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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Please help us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer has help with: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • Imagine Magazine Question For 10/10 -- Comicality, 02:01:37 10/11/23 Wed


    Humanity. We have definitely come a long way throughout history. Just since my elementary school days...the world has evolved and created a world that I wouldn't have even recognized way back then! Hell, we have innovative technologies running right now that were unheard of ten years ago.


    When it comes to 'humanity' as a whole...do you have any faith left? We're not talking about technology here. Humanity in general. Our ability to adapt and survive and communicate with one another in a civil society. Basically...do you still have faith in the goodness and heart of actual people in this day and age? Whether you're an optimist or a pessimist...where do you see mankind in the not-so-distant future?

    Are we ok? If not, can we fix it? Or are we just circling the drain here before our own eventual extinction? Let us know your thoughts.

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 07:53:30 10/16/23 Mon

    The Halloween 3M selection for this week teaches you that sometimes it’s just a good idea to leave the local nice guy alone!

    ”The Terror Of Hallow’s Eve"


    Hehehe, now...I don’t know why this movie claims to be based on a true story, as it clearly is not! Hehehe! But, I don’t know...maybe some kid had a bunch of hallucinations or something and just snapped one day, and that’s what they’re building the story on. Who knows? But I’m thinking this wasn’t true. Hehehe!

    Our movie begins with a teen boy who is really into horror movies, makes designs and mini-sculptures, as well as some special effects gadgets at home. However, he feels a bit isolated, as his dark sense of humor and awkward attempts to fit in with anyone else in his neighborhood. So he’s left to his drawings and artwork as an escape from it all, worrying his single mom about where all of this is going and whether or not her son needs help.

    Then, when a girl that he used to look begins working at a nearby store and he goes in hoping to maybe make some kind of connection with her...her boyfriend and his asshole buddies begin to bully him mercilessly to chase him off. Until, one night, he finally makes a very dark wish to actually get his revenge by actually scaring them to DEATH! And when one of his dark drawings comes to life in order to help him make that a reality, they both set the bullies up for a Halloween night that they’ll never forget!

    This one was more enjoyable than I expected at first! And for you horror fans who have seen everything else, maybe give this one a look. Enjoy!

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  • More Marvel makes for a happy Comsie! :D -- Comicality, 02:38:31 10/11/23 Wed

    Now I can get my comic book Comsie fix again! Hehehehe! Sweet!!!

    And the first episode of "Loki Season 2" was INSANE!!!

    I might actually have enough money to see this one in the theater! ::Fingers Crossed::

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  • "GFD: Sins Of The Father 6" Is Up! -- Comicality, 22:43:45 10/09/23 Mon



    As the "Gone From Daylight" series expands and evolves, it's really a lot of fun to be able to weave all of the stories together at long last without giving away too many spoilers or trying to match certain events with things that haven't 'technically' happened yet! Now I have a lot more freedom to build up the side stories and spinoffs the way that I had planned! So I'm having a balst with the whole experiment, and I hope guys are enjoying it too! MWAH!!!

    The newest chapter of the "GFD: Sins Of The Father" series is up tonight! So give it a look, and let me know what you think whenever you get a chance! Cool? Only one more chapter to go in this series, so don't miss out on the opportunity to catch up if you haven'te read any of it before! It'll matter in the end. ::Winks::

    Seezya soon!

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  • "Lost In Question" is complete! :) -- Comicality, 22:26:15 10/09/23 Mon



    The GA Premium series, "Lost In Question", has now been completed! Meaning that you can rip through the whole thing from beginning to end all in one sitting and not have to wait! ::Giggles:: Because...mass consumption and lack of self control? LOL! Anyway, chapter 11 is up, and that brings this tale to an end! I hope you like it! And HUGE thanks for all of the comments and feedback that I've gotten over its runtime! You guys are the best! Thanks!

    More Premium goodies on the way! So stick around! You'll love what's coming up next!

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 13:40:11 10/09/23 Mon

    This week’s Halloween 3M selection starts off as a slow burn, but it’s not gonna stay that way! >:)

    ”Father Of Flies"


    When I say that this is a slow burn, it really does take some patience to reach the point where things begin to really unfold and give you some meaning and info about what’s really going on with this movie. But the flick isn’t really isn’t that long, falling a bit short of 90 minutes, and once the story starts to unravel it kind of sticks with you. Weird, but true.

    We begin with a young boy, his older sister, and his father, who are basically starting their lives over again after their birth mother gets pushed out of the family due to some ‘issues’ that she’s supposedly having. Now, they don’t say what those issues are, unfortunately (Because I would have liked to know)...but when she shows up to speak to her children and the father pushes her away, she does seem a little bit unstable. So...is it a mental illness? Is it a drug or alcohol problem? Did she have a nervous breakdown? The movie never really says. But her son and daughter miss her a lot, and they REALLY don’t get along with their father’s new interest...a young woman who is constantly wearing a mask around the house.

    Now, I’m not going to give a whole lot away, but if you can wait out a long bout of storytelling and character development...you might be creeped out by what you find on the other side. Have fun.

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  • "Left Without Words" not to continue on Nifty... -- Comicality, 10:49:25 10/06/23 Fri

    Ok, so here's what's going on with that...

    I've been trying for weeks to post my last chapter of "Left Without Words" on the Nifty Archive, and my email can't get through because it keeps giving me an error saying that they're new system is detecting it as spam. I don't know why. I went through every single word to see what might have created that problem, but to no avail.

    Anyway, I wote in to Nifty to see if I could somehow figure out what I did wrong, or if they could help. They said that they had a new detection or secuirty program...but they'd look into it. I thanked them and waited to see if they could correct it. A week went by...still didn't work. Another week went by, and despite multiple attempts...it STILL doesn't work. And now, I guess I'm just becoming a 'bother' to them or whatever. I know they're busy, but like...so am I. So, I simply won't be posting that story there anymore. ::Shrugs:: It will continue here on the site and in the Library, but no more Nifty until they decide they want to help me fix it. I love posting there, but if it becomes a hassle for this series or any of my others, I'll let you guys know. K?

    Look for any notices here or on you can sign up for the mailing list at https://www.gayauthors.org/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1 in order to get any further updates. I tried, you guys. Sorry. :(

    I haven't tried any other stories, but if it keeps blocking me, I may not be able to post anything there anymore. Which would be a shame...but it is what it is. Help me spread the word if you can! And I'll seezya soon! Mwah!

    Love you lots!

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  • Imagine Magazine Question For 9/23 -- Comicality, 00:52:27 09/24/23 Sun


    If...and I'm just saying 'IF'...a sudden zombie apocalypse were to break out all over the globe...spreading like wildfire...what would you do?

    I'm talking about right NOW, as you're reading this...the windows of your house or your job get shattered, the sound of armed military planes flew over your house, and you look out of your front door to hear the screams of people running for their lives. Right now! Do you think you could survive it?

    What would you do? Would you try to run? Would you gather up weapons to stand and fight? Would you find a place to barricade yourself in and wait for the madness to pass you by? WILL it pass you by?

    What would you do for your friends? Your family? If neighbors or survivors begged you to let them in...would you take the risk? How long until you run out of food? So much to think about, and almost zero time to plan! But...it's fight or die! So what do you do?

    Let us know in the replies for our Halloween issue of Imagine! >:)

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  • I was drafted into family duty... -- Comicality, 18:18:20 10/03/23 Tue

    ...But I don't mind. Hehehe, all kids wanna do is laugh and have fun. I love it! Either way, I'm still here. Just pick them up from school with the little number card in my front dashboard, put together some snacks, some TV and video games...it's a good time. But I've been pardoned now. ::Giggles:: Back to my dark little corner of silence!

    Torn between being Batman and Bruce Wayne, as usual. Luckily, I can do both! Alebeit slowly! :P

    Hehehe! This boy's HAIR, though! Hehehe! Makes my hands itch! I wanna run my fingers through it! The craving is almost unbearable! Gah!

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 08:20:49 10/02/23 Mon

    It’s time for our spooky October 3Ms! So let’s bring on our fright fest with this creepy little gem!

    ”The Autopsy Of Jane Doe"


    Hehehe, you would think that this movie would start off slow and build up with the scary visuals and atmospheric horror...but NOPE! You get tossed right into the darkness of it all...and if you think the idea of a movie about an autopsy is going to be short on the blood and gore...hehehe, you’d be VERY wrong! So, just know that this one is not for the faint of heart! It’s not too over the top, but this isn’t going to be a PG-13 ‘light’ horror flick at all. Trust me.

    Basically, you have a coroner and his son working on one last body for the evening before closing up for the night. An unknown woman who is a ‘Jane Doe’ casualty that was found at what appeared to be murder scene and brought in by the police to find out the details of what happened to her so they might be able to figure out why. However, as they investigate the horrible things that were done to the body...from mutilations to broken bones...the coroners discover that there is something truly sinister going on here. Bringing an enraged spirit into their midst and making for one creepy ass movie!

    Hehehe, one thing that I loved about this flick was the common sense of both coroners when things start getting freaky around them! They’re like, “NOPE!!! Let’s get the fuck out of here!!!” Hahaha! Unfortunately, they get locked in and are forced to deal with it all. But that cracked me up! My thoughts exactly! Good job, movie!

    Perfect for a late night Halloween treat, “The Autopsy Of Jane Doe” is one of those movies that gets overlooked, but is more than worth the watch! So turn the lights out, crank up the volume, and enjoy! >:)

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  • New ebooks now available!!! -- Comicality, 12:42:41 09/30/23 Sat

    THREE new ebooks are now available! Thanks to some help online, I've been able to finally fix whatever it was that was keeping the books from previously being available, and I'm working through everything to make sure that it's top notch like I meant it to be! :)

    So click any one of the links below to find the ebooks when you get a chance! Cool? And look for them to appear in the Comicality Ebook Section ( https://imagine-magazine.org/store/comicality/ ) some time soon! Cool? And remember...the ebook version of "If Memory Serves" has a DOUBLE SIZED extra chapter added that you won't find anywhere else online!

    Enjoy! :D







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  • "Lost In Question 10" Is Up! :) -- Comicality, 06:52:00 10/01/23 Sun

    The tenth chapter of the Premium series, "Lost In Question", has been posted! So be sure to hop on over, give it a read, and let me know what you think whenever you have a chance! Cool!


    And be on the lookout for my next Premium story, "Smoke And Mirrors" soon! Don't miss out! :)


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