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A sad notice: As many of you may already know, Comicality has been fighting an illness that took him away from us repeatedly for the last year or so. That illness as it turns out was a failing liver. On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Comicality lost his battle and quietly passed away with family near by; taking a piece of all of our hearts with him. He leaves many of us with the amazing work that he has shared throughout the decades that he has been “COMICALITY” to us and much like that work, I know my heart along with many others, is now forever incomplete. We will continue maintaining the Voy forums but will need to ask for forgiveness as we figure out how to do that agin. It's been a very long time for me at least. - Jeff

Please help us give Comicality's mom a hand with the unexpected final expenses that she no longer has help with: https://gofund.me/7dadd629

  • "GFD: Ammo Nation" -- Comicality, 17:37:39 09/11/23 Mon

    I'm not exactly sure this doesn't show up as being posted anywhere on the site, but I'm putting up the first chapter again in case you missed it, as it ties directly into the main "Gone From Daylight" storyline, as well as a couple of spinoffs! So check it out, and let me know what you think when you get a chance! :)

    Enjoy! And look for chapter 2 later on tonight to see what happens next!


    When rumors and sightings of the fabled 'vampire mimic' become a reality for all who dwell in darkness...the entire city is turning itself inside out and upside down preparing for battle...and an arms dealer by the name of 'Rizzy' is set to make a fortune off of it. But he's also in line to make enemies along the way! Is the mimic real? And if so...what then?

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  • ~ ~ ~ Monday Movie Matinee ~ ~ ~ -- Comicality, 15:04:30 09/11/23 Mon

    This week’s 3M reminds us all that any job that seems to be paying a little TOO much for a simple task...might just be setting you up for a rough time! :P

    ”The Tutor"


    Loved it! Hehehe! I don’t know...there’s this really mysterious vibe about the whole movie that doesn’t really show itself until the third act, and it caught me by surprise!

    “The Tutor” has to do with teacher that goes from home to home, helping the soon-to-be-graduating children of the extremely wealthy who want their kids to get into well known schools. Because...you know...the super rich put real emphasis on that kind of thing, I guess. The tutor has a woman that he lives with, and they’re having a baby soon...so how can he be expected to turn down a huge opportunity and plenty of money to tutor the child of a wealthy businessman way out in the countryside? However, despite the rather large profit motive...he ends up getting much more than he bargained for when the boy latches on to him in a rather obsessive way.

    First of all, Noah Schnapp is REALLY good at playing an unsettling creep in this movie! Hehehe, cute as he is, even I would have backed away from him at a certain point. Also, this movie has some pretty unique twists and turns spread throughout, and every new revelation draws you in further. Bringing me to an ending that I really didn’t see coming! So check it out! And enjoy!

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  • It's ALIVE!!!! :P -- Comicality, 04:09:29 09/11/23 Mon

    It has taken me sooooo long to finally get this finished! But now that it's done and ready to go through my super strict (Hehehehe, but not so much) editing process, the third book will be ready for release in the near future! "The Boys Of Widow Lake: Depths Of Devotion" is coming! And it will be creepier and sexier than the first two books combined! I can't wait until you guys see what I have in store for you next! :D

    You can find the first two books in the ebook section! (https://imagine-magazine.org/store/comicality/)


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  • "Lost In Question 7" Is Up! -- Comicality, 15:03:20 09/09/23 Sat

    The newest chapter of my GayAuthors Premium series, "Lost In Question" is up! So if you've got an account and want to check it out, as well as other stories from me and many of your favorite authors, drop on by and pick up your Premium account today! Cool?

    And coming up next on Premium? My newest story, "Smoke And Mirrors"! So don't miss out!



    Love you lots! HUGE thanks for the donations to the https://paypal.me/Comsie account! It truly helps me out like you wouldn't believe! :)

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  • Imagine Magazine Question For 8/25 -- Comicality, 19:14:30 08/25/23 Fri


    Love can truly be a beautiful thing. Full of joy and self confidence and giving freely of yourself until you've got nothing left to offer. The sun just seems to shine a little bit brighter when you're in love.

    But...as wonderful as it may be, even for a long term relationship...it doesn't always last. Way it goes, I suppose. Sad but true.

    However, when the romance ends...can you still be friends with your ex? It happens all the time for a lot of people, but I'm talking about you, personally. Can you hang out and talk and still be exceptionally close with someone that you used to date, and not have it be weird? No kissing, no sex, no friends with benefits...just friends. I mean, you guys used to be close at one time. Would that have to stop? Will they be able to see you date someone else? Can you see them dating someone else? Would you worry about slipping back into a relationship that should probably be left alone? Of can ou leave well enough alone on your own and maintain the friendship without having to worry about it?

    Give us your thoughts on this for Imagine Magazine! Let's see what you've got to tell us! Seezya soon!

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  • Imagine Question For 9/1 -- Comicality, 18:43:55 09/01/23 Fri


    There's definitely something to say about confidence being sexy! Just being comfortable in your own skin and basically being aware of the fact that you're hot when you're obviously hot! Hehehe, because, why not? Right?

    However, there's a line isn't there? I mean where does cute and confident move into the realm of ego and narcissistic self love when it comes to someone that you're dating? Someone that you're trying to build a legitamite relationship with?

    There's nothing wrong with someone showing off how cute or how hot they are to other people. If anything, you should be proud of having a partner that's the envy of everyone around you. But...what do you do when their popularity and their good looks become a part of who they are? Like...could you date an Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, celebrity? Would it bother you to see them showing off their abs or giving a camera smoldering eyes all the time. I mean, these are things that we have to think about in this day and age. Even if you're in love and they claim to be in love as well...would it bother you to have them constantly on display for other people who are probably just as thirsty for their attention if not more so. Maybe they're just super popular at school, or at work, or whatever. Does it make you self conscious at all? How does it make you feel, knowing that everybody absolutely loves the person that you're with...even if he swears that he's loyal to being just in love with you and you alone?

    Let us know what you think! And don't worry about your answer being too long! The longer the better! I really want to hear what you have to say! Speak your mind! Maybe we can all learn something from your point of view! :)

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  • Damn! I wish I could play this! LOL! :O -- Comicality, 19:36:39 09/06/23 Wed

    I have been watching and waiting in the shadows...

    The game responsible for my blasphemous namesake of 'Comicality'...and it looks fucking INCREDIBLE!!! LOL! The game itself is closer to looking real than ever before! Now all I have to do is seduce someone with a PS5, giggles!

    They brought back almost EVERYBODY from all the years before, and I'm waiting to see if they'll make a surprise appearance too. And this might be one of the goriest versions yet! SWEET!

    And God bless them for updating and bringing THIS commercial back! LOL! Omigod, in high school, we used to scream this over and over again until we were HOARSE from it!!! It was like...uncontrollable! At least the new generation gets their version too!

    (Is that the same red haired boy from the original commercial??? He's grown up, but I think he'd be older than that. Maybe he just looks like him...)

    We've come soooooo far! XD


    NEW AD

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