touch of drama that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not to mention that Luffy's constant optimism and sense of adventure is incredibly contagious! It'll make your cheeks hurt from smiling if you try to binge watch it. Hehehe, even his enemies are cool!

    Ten out of ten! Had me hooked by the end of the first episode. Check it out! You'll love it! :)

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  • Imagine Magazine's 100th Issue! -- Comicality, 13:34:12 09/17/23 Sun



    Never in a million years could I have ever imagined reaching this milestone for Imagine Magazine. And it has been a much more exhausting task than I think any of you will ever know. Not just for me, but for the folks running the site, adding their own material, sending in ideas, sharing their time and their heart with the rest of us. It's a team effort of epic proportions to do this every month, and I couldn't be more grateful for the people who work so hard in getting this all together.

    And now...here we are at issue #100...provine to everyone who was ever reading that the struggle has been worth it. Thank you guys for helping us achieve the unachievable, and for participating in a project that started out as a bit of an inside joke between us...to being the massive success that it is today. A lot of love goes out to the Imagine team and all of our writers, and also to all of you who took a moment to answer the questions, share your stories, and just embraced and supported what it was that we were trying to do here. Thank you.

    Enjoy, you guys! And be SURE come back next month as issue #101 takes the first step towards the next major milestone ahead of us. I love you! And I wish you well!

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  • "Lost In Question 8" is up! -- Comicality, 13:09:42 09/17/23 Sun



    A new chapter of the "Lost In Question" series is now available in the GayAuthors Premium section. So hop on over and check it out to let me know what you think as soon as you get a chance. K?

    Love you lots...

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  • Hahahahahaha!!!! XD -- Comicality, 18:18:51 09/14/23 Thu

    Don't you EVER let this asshole read any of my stories out loud! I will crush his skull with a hammer! LMAO!!!

    Also...why are politicians always using 'children' to make things sound so much worse? Do you really think that a book like this is going to be made available to a six year old? Really? Everything is 'child' this and 'baby' that and save our minors. Nobody's providing this stuff to kids! Fucking relax! We have common sense, you know? Just because we don't let you set FIRE to a book that you don't like and was meant for an adult audience doesn't mean that anybody is going to read it to your kindergatener before bed every night.

    So stupid!

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