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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Thank You all for helping us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer had help with.
It made a huge impact and was very much appreciated by her!
The campaign is now closed at her request. You can view the campaign here: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • "Smoke And Mirriros 4" -- Comicality, 09:29:43 11/07/23 Tue


    Chapter 4 of the Premium series, "Smoke And Mirrors", has been posted! The story of twin brothers, Cayden and Cole, are finding it harder to hide their secret as they find love and struggle to come out in a small place where such things are considered taboo!


    Only a few chapters left! So grab your Premium subscription today, and take a peek at what you've been missing! :) Cool?

    Coming up next? "The Turnaround Key"!


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  • A Cute Little Ad, But Not Very Realistic. ;-) -- Page Scrawler, 13:34:00 11/05/23 Sun
    Lmao! There's no way the pizza is THAT good, to make someone pass on kissing a cutie like Gavin Casalegno! I mean, a kiss takes, what, five seconds? By the time she gets home, the pizza won't even be out of the oven yet! Such a wasted opportunity!

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  • I have to admit, Neil Patrick Harris looks creepy as the Celestial Toymaker. -- Mike, 10:57:01 11/01/23 Wed

    He was also AMAZING in It's A Sin, a mini series every LGBT person needs to watch at least once (it broke me).

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  • FINALLY, got to watch Love, Victor. -- Dom, 13:44:46 11/01/23 Wed
    Binged watched all 3 series .. Loved it.
    Passed George Sear once in central London and he was also in the same carriage on my train another time!


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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 17:09:34 11/06/23 Mon

    Our 3M selection this week brings us another fun series of action and adventure!

    "American Born Chinese


    When this first came out, and I heard (I think) that it was based on a comic book series...but didn't see there being any real hype about...I thought that maybe it hadn't done well. But, thankfully, I always go to check these things out for myself. And I was pleasantly surprised! I liked this show, and I'm sure that a bunch of you guys will too.

    Let me start of by saying that you will NEED subtitles to watch this show! I actually watched it on Disney+, and it didn't have subtitles, considering the great amount of dialogue where the characters are speaking Mandarin Chinese. Why they didn't double check on that or correct it is baffling to me! BUT, when you watch with the subtitles, the rest of the story makes sense and it's really cool to get submerged into the legend and the mythology of it all. So double check for subtitles.

    A teen student named Jim Wong is just trying to fit in and make it through high school, day by day, all while dealing with his arguing parents. That is until a brand new student, Wang, shows up and he's supposed to guide him around the school to help him get adjusted as well. However...his new friend is a LOT more than he appears to be, tossing Jim into a real life world of fantasy and danger where is trapped in a deadly game that he can not escape!

    If you were looking for something fun to get into, with some action, some humor, and some magic...all woven in to a coming of age high school theme? This one might be for you! Enjoy! :)

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  • YAY!!!! Marvel gets its R-Rated content back! -- Comicality, 17:43:58 11/03/23 Fri

    It's about time! I've been waiting forever, and I thought with the strike and all, they might back out and not do this show! But they definitely are, and it looks as DARK and violent as it's supposed to be! And that ALSO means we can get a real Daredevil, Blade, and Punisher too! Give me more! ::Drools:: I never get enough!

    Hehehe, it's almost like fighting a Bond villain! Love it! :)

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 13:57:30 10/30/23 Mon

    This Halloween 3M selection makes you double check those dark corners twice again...like you’re SUPPOSED to! >:P

    ”The Last Voyage Of The Demeter"


    Hehehe, you know...this movie is kind of like “Jaws” in a lot of ways...but imagine if the shark was actually on the boat WITH you, and could walk around free at night if he wanted to! How crazy would that be? :O

    I think this is only a very small part of the legend of the most infamous vampire of all time...Dracula! Like, how did he get to America back then? There’s this allusion to the idea that he came by boat, but I can’t remember the story going into much detail about what happened there. Well...this is that story. And it’s quite a creepy one at that.

    Following an experienced and educated traveler, he becomes suspicious when a mysterious crate gets loaded onto the ship with the rest of its cargo. Obviously, this crate contains a curse that the crew isn’t ready for...and must battle against while being stuck out at sea with nowhere to run to. Even when the sun is up, the creature has hidden and is buried so deeply into the inner workings of the vessel that no one can find it until it’s too late.

    I definitely got a kick out of this flick, and it makes for a fun Halloween movie to watch tomorrow night if you’re enjoying a quiet evening at home! So check it out! There were some surprising choices made with this movie that I didn’t expect, and that makes it even creepier! So enjoy!

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  • I stand with Butters! >:O -- Comicality, 14:07:51 10/30/23 Mon

    DOIIIING!!! :p

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  • "Smoke And Mirrors 3" -- Comicality, 17:09:51 10/29/23 Sun


    The next chapter of my newest GA Premium series, "Smoke And Mirrors" has now been posted! So run over and check out what's going on with twin brothers, Cayden and Cole, when you get a chance! Let me know what you think when you're done! Cool?



    My very first gay teen horror anthology! Four short stories to read in bed at night! An ebook exclusive!

    With Volume Two still coming soon! Hehehe, promise! :P

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  • Hahaha! What the...? -- Comicality, 07:55:53 10/25/23 Wed

    God bless you, Canada! ::Snickers::

    So I was watching weird movies with my mom last night in bed, because she's taking care of me like a little kid, LOL...and I fell asleep on one movie and woke up at the beginning of another one. It's called "The Pit", and it's like a late 70's/early 80's Canadian horror flick! And it was SO bad!!! Hahaha! But I couldn't turn away from it! And, you know...cute 80's boy in super tight jeans...

    Anyway, there was this big hole in the middle of the forest, and he just kept luring people out there and pushing them in the hole to geten by monsters! Hahaha! But, like...it just kept happening!

    "I've been bullying you in school for your whole life! Muahaha!"

    "Oh yeah? Well, follow me out into the middle of the woods! There's treasure out there or something!"

    "Duhhh...ok. But there had better be treasure!"

    ::Pushes him in the hole::

    "Oh nooooo! You tricked me!"

    LOL! This goes on for like 90 minutes straight! Just a boy in tight pants talking to his teddy bear, finding some dumbass person, and then pushing them in a hole in the middle of the woods! I swear...I think he killed like HALF the town with the same damn trick! They were all a few donuts short of a dozen, if you ask me!

    And then...'spoiler alert'...after an entire movie full of luring people out in the woods to randomly push them in a hole to get eaten by monsters...he moves away to another town. He finds a pretty girl that he likes. Gets lured out into the woods. And the girl PUSHES HIM IN A HOLE TO GET EATEN BY MONSTERS!!!! Hahahaha! WTF???

    Best Canadian horror movie ever! I've gotta find it and keep it tp watch every Halloween from now on!

    Anyway, I feel good this morning! Gonna get some breakfast and then finish editing my stuff from last week! :)

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  • "Smoke And Mirrors 2" is up! -- Comicality, 22:50:31 10/22/23 Sun

    Chapter Two of my newest series, “Smoke And Mirrors”, has officially been posted in the Premium section of GayAuthors.org and you can read it as soon as you get a chance! Have fun!
    I have been a bit under the weather recently, but I’m recovering as quickly as possible so we can all get back to the party! Let me know what you think! And I’ll seezya soon! :)



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  • Just as I was feeling down.... -- Comicality, 19:27:58 10/22/23 Sun

    My super sweet blond baby came out with a new video! Mmmmm...smooth, flat, Stefan belly! ::Giggles::

    Sorry, I was lucky for a while, but got sick again recently. It only lasts abouth three or four days before I can start to recover, but I'm feeling better. Just need another day or two, and I'll be right as rain. :)

    So I'll seezya soon, k? Working on stuff now. ((Hugz))

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  • Holy shit dude... Alright... Everyone stop what they're doing RIGHT NOW! -- bwctwriter, 06:10:06 10/17/23 Tue
    Brand new Troye Sivan music video! Like, legit posted on YT SIX HOURS AGO!
    That young man is pretty friggin amazing. :-)

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  • "Smoke & Mirrors" Begins! -- Comicality, 20:23:42 10/16/23 Mon



    My newest series has now officially begun in the Premium section of GayAuthors.org and you can jump right in to the first picture whenever you like! Cool?

    Again, big thanks for the comments and ratings that you guys added while reading the "Lost In Question" series! I truly appreciate it, and there will be more to come in the future! Enjoy! And let me know what you think when you get a chance! :)

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  • Imagine Magazine Halloween Issue -- Comicality, 01:19:40 10/16/23 Mon



    The Halloween issue for Imagine Magazine went up tonight! So grab your trick r' treat bags and run on over for some candy goodies! This also includes a brand new story called "Blueblood" from our newest member of the Imagine family, R. Eric! (Along with a featured author interview! So check it out!)

    It's out there waiting for you guys! So party safely this year, everybody! And look for some more spooktastic treats for the holiday! Seezya then!

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