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Naturally, I think about it. It actually haunts me if I had to be totally honest. Because there is soooo much more that I want to do with the time that I have left, but I've aged over the years...we all do...and I can't pull off amazing feats and pull all nighters and stuff like I used to way back in my early twenties. You know?
I keep my most current goals in order and try to burn through them as quickly as possible to wipe them off of my list, but after an extended period of time, I find myself being totally burned out and having to walk away for a little while and come back with fully charged battery and ready to put in a champion effort again. But whenever I sit still, I feel like I'm always wasting more time. It bugs me a lot, because I have so much going on in my head at all times, and I keep having to readjust my schedule so I can put stuff in order and get everything done in an efficient way that won't nearly put me in a COMA or something from the effort! But I don't really do 'lazy'. If I'm not working on something for one person, it's because I'm working on something for someone else. I just wish I had more time.
I do have to force myself to step away from the world every now and then, but it's mostly because I know that I can't do a good job at whatever I'm trying to accomplish if I'm half asleep or if my brain is preoccuppied with 100 other things at once. I'm getting batter at it though, so we'll see how I do in 2024.
Right now...I want to clean up the whole house, room by room, until everything looks awesome. In the back of my mind, I know that I could probably knock out 75% of it all in a single day. The problem is finding the single day. I don't know how many 'tomorrows' I've got left, but I'd like to get a lot of this stuff done long before they run out.
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