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You Can ALSO Visit The:

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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Thank You all for helping us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer had help with.
It made a huge impact and was very much appreciated by her!
The campaign is now closed at her request. You can view the campaign here: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • IMAGINE Magazine issue 106 - Is now live! -- JeffsFort, 02:50:14 08/15/24 Thu
    We are firing on no cylinders this month... Um... That's not right. I mean we are totally out of gas... Misfiring like an old... Forget it, the new issue is up! I've got nothing left tonight! LOL! https://imagine-magazine.org/releases/volume-106/

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  • Finn and Gaten Have a Great Friendship -- Page Scrawler, 23:42:43 08/26/24 Mon
    Gaten walking around with his girlfriend, Lizzie, but he's holding hands with Finn? Awww! That's kind of adorable. See, we need more bros who aren't afraid to show that they're bros!


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  • Yo Pete -- Johnny, 18:31:30 08/14/24 Wed
    I haven't been here since May and thought I'd check the site out tonite. I came across your message and birthday greetings, yeh I should have guessed it would be in you little black book. :) I will mail you I decoded your email addy lol. Rob and me are fine older but still as stupid I just realised I'm over twice the age when I first found Com's site. I saw the roll call post and you were in hospital I hope you're alright. You were always like a Grandad a brother because we both liked older music as well as new and of course you were always a friend so yes I'll mail you.

    Scrolling through the posts tonight and other times in the past I saw a few guys that were around like forever. Turtle, Mike, Matt, Dom, Ice, Page. I didn't know Jeff from the site but enjoyed a lot of his stories on his site. Damn time flies but I hope life is treating you guys good. Some of us had our fights but families do always have done. I was a teen then and hey teens always know better.:) As I said I will mail you Pete and it will be good catching up with Chris and Erick. In the meantime you take care of yourself and don't have too many of those mega size burgers at that place you went to/go to. Hugz.

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  • Wow! America's REALLY Got Talent this year! -- Page Scrawler, 00:41:36 08/08/24 Thu
    AGT has really blessed us with some cuties this year. These kids are so talented, and they deserve every respect.

    First, a father-and-son duo from Australia! Personally, rap isn't my favorite, and I had to watch on TV with the closed captions to understand what they were chanting, but they really are "Dat Good!"

    Next, there's a little guy named Douglas who can beatbox as well as Inkabee can rap! Maybe they should form a team?

    Then, there's Brody Schaffer, AKA "Boss Baby Brody", because of how much sass he fits into his tiny frame! Awww, the missing teeth are so adorable!

    Following Brody, it's the latest generation of Menudo! These kids are so good, Simon asked for an encore!

    After Menudo, we have an absolutely adorable Southern cinnamon roll named Reid Wilson! He was trying so hard to be polite, but some of those "manners" can be hard to keep straight in your head.

    And, saving the best for last, we now present a Swedish teen heartthrob who's already earned some notoriety as a busker and environmental activist. (And if memory serves me correctly, he's already been featured in the magazine.)

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  • My first music video I posted all those years ago -- Johnny, 19:22:31 08/15/24 Thu
    I remeber I had to shrink some figures so it didn't go full screen bit can't remember which so apologies if it does go full screen. I know how it used to annoy me and others.If it doesn't work maybe Pete can help. Belle and Sabastian The Boy With The Arab Strap

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  • You'll Like This Pete. -- Johnny, 20:02:28 08/15/24 Thu
    I don't know he he never big I think he's great.

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  • Hey Com -- Johnny, 19:55:32 08/15/24 Thu
    At least you won't be able to pull your hair out in November if Trump becomes President again. Can't you do something from up there? Go ask that Daddy Angel we see in movies if you can go back home for a month. :} Pete's still with us so will have 5 years of suffering.

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  • How about a roll call? -- Phoenixbinder, 15:37:05 07/25/24 Thu
    If you would like to participate post a reply to this post.

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  • Mike! >:O -- TurtleBoy, 22:57:54 08/07/24 Wed
    I hope you're all right! I've been looking out for your name to appear since we lost our Comsie, and I haven't seen you pop up. I've misplaced your email, so this was super hard to do in private :P

    Just wanted to make sure you're what passes for okie dokie these days. In the meantime, toodloo!

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  • Imagine Magazine Question for 6/15 -- JeffsFort, 00:37:42 06/13/24 Thu

    After quite a few conversations with other readers of the works of my favorite online bossy boss ::giggle::, I've come to the conclusion that we all have many things in common when it comes to how we respond to the characters in our favorite "Shack" story. I think it's funny that of any other author, if you ever said you had an honest crush on their main character in 'X' titled novel, everyone in the room, including the author, would probably give you a weird look. That's commonly not the case with our Shack group and a day going by without some form of character crush being outed is an off day for any of us. (I see you nodding over there ;)

    So, of all the stories that Comicality wrote, in all the worlds that he created, which character is your "I wish he was real..." character. You can wish it for any reason. You want to help him, you want to hug him, you want to be his boyfriend and do unspeakable things to him... You get the idea.

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  • I just found out. I can't believe he's gone. -- Magnus, 08:57:17 07/23/24 Tue
    I'm in shock. I just found out.

    I used to be a daily visitor to the forum and saturday night chat from my teens into my early 20s. I'm 40 now. I had conversations with Comsie multiple times a week. We got to know each other very well. I drifted away but would check the forum a couple of times a year. I had a dream about him last night and came to the forum to lurk and see how he was doing. The first thing I read was that horrible message. A couple of sentences in and I was knocked off my feet. I reread it a couple of times just to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong. It's only been a few minutes; I can't believe it.

    I thought of Comsie often and even though I wasn't around I loved him dearly. Everybody has those people in their lives that leave them changed. Comicality was one of mine. I feel so horrible. I just want to keep saying 'I love you' over and over as if expressing my love for him will somehow call him back to me. I don't ever want to stop saying it. My dear God, I can't believe this. It's been three months and I'm just now finding out! How could I have not known you were gone for three months?! I wanted to be here with you all the years that I was gone, but I was afraid you were mad at me for how we left things. I wanted to reach out to you for so long just to tell you I love you but I was too afraid. And now I can't, and I'll spend the rest of my life wondering if you ever knew that I never stopped loving you.

    I love you Nitz. I always have and I always will. I'm so grateful that I had you in my life and I wish you were still here. I gave you a piece of my heart and you took it with you when you left. I pray with all my soul that it brings you some kind of comfort and peace. I'm going to feel your absence for the rest of my life. A part of me will be missing until I see you again. I hope to God that I get to see you again. Thank you for everything you gave me. I love you. I love you with all of my heart. I hope you knew that and I hope you know that now. God, why didn't I just be brave and tell you that while you were still alive? I'm going to miss you everyday. I don't want to miss you everyday. I love you so fucking much.

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