- Might be time to remember old crafts -- Larry Gramps, Mon, Feb 03 2025, 9:30:47 PST (72-8-81-143.grt01-oa11.grt.ne.allofiber.net/
With current prospects of food prices increasing, I think it's time to pull out the seed catalogs. I grew up on the edge of Sacramento County CA and helped my grandmother canning stuff from the garden my grandfather grew. We also visited the orchards to buy peaches by the lug to can. Other bulk items were bought at the produce stalls at the weekend market in Roseville. I plan to pick up some five gallon buckets and grow some things on the patio. So I guess canning your food is like making America great again.
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- Heads Up! Incoming —Valentine’s Day -- Don Poss, Thu, Jan 23 2025, 18:23:47 PST (syn-104-173-041-203.res.spectrum.com/
Fair warning: Valentine’s Day is three weeks from tomorrow, on February 14, 2025. By now, we know when she says, “Oh honey I don’t really want any old flowers…,” what that really means — Code 3 to call in your Roses ASAP!
Don Poss,
Just saying….
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- Posse Comitatus Act -- Larry Gramps, Wed, Jan 22 2025, 7:28:41 PST (72-8-81-143.grt01-oa11.grt.ne.allofiber.net/
Do we all remember what the Posse Comitatus Act was? Also has anyone looked into it and its updates. I only bring this up because of current situations may change the duties of our standing active military. I don't believe this is a political Post if it is place it in the Free Fire Zone. Lord knows the last post there was five years ago.
Larry Gramps
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- LAPD & Sheriff DeptFire and Air Support -- Don Poss, Sun, Jan 12 2025, 21:57:53 PST (syn-172-112-136-032.res.spectrum.com/
LA Fire - Aircraft and helicopters
It was fascinating watching TV’s evening news of LAPD & Sheriff Dept A/C flying huge orbits above raging flaming hot-spots and coordinated with helicopters airstrikes of water-drops.
Fires were attacked by rotating squadrons of a dozen or more coming and going jets dropping red “fire retardant, most commonly known by the brand name "Phos-Chek” … dry chemicals…” then reloading.
Several times I watched as the large “DC” jet dropped the red stuff directly over fires; on fire fighters, EMS personnel, and civilians; turning them into red lollipops: Hair. Faces. Teeth.
Scared the crump out of me—I’m sure someone told them it didn’t cause cancer or harm!
Nevertheless— Welll Done Air Support!!! 🚁 ✈️
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- Re: LAPD & Sheriff DeptFire and Air Support -- Larry Gramps (Gramps), Tue, Jan 14 2025, 9:05:39 PST (72-8-81-143.grt01-oa11.grt.ne.allofiber.net/
- Re: LAPD & Sheriff DeptFire and Air Support -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (377th Security Police Squadron), Tue, Jan 14 2025, 17:46:52 PST (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: LAPD & Sheriff DeptFire and Air Support -- Bruce (Ross), Wed, Jan 15 2025, 12:02:56 PST (syn-068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
- Van Digby -- Junious Owens, Mon, Jan 06 2025, 12:30:22 PST (c-73-149-52-56.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Had an E-Mail this AM saying Van was in the Hospital. Can anyone confirm.
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- 2025 -- Bruce (Ross), Tue, Dec 31 2024, 13:55:06 PST (syn-068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
From deep down here in the Heart of Dixie where Alabama and Auburn beat the Hell out of each other once a year,I wish all my brothers a sincere Healthy and Happy New Year in 2025.Vietnam seems so far away, lets also wish for Peace!
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- Merry Chrismas -- Larry Gramps (Gramps), Tue, Dec 24 2024, 11:32:10 PST (NoHost/
I want to send a Christmas wish to all out there that your home with family and all is well. At some point we have spent our time away from family on this special day. Be it in humid Aisia or freezing norther tier we spent our time on the Wall. It is my wish that those spending tonight on watch will be home next year.
Larry Gramps
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- Re: Merry Chrismas -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Tue, Dec 24 2024, 13:36:35 PST (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Merry Chrismas -- Don Poss (🇺🇸❤️🧑🏻🎄), Wed, Dec 25 2024, 16:54:21 PST (syn-104-173-033-018.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Merry Chrismas -- Bruce (Ross), Fri, Dec 27 2024, 19:35:17 PST (syn-068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
Date needed for RIP-111 VSPA Member Dennis R. Hutchings (BT) -- Don Poss, Thu, Dec 12 2024, 20:01:58 PST (NoHost/
Updating Casualties rosters.
I think RIP-111 member Dennis R. Hutchings (BT 1969) passed earlier this year (2024--maybe). If you know the date, or where his OBIT is located online, I would greatly appreciate your replying with that info here, or an email to me at dp-lm37@vspa.com.
Thank you,
Don Poss
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- Pearl Harbor Day 2024 -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Sat, Dec 07 2024, 5:55:47 PST (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
Today, December 07, 2024 is Pearl Harbor Day. It has been 83 Years.
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- Together—VSPA Brotherhood... -- Don Poss, Sun, Dec 01 2024, 20:05:39 PST (NoHost/
Together—VSPA Brotherhood...
Know that as Air Police and Security Police...
(c) 2024, Don Poss
Together we fought in fields, towers, bunkers, fighting holes, miles long perimeter lines, armored vehicles, patrols and helicopters; where enemies lie in waiting to clash swords of red and green lava tracers, and joust with lances of deadly arc-light; and vanish.
Together we parried Rockets, Mortars, and RPGs with streaking-tails of fire that ripped the sky, as metal rain struck aircraft, Earth, and men; while sizzling flares drifted gently to death’s burnt-ashes throughout the night.
Together we repelled the enemy—as they threw themselves by the hundreds with PAVN Artillery regiments, battalions, reinforced platoons, or a single sapper——upon our forces. We killed all who dared try breaking our lines to slay those we protected or destroy our Eagle’s Nest.
Together we paid the price, one-hundred-eleven dead, 500 who bled, and now wear the scars and bare the dreams of it all——and the dark memories we take to our graves of the war that followed us home.
Together we Marched to The Wall, 400 strong, banners waving, deuce and a half trucks trailing. Crowds cheering; some jeering received the salute. Tears and chilled-arms we shared, touching names on black granite whose faces we still see, with our brothers in arms and peace.
Together we built memorials to our fallen; their names and ever young faces will tell our stories for centuries.
Together we stood strong and forged our Legacy:
“No Air Base Guarded by USAF Air Police Squadrons, Security Police Squadrons, or Security Forces Squadrons, has ever been overran or conquered by an enemy!”
Together we hope you will join us and know the Brotherhood we had—still lives.
Welcome Home to VSPA.com
Don Poss
Dir. Comm. & Webmaster
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Jackie Kays ... -- Don Poss, Mon, Nov 18 2024, 6:37:01 PST (syn-104-173-033-018.res.spectrum.com/
It has been just over four years since Jackie Kay's passing on Oct 13, 2020. I was privileged to have served with Jackie at Da Nang AB. A great sergeant. His poetry lives on, powerfully, touching all who read them.
I was on duty with my K-9, Blackie 129X, the stormy night Jackie rescued the crew of a crashed aircraft returning from a fire support mission for an outpost 20 or so miles S/W of Da Nang. I saw the burning aircraft explode, but did not know at the time it had broken into three pieces, after striking a marine bunker, and Jackie was running through the world's densest minefields-- not once, but several times.
Jackie once gave me a silver bullet on a chain and said as long as I kept it, I would never be poor. I should have told him it wasn't the silver bullet, but his friendship that enriched everyone he met.
Jackie had tried for decades to inquire about an award he was told was recommended. The Air Force turned a deaf ear to him.
VSPA went to bat for Jackie and made enough noise rattling the political chain, letter writing, phone calls, and personal contacts, that Jackie told VSPA in December of 2015, just pass the Fiftieth-Year anniversary of Jackie Kays Heroic, lifesaving, and military career-ending Actions, that his doorbell rang and a Congressional Representative presented him a letter from Congressman Sam Graves-- and the "Air Force Commendation Medal" and certificate:
"Air Force Commendation Medal
Has Been Awarded To
Staff Sergeant Jackie R. Kays"
Rest in Peace, Jackie. You are missed and remembered.
Don Poss
-- there's more following:
(1) Read Edwin Smith's (RIP) touching poem on the BB posted Oct 14, 2020, the day after Jackie Smith died:
(2) Read a book review of Jackie Kays' book, "To Die Alone" that tells the tale of the night that ended Jackies USAF career:
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- What Not Money -- Don Poss, Thu, Nov 14 2024, 16:07:56 PST (syn-104-173-033-018.res.spectrum.com/
What Not Money
(c) 11 Nov 2024 by Don Poss
“He has more money than he knows what to do with it
because he has more money he knows
what not to do with it.”
PS: No similarities per both Google
and WORD search engines.
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- How do you take care of your own? -- Larry Gramps (Gramps), Tue, Nov 05 2024, 8:37:21 PST (NoHost/
It has been three weeks since posting a response to Bruce Ross's Usage Post. In that time only two posts have been posted that illustrate my point about lack of information passed on to members who don't attend reunions. If stories and Photos were still up on home page my Hootch is in Steve's pic playing catch, I saw him there. Many of us have passed each other or know common people while on active duty. So why are shut in's shut out of the news? You can't call it a bulleting board without posting Pass On's. Am I the only member who doesn't attend a reunion or feel it is just meaningless words when you post We Take Care of Our Own. I am not angry just a little disappointed about the deterioration of this site.
Larry Gramps LM 402 CRB 68-69
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- Congrats -- Junious Owens, Sun, Nov 03 2024, 7:30:23 PST (c-73-149-52-56.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
A big Congrats to Jerry Nelson. I received a glowing report on Jerry's dedication an effort put forth to make the Knife 13 Memorial a huge success. I am sure others were involved bu8t Jerry was Chairman. I would have loved to have been in attendance at the reunion. Tried to send directly to Jerry but the e-mails did not go thru. So hope he sees this here.
You Comrade
Junious Owens ,Binh-Thuy, 66/67.
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FINAL GUARDMOUNT FOR STEVE KEIFE, K-9 483RD SPS, CAM RANH BAY 70-71 -- Steve Gattis, Fri, Nov 01 2024, 20:46:48 PDT (NoHost/
I just received word that Steve Keife, aka Skull, stood his final guardmount on October 24, 2024. I worked with Steve on the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department where he retired as a sergeant after 27 years. He was a member of the VSPA and attended Cam Ranh Bay K-9 reunions with his fellow K-9 handlers. He lived in Washington and will be missed by his family and friends. Please keep them in your prayers. Service are pending.
My best to you.
Steve Gattis
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- Re: FINAL GUARDMOUNT FOR STEVE KEIFE, K-9 483RD SPS, CAM RANH BAY 70-71 -- Mike Kennedy, 3rd SPS 69-70, LM35, Fri, Nov 01 2024, 23:19:25 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: FINAL GUARDMOUNT FOR STEVE KEIFE, K-9 483RD SPS, CAM RANH BAY 70-71 -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Sun, Nov 03 2024, 5:40:10 PST (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Useage -- Bruce Ross, Sun, Oct 06 2024, 9:30:03 PDT (syn-068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
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- United States Air Force Birthday -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Wed, Sep 18 2024, 10:33:15 PDT (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
On Sept. 18, 2024 the Birthday of the U.S. Air Force.
The men and women of “Big Blue” have proudly and
honorably protected and defended our country for the
past 77 years
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- Passing of a 377th Security Police Squadron man -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Tue, Aug 13 2024, 17:36:30 PDT (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
We are sorry to let you know of the passing of Stephen "Steve" Michael, 377th Security Police Squadron, Jan 1970 - Dec 1970, Charlie Sector, Charlie Flight.
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2024 Summer Guardmount -- Mike Kennedy, 3rd SPS 69-70, LM35, Thu, Jul 11 2024, 12:35:22 PDT (NoHost/
Hitting the VSPA Facebook newsstand first is a brand-new issue of Guardmount. With summer upon us and our 29th VSPA Reunion rapidly approaching, this issue is filled with valuable information about the reunion and several interesting stories from our members.
The Summer 2024 issue will be added to the VSPA website and delivered via mass email to everyone in VSPA who has a valid email in our system in the near future. If you are unable to download or open the PDF file, please let me know and I can email you a copy.
I hope you all enjoy this issue, and maybe it will convince more people to take an active role and write some of your own stories to entertain or readers in a future issue of Guardmount.
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- Help -- Junious Owens, Fri, May 03 2024, 4:14:30 PDT (c-73-218-154-225.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Help: Need help contacting Van Digby. I have sent e-mails to him and others for help or a phone number. I have mailed a check for some coins several weeks ago. Do not know if he received it or not.
van can contact me by e-mail. Either my computer is on the fritz or certain portions of the web site are not up. I.E.
Officers and Staff. Thanks, Bud Owens
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- VSPA Reunion 2024 -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Sat, Apr 20 2024, 13:41:53 PDT (syn-024-158-194-192.biz.spectrum.com/
When and where is the VSPA Reunion 2024?
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My iPhone: Disable your iPhone from Auto-recording everything you say! -- Don Poss, Thu, Apr 11 2024, 16:52:09 PDT (unn-149-50-212-23.datapacket.com/
Lately, when I'm typing Txt and pause, I've noticed my idiot iPhone has recorded everything Kathy and I (or the TV) has said-- her phone does the same thing.
A little research and I found the simple solution to Turn IT OFF--here it is:
For PC People: open Settings > General > Keyboard--Turn OFF "DICTATION."
Problem solved.
Don Poss
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- Passing of Johnny Austin Martin -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Wed, Apr 03 2024, 9:42:24 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
We regret to inform you of the passing of Sgt Johnny Austin Martin, on Mar 28, 2024.
He was with the 377th Security Police Squadron, Foxtrot Sector, Dec 1967 - Dec 1968.
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- Passing of Bob Rodocker -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Sun, Mar 31 2024, 6:47:58 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
We regret to inform you of the passing of Sgt Bob Rodocker, on Mar 23, 2024.
He was with the 377th Security Police Squadron, Sentry Dog Section and handled Fritz, from Aug 1967 - Sep 1968.
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- Troop Deployment -- Junious Owens, Thu, Mar 28 2024, 7:34:13 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Finally, had Air Force personnel deploy thru Pease International Airport last night. Several Security Force members. All but one was from the reserves at Westover in Mass. One from Corpus Christe, TX and his unit was at Lackland. Presented a couple challenge coins. They will be gone for 6 months. We have had 28 Flights this year so far.
Hope all goes well at the upcoming reunion. Bud Owens, Binh-Thuy, 66/67.
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Easy Search Vietnam War Database by Date, Name (or other) -- Don Poss, Tue, Mar 26 2024, 7:55:10 PDT (unn-149-50-212-37.datapacket.com/
A link you may find interesting that permits searching "Ancestry.com's" Official Database for Air Force Causalities in the Vietnam War, by date or other info.
If you want to know the number of KIA LOD on a date you were there "during an attack," simply enter the "DATE Only" in the dropdown window.
Copy/Paste the following link in your browser:
Don Poss
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- Passing of Col Gerald Edward Ingalsbe -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Thu, Mar 21 2024, 9:40:27 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
In 1968, we knew him as 1st Ingalsbe, during the TET Offensive, Jan 31, 1968 thru Feb 18, 1968, Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Saigon, Vietnam.
He passed on Mar 09, 2024 in Ogden, Utah.
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New Life Member Kilgore LM678 -- Paul Shave (happy), Sat, Mar 09 2024, 10:34:05 PST (97-123-69-53.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen,,,,, there is a new Life Member, He is Bruce Kilgore. He is a graduate of UD way back in 71-72. Now he is in SC enjoying the sun and being retired.
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New Member Robert Picker -- Paul Shave (happy), Thu, Mar 07 2024, 15:50:17 PST (97-123-69-53.albq.qwest.net/
Hey everyone, while Jerry is recuperating i will take up a little slack. there is a new member on the block !! Welcome Home Robert Picker. he is a graduate of Tiger Flight at DN way back in 69-70. Currently lives in Manchester PA and living the retired life !!
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Last time you actually "Whistled a Song?" -- Don Poss, Fri, Mar 01 2024, 9:17:39 PST (unn-149-50-212-23.datapacket.com/
When was the last time you whistled a song?
We were driving somewhere and listening to oldies on SirisXM 50s and 60s, and "Magic Moments" (https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=oldies+%22Magic+Moments%22+1957+mpg&mid=CAA9853228D5C2014294CAA9853228D5C2014294&FORM=VIRE) by Perry Como (1957) played.
I started whistling along (it was really bad :) and Kathy told me not to quit my day job (do retires have dayjobs other than honey-do's?). That was a challenge so I started practicing after about 60 years ... a work in progress, but getting better. Started whistling outside--might get a day-job bird whistling...a condor flew over.
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- ATT & Cellular Tower output attacked; emails and smart devices may not work, -- Don Poss (👎), Thu, Feb 22 2024, 12:00:19 PST (unn-149-102-242-169.datapacket.com/
Call it what it is, whether home-grown, Russian, Chinese, or Cartel— it is a Terrorist Act against our nation on a grand scale. Penalties should be the max for an individual or group, if known, and proportional if a foreign nation(s).
Here is a news reports:
“A nationwide cellphone outage struck the United States on Thursday morning and impacted more than 70,000 customers. The issue apparently started with AT&T’s network, but has affected customers who use Verizon and T-Mobile as well. The problem is serious — it has impacted emergency services such as 911.”
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- ChiefLQ -- JAIME (LLERAS), Mon, Feb 19 2024, 18:59:23 PST (c-76-101-41-73.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/
VA offers disability compensation—a monthly tax-free payment—to Veterans who got sick or injured while serving in the military and to Veterans whose service made an existing condition worse.
You may qualify for VA disability compensation for physical and mental health conditions that developed before, during or after service. Some conditions include:
• Chronic (long-lasting) back pain resulting in a current diagnosed back disability
• Breathing problems resulting from a current lung condition or lung disease
• Severe hearing loss
• Loss of range of motion (problems moving your body)
• Ulcers
• Cancers or other conditions caused by contact with toxic chemicals or other dangers
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Mental or physical health conditions related to military sexual trauma
• Posttraumatic stress disorder
• Traumatic brain injury
The money that disability compensation pays each month is available for Veterans with a disability rating of 10% or more. You may qualify for hundreds or thousands of dollars per month in compensation (See the 2024 disability compensation rates). Veterans with a disability rating of 10% or more also gain access to free or low-cost health care through VA.
Already have a disability rating? Applying for other ratable disabilities will not put your current disability rating at risk. If you have a rating for hearing loss, filing a new claim for a back condition will not affect it. So, don’t worry and don’t wait to file a claim.
Receiving disability compensation does not take away
resources from other Veterans. All Veterans are encouraged to apply for the benefits they’ve earned and deserve!
You can apply for disability benefits at any time, no matter how long it has been since you separated from military service. File a claim today!
Two easy ways to file a claim:
1. Online: http://VA.gov/.../file-disability-claim-form.../introduction
2. In person: Bring your application to a local DAV chapter near you, to get help from an accredited representative who can help you file your claim.
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We Have Lost One of Our Own, a Dear Affiliate (Heritage) Member -- Steve Gattis, Sun, Feb 11 2024, 9:27:42 PST (NoHost/
Hello to all.
I am very sad to report that we have lost RANDY WITHERS, one of our most prolific Affiliate (Heritage) Members who believed so deeply in our legacy. He escorted his father, Elmer Withers (Tuy Hoa) to many of our reunions and continued to attend after his father stood his final guardmount. Randy assisted with our 2022 reunion in Phoenix and was so proud to receive a bust of a Security Policeman in recognition of all that he has done for us over the years.
Randy had a heart attack and joined his dad a few days ago. He was devoted to Veterans and worked at the VA Hospital in Phoenix for over 20 years. Randy was a Veteran and had served as a medic in the US Army 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. Please pray for his family and friends.
Services will be held from 1800 to 2000 hours on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at Messinger Pinnacle Peak Mortuary
Phone: (480) 502-3378
8555 East Pinnacle Peak Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
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- Re: We Have Lost One of Our Own, a Dear Affiliate (Heritage) Member -- Bruce (Ross), Mon, Feb 12 2024, 15:01:42 PST (068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
UPDATED WITH OBITUARY Re: We Have Lost One of Our Own, a Dear Affiliate (Heritage) Member -- Steve Gattis, Tue, Feb 13 2024, 12:44:55 PST (host-67-44-224-129.hnremote.net/
Re: We Have Lost One of Our Own, a Dear Affiliate (Heritage) Member -- Don Poss, Tue, Feb 20 2024, 15:59:37 PST (unn-149-50-212-84.datapacket.com/
Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force? -- Don Poss, Sun, Jan 28 2024, 13:20:30 PST (unn-149-50-212-9.datapacket.com/
Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force?
My reason:
I enlisted in the AF, requesting "military police dutries" in order to gain LE experience along the way, so-as to be able to join Long Beach Police Department when I discharged. I had zero clue "Air Police" entailed standing in front of a KC-97 at Malstrom AFB, MT, or Minuteman Missles sites, then when JFK was assasinated, was assigned to Bergstrom, AFB, Austin, TX, to beef up the security at the new president's (LBJ) hometown. I did about a year and a have in LE--great duty assignment--before volunteering for Vietnam; very quickly assigned to Da Nang AB. Within a short time TOPDOG45 roared in and A1C Al Watts recruted me as a handler. I was a skinny little guy and Blacky 129X had a "bad-dog" rupitiation bitting handler-applicants. I was a skull-full-of-mush and didn't know I was to light-weight for a dog the size of Blacky; he probably thought it was funny, me trying to boss him around, and we got along super from almost-day-one-ish. :)
How about you -- Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force?
Don Poss
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Welcome Jerry Stump - New VSPA Membership Chair -- Don Poss, Fri, Jan 12 2024, 17:16:29 PST (NoHost/
Jerry Stump, LM-903, was appointed Membership Chair today, 12 Jan 2024, by VSPA President Larry Fleming. Jerry's VSPA-email will replace previous Membership Chair Paul Shave’s this weekend. Jerry is an experienced Excel and computer Apps person and begins OJT training with Paul Shave and myself (Don Poss), this weekend.
Larry Poss, Associate Member and VSPA Web Host/Administrator, recently completed transition of VSPA.com to a dedicated server he purchased. The new server is up and running, and the transition period was transparent to users. All links remain unchanged, with updates occurring as stories are converted to PDF.
Jerry Stump:
• Phu Cat, 12th SPS;
• Nha Trang, 3rd SPS, DET 1/327th CSG, 1st Flight
• Assigned LE (Police-10: Club Response).
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GREAT NEWS ABOUT RICHARD GARCIA -- Steve Gattis, Thu, Jan 11 2024, 15:45:09 PST (host-67-44-224-135.hnremote.net/
I had a really good conversation with Richard Garcia Today! He sends his heartfelt thanks for all of the cards and phone calls. They helped him get through his longterm rehab.
Richard is still in rehab but HE WILL BE GOING HOME TOMORROW!
Keep the cards and calls coming. They make all the difference!
Steve Gattis
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New Membership Chair position -- Don Poss, Thu, Jan 11 2024, 14:18:05 PST (NoHost/
VSPA Gents,
This is the first time I’ve ever asked members to ”completely read anything” It’s only two short pages.
VSPA needs a new Membership Chair—now: The Membership Chair plays a vital part in gathering information we preserve and joins the membership team that has made VSPA happen daily since 1995.
Recently appointed VSPA Membership Chair Don Graham was
unable to begin his work due to health issues and Doctor's
orders. Currently, Paul Shave (previous Membership Chair)
has agreed to "briefly" monitor Membership Chair duties and
help with the transition to a new Membership Chair. Paul
also had stepped down from Membership Chair after many
successful years of service because of family health issues.
Our membership and leadership are aging.
What does the Membership Chair do?
The Membership Chair position requires commitment,
dedication, reliability and tenacity to make the position
work. It is also personally rewarding. When I joined VSPA
in late 1995, I committed to coding a webpage for a six
months period—nearly 30 years ago. I’ve received more from
members than I could ever give. Here follows membership’s
main duties.
Duties Include:
• Membership Chair Welcomes New members and Life Memberships
and announces their the Bulletin Board and Face Book.
• Membership Chair gathers and stores new membership
Applications and DD-214’s, and confirms with the Treasurer dues were received.
• The Membership Chair fields membership complaints and maintains complaint-status communications until the issue is closed.
• Membership Chair works with Board members and closely with
the Webmaster/Director of Communications to assist members
with maintaining current records information and solving or
resolving problems.
• An ability to use Excel spreadsheets would be nice but is
"not required." You will email the applicant member’s new information to me on a form I provide, and I will handle it.
• How the Membership Chair’s role impacts VSPA:
Membership Management gathers information used in the
membership-spreadsheet to design rosters for every RVN/RTAFB
Air Bases and Squadrons during the Vietnam War. Contents are
also used for lists, rosters, stories, poetry, photos, and
monuments honoring our fallen.
VSPA has plans in progress with the USAF Security Forces Museum (Lackland Joint Air Base, TX) to enhance their
ability to inform and educate the public concerning how USAF
Air Police and Security Police were engaged in guarding the
Air Bases fortresses, protecting the Eagles’ Nests, in Vietnam and Thailand.
Gathered information will aide current and future researchers, validate research papers, monuments info,and
stories. Importantly, our collective information gathered
will speak for us to current and future Air Force and
Guardian Security Forces about USAF Air Police and Security
Police squadrons at war.
Posting at VSPA.com and sharing our collection with the
Security Forces Museum will speak to tour groups, students,
and current and future Security Forces and Guardian about
our role, achievements, lessons learned, and the cost paid
in blood for our legacy: “No enemy ever conquered or overran
an Air Base in Vietnam or Thailand guarded by Air Police and
Security Police Squadrons”—None.
The Membership Chair will help fulfill our moto, “We Take
Care of Our Own,” demonstrating VSPA’s brotherhood role in
service to our members, remembering our Fallen, preserving
our collective stories of valor, bravery, combat, and casualties killed in action or line of duty of Duty as Defenders of the Fortress.
Please consider taking up the reins for the Membership
Chair and helping out--this includes you, Augmentees! We
need someone who really cares about VSPA and is "unwilling"
to see our collective stories and Legacy simply fade away.
I will put you in contact with Paul Shave and myself to
assure you we are always available to help with questions
and training for this extremely important role.
Email me (Don Poss, mailto:dp-d lm37@vspa.com) so that we can discuss the Membership Chair. I will then present your name to the Board for approval—We Need you.
VSPA Leadership Background:
From 1995 through today, our membership continues to grow,
including 1,052 Life Members. VSPA’s “first-wave” members
of Air Police and Security Police stepped up and formed the
Board and Committees and developed a first-rate association
and website, recognized by the U.S. Air Force and military
organizations across America.
Many of the first-wave of VSPA members have pass away over
the years after serving in various Offices of VSPA and are
now listed on our RIP-111 Roster at
(https://vspa.com/pdf/rosters/ vspa_rip-111_(a-z;_graves).pdf); that roster surpasses our 112 killed in
action or line of duty Roster for KIA-LOD.
We are a terminal-association in the membership aging-
stage, and many members have agent orange illnesses. I know
there are younger members who served in Vietnam or Thailand
during the later years of the Vietnam War, and some are up
to ten years younger than I (class of 1965). It's time for
members to step up and help VSPA maintain our association
into the future.
Don Poss, VSPA dp-lm37@vspa.com
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Along The Way - Poem (ten years posted) -- Don Poss, Wed, Jan 03 2024, 16:56:51 PST (NoHost/
Along The Way
© 2013 by Don Poss
Little boy blue
Cold as night
Lying dead beside the trail.
No one came for him,
in his black stained pajamas...
and none of us looked back
from up the trail.
A shallow grave of dust and
deadfall piling a little each day...
and no one cared to think a
final word for his soul forgotten,
fatally wounded though he lay.
(revised: 2023)
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- Holiday Greetings -- Bruce (Ross), Sun, Dec 31 2023, 12:14:30 PST (068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
Happiest of New Years to all members of VSAP, we are a dying breed guys as were/are WWII & Korean vets, we served our country well.Be proud and never forget our 58,000 plus brothers & sisters who paid with their lives.Pray for our country!
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- Poem: Patrol's End (Ambush) -- Don Poss, Sat, Dec 30 2023, 15:07:42 PST (unn-149-50-212-23.datapacket.com/
Ambush- PTSD
(c) 2023, by Don Poss
On patrol, and night’s point, I tread lightly amongst shadows of the past,
Dream-heart pounding as if grasping the coarse mane of a
Reinless Crazed horse
Bonded to those who follow my every move . . .
Every hand signal——
Take Cover! or
The squad advanced slowly, scanning dark shadows through
Canopy’s stabbing light rays——
I hand signal, Take Cover!
Something is not right.
Violent explosions erupt, men and vegetation shredded. . .
Claymores and hammering enemy fire cross-rakes the squad.
Squad’s ragged return-fire whimpers out, fading to silence.
It is over.
That Day of Ambush is upon us.
The day when we departed torn asunder or as
Drifting translucent mists.
The Other, an icy-presence, eclipsed Sol and Earth,
slow-dancing a plague-dream upon my face——
A macabre jest without hope tugs me downward
It momentarily provides relief from heat and humidity,
enticing the still-living to follow, as darkness thieves
away gasping last-breathes from mortal men.
A carousel of grief flooded my thoughts,
Wondering what happened to my brothers——
Other apparitions wisp up closer to me.
Squad’s final patrol had come to pass; our
numbered days expired. I rise alone and see my
brothers so . . . I cannot say it. Cannot think it.
A Bright light o'er my shoulder; broken bodies
jumbled nearby, drunken-bugs skating on their
pools of blood.
I turned to face the Glorious Light—far brighter than
the sun—and did not retreat from its everlasting
comfort. A comfort without sorrow.
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U.S. Civil War stats adjusted -- Don Poss, Fri, Dec 29 2023, 9:34:51 PST (NoHost/
Research for VSPA's This Day in U.S. Military History, I came across interesting updated stats for the Civil War. Ten Civil War Battles resulted in more than 19,000 dead and wounded. However, historians continue census comparisons for the period between 1860-1870, and the losses are adjusted upwards are staggering.
Following is an excerpt from "thoughtco.com" (see below link), regarding Civil War casulaties, and the ten deadlest Civil War Battles:
"The numbers of people who died during the Civil War are only estimates. In 2011, American historian J. David Hacker reported research he had conducted comparing male and female survival rates in U.S. censuses between 1850 and 1880. Based on that, he has credibly argued that the traditional statistic of 620,000 deaths is an underestimate of actual Civil War deaths by approximately 20%. Hacker believes, and his assertions have been supported by other historians, that the most probable number of deaths attributable to the Civil War is 750,000, and that the number may have been as much as 850,000. Hacker found that 10% of white men of military age died between 1860 and 1870—one in ten in the United States."
Anyone envisioning a civil war today should consider working within the current system to bring forth change. Don Poss
Ref. "https://www.thoughtco.com/ten-bloodiest-civil-war-battles-104527"
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MEDICAL UPDATE ON VSPA TREASURER, RICHARD GARCIA -- Steve Gattis, Wed, Dec 27 2023, 20:31:58 PST (host-67-44-224-103.hnremote.net/
Hello to all.
I had a great phone conversation with Richard Garcia today. He asked that I provide an update on his status in rehab for a broken ankle and the tibia/fibula bones above the ankle that he sustained when he fell on the stairs in his home on December 15th. He had surgery the following day to repair the compound fractures with a steel rod and screws. He was released from the hospital on Tuesday, December 19, and sent to a rehab facility where he remains today and through New Years Day.
Richard asked me to specifically thank the VSPA Sisterhood for the lovely bouquet of flowers they sent, as well as the cards and get well wishes from many of you. They lifted his spirits, especially over Christmas. He was sad that he missed Ramona’s birthday.
The doctor inspected the site of the surgery today, removed some of the staples, and changed the bandages. The doctor and the rehab staff are pleased with Richard’s progress, although he will not be released until he can place weight on his foot, which he cannot do at this time. For now, he alternates between bed, a wheelchair, and a walker for rehab.
Richard has his cell phone with him and would appreciate calls as well as cards. A mass email will be sent with his phone number and address information.
Steve Gattis
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- Merry Christmas -- Bruce Ross, Mon, Dec 18 2023, 16:52:51 PST (068-207-136-167.res.spectrum.com/
Merry Christmas to all my brothers, hope 2024 is a great year for all, we sure need it!
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- Re: Merry Christmas -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Tue, Dec 19 2023, 9:38:00 PST (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Merry Christmas -- Don Poss, Tue, Dec 19 2023, 14:36:29 PST (unn-149-50-212-37.datapacket.com/
Re: Merry Christmas -- Steve Gattis, Tue, Dec 26 2023, 9:35:29 PST (host-67-44-224-103.hnremote.net/
- Revised poem: Brothers, I Don't Want You To Die. (w/Archive email responses) -- Don Poss, Sat, Dec 16 2023, 10:46:07 PST (NoHost/
I Don’t Want You to Die …
© 2008 (revised 2023), by Don Poss
There was a time when our numbers
shook the Earth of Vietnam and Thailand
As Defenders of The Fortress!
Air Police . . . Security Police.
Twenty Thousand Strong . . .
Young warriors we were . . .
The Fortress was safe.
For a decade, the enemy tried our perimeters, and fell
upon our swords— and died. Our Eagles winged away
and returned at their leisure.
The Fortress was safe.
Our blood was shed . . . the cost of freedom—
One Hundred Twelve dead . . . five-hundred wounded.
The Fortress was safe.
Then we came Home,
One by One.
The Fortress was safe. We were not.
Our numbers grow fewer as decades fall away; Gary,
Newell, Jackie, The Old Cowboy . . . too many to name
who’ve joined those resting in peace, the otherside of
The Wall. We die too young, too often, as lingering
shadows in Agent Orange coffins.
We shall guard Heaven's Pearly Gates—with treasured
memories of brothers who remain—we will miss and
remember their faces once so young—now laughing old
whiskers— these brothers we shared time with under
Hell's sun.
Heaven is safe.
Brothers, I don’t want you to die …
Stay a while longer and Hold the Fortress
Remember those who fell, and the Monuments we
built so their names would be read a hundred years
from now and learn of when our numbers shook Earth
and Sky, and those who would cause us harm feared the
Defenders of the Fortress, paid reaper’s toll—
The Fortress was safe—
None ever lost.
eMail Responses:
Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 0:54:27 PST
Author: Edwin Jack Smith 377th SPS 68-69 LM453
In reply to: Don Poss 's message, "A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers" on Fri, Jan 04 2008, 23:37:06 PST
Don; You have said a mouth full with that poem. I hope everyone who visits the BB takes the time to read this piece of work and remember it. Jack The Old Cowboy
Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 4:03:54 PST
Author: Howard Yates
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don: That is one of the most beautifully worded, thought provoking and emotional poems I have ever read. You have expressed something we all think about and have done it masterfully. Thank you for sharing your time and talent. Howard
Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 4:25:03 PST
Author: Janet Matthews-Wise
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers Very nice, very-very nice.
Author: Chaplain Jim LM #442
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Great poem brother Don. I seemed, however, to have problems reading it with the mist in my eyes.
Author: Phil Carroll - LM #336
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
That's beautiful, Don, and very deeply meaningful. Thanks for sharing your limitless talents with us yet again. Phil
Author: Greg Cain
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don: So eloquent, so beautiful, so us. Thank you. Greg Cain
Author: Newell M. Swartz
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don, what an eloquent memorial tribute and as I read it a plea to our remaining brothers to continue the good fight and keep alive the memory of our brothers who have gone before us, many all too soon. Lord look after us, one and all. Newell
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Christmas is Coming. Weather's Cold. Arthritis' enjoying the weather :) -- Don Poss, Fri, Dec 15 2023, 10:49:56 PST (NoHost/
I woke up with the old thumb-joints protesting life and siding with arthritis—rather than me! I revised an old 2017 poem to better suit this outrage:
Same-ol’, Same-ol’
Mother Nature
© 2017 by Don Poss
Today I awoke with different aches,
Mother Nature won’t give me a break . . .
The Ol’ Bag don't seem to care . . . I do my best at Standing straight.
I called the cops— they wouldn't come out—Elder Abuse’s not against Her Law!
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- Mass email Dec 7 1941 WWII Check it out -- Don Poss, Thu, Dec 07 2023, 11:20:48 PST (unn-149-102-242-216.datapacket.com/
Larry sent a Dec 7th mass-email with two video links that are outstanding.
One is regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; the other about Japan’s war goals and plan leading into WWII.
I learned more about the USS Arizona itself than any other presentation.
Check it out. :)
Don Poss
PS: each passing year the infamous Day seems more forgotten. Knife 13 hopefully will be remembered by our fellow SFS Defenders.
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- Pearl Harbor Day -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Thu, Dec 07 2023, 5:10:07 PST (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
Pearl Harbor Day, December 07, 1941 a "Day That Will Live In Infamy."
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Impressive quotation regarding the nature of humanity -- Don Poss, Fri, Nov 24 2023, 22:36:11 PST (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
I enjoy reading space opera novels, favoring four authors. I’m in book 4 of 7 and read an insightful observation about mankind that reminded me of Vietnam.
It reads:
“Humans are tribalistic Hippocrates who judge their enemies by their actions,
but themselves by their intentions.” 1
1 - The Last Champion; Book Four of the Last War Series,
by Peter Bostrom, Nick Webb, and David Adams
[“Peter Bostrum’ is Nick Webb’s pseudonym when co authoring books]
I think Nick Webb’s quote is very good.
Don Poss
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- Welcome Back -- Junious B. Owens, Thu, Nov 23 2023, 9:04:11 PST (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
The Pease Greeters had the pleasure of welcoming parts of the
101st Airborne and parts of the 10th Mountain Division home last night. It was great that they would be home for Thanksgiving. Wishing all the members a joyous Thanksgiving.
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Happy Thanksgiving to All -- Welcome Home! -- Don Poss, Tue, Nov 21 2023, 16:31:59 PST (mail56.yellowdoorstop.com/
Gents and Ladies,
I wish all a Happy Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones.
I am thankful for my wife and family and living in the United States of America -- the greatest country in the world.
I wish God's Blessing upon you all. And for non-believers: may your happiness know no bounds this holiday season.
Don Poss
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- Happy Veteran"s Day -- John Paul coakley, Mon, Nov 13 2023, 10:46:19 PST (068-189-184-137.res.spectrum.com/
Well, better late than never . I want to extend a belated Veteran's Day greeting to all of VSPA . I was thinking of you all, it just got by me . I had lunch here in Asheville with a fellow Nam Vet .The "Texas Roadhouse " here offered a free lunch for all veterans . I had a great six ounce Sirloin with all the fixin's . My best to you All !
John Paul LM396, Bien-Hoa - Pleiku 65'-66'
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Another Bogus "Routine Training" helicopter crash killing US Miltary? -- Don Poss, Mon, Nov 13 2023, 9:43:24 PST (oak01-160.verbw.com/
Have you heard about the US Army helicopter crash that killed five U.S. military...in a "training mission mishap" over the weekend? Little or nothing else has been said about it sicne.
News reports said, "The Pentagon has identified the five Army aviation special operations forces killed when their helicopter crashed in the Eastern Mediterranean over the weekend."
Short version—I don't believe government's explanation.
This sounds all too familiar and follows the MO for our government (current and past) not being forthright and truthful with the American public, and veterans—especially as this occurred over Veterans Day weekend.
This is the same BS President Ford put out when an CH-53C helicopter, USAF Knife-13 crashed, killing 18 AF Security Police and 5 Aircrewmen, en route to the USMC forming stage and launching of the Operation Rescue of the SS Mayaguez cargo ship in 1975.
Since the 7 October 2023 attack on Israel, the U.S. has sent two carrier strike groups to operate in the Eastern Mediterranean area, and the Air Force has beefed-up its aircraft fighters and bombers. We know that our special forces are in the mix to help Israel rescue hostages in Gaza.
So, if something happened involving U.S. forces—Uncle Sam—tell us up front—we can take it. Don’t expect anyone to believe 5 Army Spec Op Soldiers (trained and razor-sharp) were killed on a training mission in a mishap (whatever that means). Army Spec Op Soldiers aren’t doing anything in a warzone labeled “routine.”
Don’t try to con or trivialize the deaths of these men with worn-out canned-statements such as:
“The soldiers were performing a routine training exercise when the incident happened, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. All soldiers were aboard a MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter conducting aerial refueling training.”
Have some respect for the fallen, their families, and veterans who know the score and record of government history on such matters.
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Veterans Day; Netflix Series Fauda; "The-Why" warriors and veterans fight an enemy before him. -- Don Poss, Fri, Nov 10 2023, 14:19:35 PST (NoHost/
I wish you all the best in life and health this Veterans Day Holiday.
I'm watching a Netflix Series called, "Fauda (4 Seasons; binge watching),” the Hebrew and Arab term for "Chaos (perfect name),” and the setting is in the Israeli–Palestinian and Hamas/ISIS war. Israeli is represented by their Intel forces trying to counter Hamas and ISIS terrorist, whose goals are to strike Israeli Intel personnel, and kill every Jew possible.
As a Vietnam Veteran, I've watched the Fauda series with interest portraying both sides’ points-of-views, defining their “truths” and justifications for violence “necessary” to reach their “goals.” Missing is the answer as to “The-Why” they are doing such things with such devotion.
I'm not trying to get you to watch the series, but to share one of the best quotations I've heard describing a warriors’ “Why” and motivation for fighting an enemy before him, as portrayed in the series “Fauda.”
I read a quotation this morning I think also answers “The-Why” as applied to our own American warriors and veterans performed in battle, as compared to the enemy:
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton, English philosopher
How true.
Don Poss
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Remembering Jackie Kays; Poet, Warrior, Friend..."Poem: I'll Always BeThere!" -- Don Poss, Wed, Nov 08 2023, 10:52:33 PST (oak01-160.verbw.com/
I'll Always Be There!
© 2018, by, Jackie R. Kays
I'll Always Be There!
When you see a dust devil whirling across the road…
think of me, I'll be there!
When you hear the moaning of a lonely train whistle in the middle of the night…
think of me, I'll be there!
When the leaves of color fall in the late autumn air…
think of me, I'll be there!
When the first snow flake falls…
think of me, I'll be there!
When you see a falling star race across God's heavenly sky…
think of me, I'll be there!
When a summer breeze drifts through an open window and the curtain lightly flutters…
think of me, I'll be there!
When you hear the song “Amazing Grace”
think of me, I'll be there!
When loneliness is too much to bear…
think of me, I'll be there!
When you feel that no one cares…
think of me, I'll be there!
When the pain is beyond repair …
think of me, I'll be there!
When you feel that the last spark of love has gone out… just reach out, for you my darling…
I'll always be there!
Dedicated to my darling wife, Wanda Lee,
Jackie R. Kays
© 2018
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First Air Policeman KIA since founding of the USAF -- Don Poss, Wed, Nov 01 2023, 14:21:40 PDT (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
Today, as noted on VSPA.com's homepage of "This Day In United States of America Military History" records the first KIA Air Policeman's death, three years after founding of the Air Force"
"November 1 Korean War: Nov 1, 1950:
CPL Morin, Joseph Roland, 6149th Air Police Squadron, is the First Air Policeman Killed in Action in the Korean War, and since the founding of the USAF in 1947 ... three years earlier."
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Not to Be Dreams (Poem) -- Don Poss, Tue, Oct 31 2023, 11:52:49 PDT (NoHost/
Not to Be
(c) 2023, by Don Poss
So in love, they were to marry
when he returned home from
They wanted to raise a family and have a happy
home. She favored Linda as a daughter’s name,
and he liked Bobby if a boy.
In Vietnam,
a sapper crept toward his bunker one night...
tossed in a satchel of death...
An instant of apocalyptic-devastation—
He, Bobby and Linda vanished in a
red mist of not to be.
Alone and heartbroken,
she cried of their lost love...
and dreamt a not to be dream
of not to be children, and family love.
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Poem - Despair of the Night (one sentence) -- Don Poss, Mon, Oct 30 2023, 19:41:05 PDT (NoHost/
Despair of the Night
(c) 2023 Oct 30, by Don Poss
where comes poetry of war, yet from despair to make sense of it all? Don Poss
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622BC Rules of Engagement -- Don Poss, Mon, Oct 30 2023, 9:31:10 PDT (NoHost/
"Rules of Engagement" is not a modern-day concept. The following is interesting and the earliest example of Rules of Engagement (I could find: see link below) for a society to conduct warfare against an enemy, and “…associated with Josiah’s reform…” written c622BC. – Don Poss
Deuteronomy 20 (New International Version)
5 The officers shall say to the army: “Has anyone built a new house and not yet begun to live in it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may begin to live in it. 6 Has anyone planted a vineyard and not begun to enjoy it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else enjoy it. 7 Has anyone become pledged to a woman and not married her? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else marry her.” 8 Then the officers shall add, “Is anyone afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his fellow soldiers will not become disheartened too.” 9 When the officers have finished speaking to the army, they shall appoint commanders over it.
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God.
19 When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?[b] 20 However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.
* https://www.google.com/search?q=YEAR+BC+Deuteronomy+WAS+WRITTEN&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1048US1048&oq=YEAR+BC+Deuteronomy+WAS+WRITTEN&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCDg4MzFqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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Joke for Today -- Don Poss, Mon, Oct 30 2023, 8:36:09 PDT (NoHost/
Joke for Today:
"I prevented a Murder Today."
...WOW--How did you do that!?
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- Vietnem Vet -- Junious B. Owens, Sun, Oct 29 2023, 19:58:56 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Met a Troop Flight coming home tonight. Mat an Army Major Thompson whose parents met at Pease in 1965. His Father eventaully deployed to Vietnam, DaNang. Must of been 1968/69.
When he returned from Nam he was sent to Blythville, Arkansas.
Did 9 months there before he was discharged.
Gave him my card and told him about the Association. Hopefully he will join if not a member.
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- Re: Vietnem Vet -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Mon, Oct 30 2023, 14:09:53 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Vietnem Vet -- Junious B. Owens, Tue, Oct 31 2023, 4:47:30 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
- Re: Vietnem Vet -- Don Poss, Thu, Nov 02 2023, 9:04:16 PDT (unn-149-102-242-182.datapacket.com/
Memo to Planet Earth -- Don Poss, Sat, Oct 21 2023, 9:39:55 PDT (unn-149-50-212-52.datapacket.com/
Memo to Planet Earth
(c) 2022, by Don Poss
The United States of America Does not want your countries and does not seek war with you. A global war upon the USA would mean you want our country and seek war against us.
First: You can’t have it.
Second: You can’t take it.
Third: If you try, you don’t really want to live.
Force the USA to fight against you and we will lay waste to your nation(s), establish constitutional governments, set up wiser frameworks for securing freedoms within, then— go home.
Behave, and we may continue bailing you out from your dictators’ shaky economies, give relief from famine, pestilence, storms, natural disasters, and when some other nation decides to tank-tread across your country to invade your neighbor we 'may' help save your bacon (again). Simply put—play nice or fanaticize about some other way to commit Suicide-by-USA.
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- Inspirational verse, to me, with MIA*POWs inmind -- Don Poss, Tue, Oct 17 2023, 12:56:16 PDT (NoHost/
Inspiration To Me
Isaiah 40:27
"Lift up your eyes and look to the
heavens… Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one
and calls forth each of them by name because of his great power and mighty strength
not one of them is missing."
Isaiah 40:27
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- SAFE Return -- Junious B. Owens, Fri, Oct 13 2023, 6:32:15 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Here's hoping everyone returned home from the reunion safely.
It was good to see some comments on the reunion but I am interested in how the fund is doing for the Knife-13 memorials
I have distributed flyers for the lithograph to several medical facilities.
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The holidays are coming, Joke -- Don Poss, Thu, Oct 12 2023, 16:46:22 PDT (NoHost/
Gents, A joke for "the coming holidays:"
Grandpa calls his son, Richard:
Richard answers the phone and his dad immediately yells, “I can’t stand your mom anymore—I’m divorcing her!
Richard picks up his dropped phone and desperately askes, “What’s wrong? Don’t do anything…”
His dad relies, “I can’t stand looking at her anymore—its been 50 years of the same thing: scrambled eggs for breakfast; chick sandwich for lunch, and every man for themselves with left-overs for dinner! I’m divorcing your mother and that’s that!”
Richard tries to calm old dad and tells him to sit down and be calm—"I’m calling my sister right now!”
Richard calls Susie: “Dad’s finally lost it—he just called and shouted he was divorcing mom!!!”
Susie said, ‘What!? What did he say? What's Wrong? What did he do?” and Richard repeated to her what dad told him. Susie told Richard, “Don’t do anything—I’ll call dad and call you right back!”
Susie called dad and said: “Dad, don’t do anything…Richard and I are flying out with the kids in the morning!”
Dad said, “Okay,” and hung up, sat in his easy chair next to his wife and said, “Honey it’s done. Richard and Susie are flying out with our grandkids just in time for Christmas…and they’re paying their own ways.”
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28th Reunion JB Charleston -- John Sinica 635th SPS (Joyful), Wed, Oct 11 2023, 14:56:42 PDT (NoHost/
Well, I have finally been able to calm down from our 4 days of fellowship and brotherhood. First thing I did when I got home was visit my son. We talked for over an hour about my experiences this year. Sharing the photos I took. Our times in the hospitality room. Then sharing it with others, I work with, was just as exciting. Brothers! This being my second reunion, I did not think it could top my experience from last year. How wrong I was. After what I saw this year, I believe there will never be a reunion that lets any of us down. And before I forget, I may not be married, but I do believe a lot of our reunion successes would not be possible, were it not for their dedication and contributions. Thank you ladies.
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SCAM WARNING *** Text sent recevied. -- Don Poss, Mon, Oct 09 2023, 9:39:21 PDT (unn-149-50-212-73.datapacket.com/
Another SCAM text is making the rounds. It appears to be from Jerry Nelson, but it is not. It is asking for a reply by email only. The SCAM follows:
Are you less busy at the moment? I got a request for you to manage discreetly. I will be going into a meeting shortly, please no calls so kindly respond back via email."
signed with Jerry Nelson's name."
Do not reply. Just delete it and understand this is effective and has happened several times.
Don Poss
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- My first VSPA Reunion -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Mon, Oct 09 2023, 9:01:13 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
Vietnam Security Police Association, Reunion 2023, Oct 4 – 8, 2023.
I have just completed my first reunion in Charleston, SC.
Met with numerous 377th SPS personnel and had good conversations.
I met Wendell and Mary Wallace and had a lot of fun with them. He was one of our 377th SPS Captains, in Vietnam.
I met Steve Shelt, who I served with, in Stuttgart, Germany, Patch Barracks, Protective Service Detachment.
Once again, I had the pleasure of meeting with and hugging Roberta Smith, every day.
Your brother and friend,
Charles Penley
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- Update your membership date. Call me. I'm home with a flu bug -- Don Poss (Poss), Wed, Oct 04 2023, 14:04:36 PDT (NoHost/
I am home with a persistent flu bug. Antiboics, and cough-congestion meds. I am felling better and am avialble to update your membership data.
You may call me at 951-264-1263 (between: 0900 and 2100 PST left-coast time) and I will update it for you right then, or a few minutes.
Don Poss,
Web Master
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- Reunion -- Junious B. Owens, Sun, Oct 01 2023, 7:06:52 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Everyone is either on the road or getting ready to depart for the Reunion in Charleston. Here is wishing everyone a safe trip and a successful reunion. Only wish I could be there.
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ROSTERS - Posted with Revised Edits/Corrections -- Don Poss, Wed, Sep 27 2023, 9:33:58 PDT (NoHost/
Thanks to those who checked the New Rosters listing Missing Information, and sent in corrections. It's not too late for members to check their Rosters for accuracy and send in revise info to Don Poss (dp-lm37@vspa.com).
All received have been updated and revised Rosters are now posted.
Don Poss
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Roster Trivia -- Don Poss, Tue, Sep 26 2023, 7:54:01 PDT (NoHost/
Roster Trivia:
Of the 108 Members with "No Missing Data" in their 100% complete membership files, 101 are Life Members. Congrats to all 108!
Don Poss
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- RE: New Rosters -- David Gudes, Sat, Sep 23 2023, 19:09:39 PDT (mobile-166-196-075-034.mycingular.net/
On Sep 23, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Dave Gudes <davegudes@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thank you for your totally expedient, enthusiastic and fully conscientious performance ALL THESE YEARS. Associations could not exist without people like you.
You the best, Don,
Dave - Ubon & Tuy Hoa
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New Rosters: I found two guys in my town and one I served with! -- Thomas Tessier, Sat, Sep 23 2023, 11:17:15 PDT (mobile-166-196-075-034.mycingular.net/
On Sep 18, 2023, at 3:09 PM, Thomas Tessier <tntessier47@gmail.com> wrote:
Don. The info you provided about base rosters was great. I found two guys from my home town and an old friend from my tour in Tucson.
Great work.
Sent from my iPhone Tom Tessier
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Prior AO Claim Denied -- You likely will be approved without filing a new claim! -- Don Poss, Fri, Sep 22 2023, 15:34:55 PDT (unn-149-50-212-84.datapacket.com/
Have you ever filed a claim regarding Agent Orange in the past and were denied? The VA has reversed previous causes for denials and added past claims may now qualify as presumptive and be approved.
If previously denied, the VA will now reopen your AO claim (you won't even have to refile!) and consider it as now presumptive. To find out what you need to do, Check out this VA Link:
Don Poss
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- New Rosters and VSPA info for AO Claim filing. -- William Smith, Fri, Sep 22 2023, 10:45:21 PDT (unn-149-50-212-84.datapacket.com/
On Sep 19, 2023, at 10:16 AM, William Smith <wllmflp@embarqmail.com> wrote:
Hello Don this is William R Smith I’m not dead yet I served U-Tapao, 635th SPS , Mar 1969-1970. Also at NKP, 56th SPS, Feb 1971-1972 . . . thanks for all you do, I received a lot of info from VSPA when filing my AO claim Thanks!
William Smith
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2023 Election Ballot Deadline -- Mike Kennedy, 3rd SPS 69-70, LM35, Wed, Sep 20 2023, 15:44:24 PDT (NoHost/
FYI - If you are not attending the upcoming VSPA Reunion, but intend to vote in the VSPA Election, your ballot must be mailed to the address on the ballot and must be postmarked "No Later Than" Wednesday, September 27, 2023.
The ballot was printed in the Fall issue of Guardmount. If you need a copy, it is available on the VSPA website at:
Mike Kennedy
Guardmount Editor
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- New Rosters Posted -- Don Poss, Tue, Sep 19 2023, 19:52:07 PDT (unn-154-47-28-182.datapacket.com/
Gents, if you didn’t receive the mass-email regarding posting of the Bew a roster, and how To info, here it is:
Gents, The new Rosters are Posted! Here’s what you need to know, and this is important:
I think you will like the added “Count” on every Roster giving totals for members selected. I’ve also included my email link at the top of the Rosters to easily report litle things, like, “I’m NOT DEAD YET.” Or simple things like a new email, phone, address, etcetera. There are new rosters for missing membership info, such as email, address, phone, birthdate, and Status of membership so you can see if you are current, and report missing data. This is important because missing data means you ARE NOT included on every Roster page you otherwise qualify for. For example, every roster draws qualifying members by checking “fields” on your data-row. For instance, if you served at Bien Hoa AB, and the data-field in your row of info is Blank or missing “BH,” you will not appear on the Bien Hoa AB Roster. Likewise, if you were at “NKP” with the “56th SPS” and one or both are missing, you will not appear on the NKP RTAFB base Roster, nor the 56th SPS Roster... and if you were K9, and “K9” is missing you won’t be on the “VSPA AF K9 SENTRY DOG HANDLERS” Roster— none of the listed 482 Dog Handlers (with Sentry Dog names and Tatoo numbers) will be able to contact you.
No Personal information is posted at VSPA. We never ask for a social security number. Should a contact want your email, we forward that request to your on-file email, or a text to your on-file phone number. The birthdate is important for VSPA research and new things to come (charts, graphs, status regarding Agent Orange), and when advocates call to help a widow with gaining deserved spouse benefits. This happened recently, whereas the SP’s DD-214 did not list his service in Vietnam. We identified him because the spouse knew his Sentry Dog’s name. Bill Cummings began searching and found the K-9’s Service Card with the deceased’s name and info. The SP’s DD-214 was updated and the spouse received retroactive benefits. So, When Family Calls, a DOB is essential. For daily research, you can save Paul and I a LOT of time by our not having to locate your DD-214 sent in when you joined VSPA, in order to find your birthdate.
The new Homepage dropdown menu links: I’m updating to the Bases & Squadrons links by adding features for each, such as History, Stories, Photos, and posts (gates, towers, LE). In the meantime, here is a one-page Menu Link for all VSPA Rosters: INDEX BASES AND SQUADRONS (also found at VSPA.com’s homepage under, Rosters). You will note a sincere appeal from Membership Chair Paul Shave and I for your help in updating long-time missing information from membership files. Also included in the above rosters-links for bases and squadrons are new rosters to help you see what is missing from your membership file. There are 17 new Rosters listng members with missing data. But first, check the NO MISSING DATA Roster which identifies the 106 VSPA members that are not missing any data. If listed, you don’t need to bother with the other MIA Rosters. Each new Roster deals only with one MIA of data at a time. For example: “NO FIRST NAME” – The Roster Title really says it all. A Full Name (Last, First Middle (preferred) or MI) determines sort order for those Rosters sorted by Name from A-Z.
VSPA hopes you like the new Rosters.
Don Poss,
Director Communications, and Webmaster Da Nang AB, 366th APS, K9 Blackie, 1965-1966
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- Trivia, VSPA website - Did You Know -- Don Poss, Sun, Sep 17 2023, 10:30:20 PDT (NoHost/
I'm running an Optimize-Utility on my Desktop PC at the moment and thought I would do a VSPA.com Trivia post.
VSPA.com is a massive digital museum for Air/Security Police who served in the Vietnam War theatres of Vietnam and Thailand.
As of 17 SEP 2023, VSPA.com stats are:
Size of VSPA:
58.2GB (62,653,071,360 bytes), and
52,243 files in 1,252 Folders.
It takes 128GB RAM to edit VSPA.com, and I use every byte of it, while running several very large applications simultaneously to maintain VSPA.com.
Every VSPA filename has a “extension-name” identifying the type of file and app required to open or run it. Here are the “extension” names that come to mind. Some of you may be familiar with a few, like ".com" or "msg", and most others likely not, but those essential and used to keep VSPA running are:
api, .asp, .bamp, .bat, .bmp, .c.cdata, .ccs, .class, .com, .data, .datapro, .de, .dll, .dms, .docx, .en, .exe, .fb, .fb-0-1, .gif, .htm, .html, .jpg, .js, .mid, .mp3, .msg, .msi, .pdf, .php, .png, .rtg, .scc, ..svg, .swf, .swf, .tif, .tmp, .txt, .uf8, .vbs, .vbs, .viss, .wav, .wds, .webm, .wmf, .xml, .xmlb, .xmls, .zip, .(… and several I haven't listed).
We are fortunate to have my brother, Larry Poss, as an Associate member. Larry has hosted our website for over 25 years and owns the server (housed on Bluehost) that allows unlimited size and access to our files.
Best to all,
Don Poss
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- Sobriety and the Reunion -- John Paul Coakley, Fri, Sep 15 2023, 7:42:39 PDT (097-095-248-055.res.spectrum.com/
Our Reunion is just a little over three weeks away .My message is intended for anyone who may be new to VSPA or may be new to Sobriety & Recovery . We have in VSPA the " We take care of Our Own " Group of Friends of Bill W. We will be having 12 Step Meetings during the course of the Reunion at one of the Hotels and we can also attend Meetings outside of the Hotel in the Charleston area . We discovered several years ago that some members of VSPA were initially concerned about attending Our Reunions because of Open Bars and Hospitality Suites where Alcohol was readily available .Well if you are new to VSPA or new to recovery or both , there is no need to worry . We have several members of Our Group with long term Sobriety and we have your back . During the Reunion, myself and our Brother in VSPA Al Grybosky are available for you to just talk , have a meeting or as I said take you to a meeting in the Charleston area . My phone # is (818)749-1749 and my e-mail is johnpaul1845@gmail.com . We will make ourselves available to you , before, during or after the Reunion . Just reach out , you are not alone ! You have people here who are Brothers in VSPA and Brothers in
John Paul Coakley , LM396, Bien Hoa ,Pleiku Recovery .
Look forward to meeting You ,65'-66'
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- 11 September 2001: The Day the Towers Came Down -- Don Poss, Mon, Sep 11 2023, 17:34:09 PDT (unn-149-50-212-73.datapacket.com/
9/11 . . . The Day the Towers came Down.
As was my ritual, while dressing for work (before retirement) I listened to News on radio; then took a few minutes to swill a cup while watching News on the Family Room widescreen. There were a lot of anxious OMGs, and I realized an aircraft had struck of NY's Twin Towners— the camera showed it burning profusely, black smoke billowing.
I thought it must be an accident, like the similar crash of a WWII bomber striking the Empire State building, which was tragic . I also knew on a busy day 33,000 people could be in the Towers.
-- I had to leave for work.
My car's Radio News reported Tower occupants higher up were falling or jumping from the building. News reported crowds on the ground stood riveted, staring in unrestrained horror while others were running in every direction. Sirens could be heard, and people were screaming as a loud "plops" sounded. The commentator speculated on what caused the sounds: falling debris, chunks of concrete or thick panels of shatter-proof glass… anything but what it turned out to be. Then a rookie commentator connected the plopping sounds that always followed within seconds with each jumper. It seemed surreal to think and understand that simple truth; I can still hear it today-- like the smell of death, there's nothing like that sound of death of innocents.
Something seemed very wrong -- a second Aircraft hit the other NY Tower. This was not an accidental crash into a building—it had to be another terrorist attack. I stopped at a large Walmart and ran in, quickly buying a 22" TV to plug to at my office at California Baptist University, Riverside, CA.
I quickly parked in my-spot and ran inside, plugged the TV, dialed the channels around to one that was carrying The Towers story-- and the First Tower began collapsing, adding a much louder plopping-sound as floor-by-floor accordioned-downward until it fell surreal into itself; obscured by a growing cloud of debris rivalling the most monstrous Thunderhead Clouds I had ever seen.
As Director of Public Safety, students were bustling to and fro— some aware of the Towers , and others not —nevertheless, a growing crowd of students juggled for a better view of my office TV.
TV News cameras were everywhere, and some stood stoically videoing tsunami-clouds roiling down intersection’s streets at them. You could see people racing into stories or climbing into cars trucks, and emergency vehicles to avoid the choking storm— and those ingulfed and consumed. Somewhere else, people were walking out of the clouds totally pasted with disintegrated cement dust. Zombies--Real Zombies straight from hell. Helpers poured bottle-water on the lucky few to help clear their eyes. Emergency Responder Zombies gasping for breath, choking, hacking, sitting on curbs or benches, blinded with gravel-eyes.
Tower-2 began to collapse, with the repetitious staggered-frightening louder ploy-plop-plop floor-onto-floor sound, each descending a little faster gaining weight from pulverized everything and atomized souls from above. You just knew with every ratcheting-echoing plop, hundreds of people were being killed. The lesser plops had stopped. Oh Lord... I prayed ... but could not pull words from my heart to express or convey what I and countless Americans were witnessing.
The President was going to address the nation— America was under attack.
-- Where were you when The Towers came Down?
Don Poss
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- Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Don Poss, Wed, Sep 06 2023, 17:08:05 PDT (mail56.yellowdoorstop.com/
Larry Poss (VSPA Admin-Webmaster and Host and Associate for over 25 years), my brother, is having a series of surgeries over the next 3-4 months. The first is on Friday, 8 Sep 2023, and is heart surgery in the upper chamber. Heart surgery is serious, but doctors assured him it's almost routine after 50 years.
My concern is how close the VA has scheduled the surgeries, as he is not a spring-chicken anymore (5 years younger than I) and it seems recovery dates should be a little more generous for him to recover.
His second surgery is on 5 October 2023, to repair both shoulders’ rotator cuffs. First one, then a break between the two surgeries with a date determined by his recovery.
The fourth is considered a minimally invasive procedure used to remove large stones from the kidney, which have not responded well to other procedures, and under general anesthesia.
Larry and family would appreciate a prayer for recovery for him.
Best to All, Don Poss
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Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Steve Gattis, Thu, Sep 07 2023, 14:44:31 PDT (host-67-44-224-171.hnremote.net/
- Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Fri, Sep 08 2023, 8:46:29 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
UPDATE: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Don Poss, Fri, Sep 08 2023, 14:28:46 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Don Poss, Fri, Sep 08 2023, 17:00:13 PDT (NoHost/
Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- Steve Gattis, Sun, Sep 10 2023, 13:52:07 PDT (host-67-44-224-80.hnremote.net/
Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- John Sinica 635th SPS (Prayerful), Mon, Sep 11 2023, 9:50:23 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: Larry Poss - Heart Surgery 8 SEP 2023. -- John Paul Coakley, Fri, Sep 15 2023, 7:01:01 PDT (097-095-248-055.res.spectrum.com/
- Member Injured -- Junious B. Owens, Fri, Sep 01 2023, 5:14:54 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Gentlemen: Our good friend, Bill Cummings is in bed with a bad back. I am sure most of us have had back problems. He hopes to be recovered for the reunion. If you check this BB please send Bill a get well.
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- Re: Member Injured -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (Penley), Fri, Sep 01 2023, 14:19:19 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Member Injured -- Junious Owens, Sat, Sep 02 2023, 6:37:23 PDT (c-24-2-157-4.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
- Re: Member Injured -- John Sinica 635th SPS, Tue, Sep 05 2023, 9:38:15 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: Member Injured -- Don Poss, Wed, Sep 06 2023, 16:32:44 PDT (mail56.yellowdoorstop.com/
New Life Member Stephen Ware LM-1052 ! -- Paul Shave, Wed, Aug 23 2023, 12:26:05 PDT (70-58-228-210.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! Please Welcome Home our newest Life Member Stephen Ware ! He is a graduate of PC 70-71. Lives in AZ with his wife enjoying the Retired life.
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- 2023 Fall Edition of Guardmount -- Mike Kennedy, 3rd SPS 69-70, LM35, Fri, Aug 18 2023, 11:19:20 PDT (76-82-50-199.res.spectrum.com/
Good day VSPA family,
The 2023 Fall Edition of Guardmount is now available on the VSPA Facebook page. The new edition will be distributed by VSPA via email soon. This issue includes candidate bios and the 2023 Election Ballot. Pay close attention to the deadlines listed for Reunion reservations and Elections Ballots. Enjoy!
Mike Kennedy
P.S. I am always looking for stories and other submissions for future issues of Guardmount.
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- New Life Member #1051 -- Paul (Shave), Sun, Aug 13 2023, 10:21:53 PDT (75-161-134-88.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! another person has stepped up to Life Member. He is Lonnie Beeson. He is a UT graduate 70-71. Lives in MO with his wife.
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New Life Member John Rhow LM-1050 -- Paul Shave, Sun, Aug 13 2023, 10:09:42 PDT (75-161-134-88.albq.qwest.net/
Gentelmen, Please Welcome Home as our newest Life Member. John Rhow is a graduate of TSN 67-68. Lives over in Fl with his wife
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- Aug 07, 2023 is "Purple Heart Day" -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Mon, Aug 07 2023, 8:38:32 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
I would like to remind everyone that Aug 07, 2023 is "Purple Heart Day."
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New Member Robert Tuzzo -- Paul Shave (happy), Thu, Aug 03 2023, 9:17:08 PDT (75-161-72-62.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !!! Please welcome home our newest member Robert Tuzzo. he is a graduate of NT 67-68. Currently living in NJ with his wife.
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Re: New Member Robert Tuzzo -- Steve Gattis, Thu, Aug 03 2023, 11:29:25 PDT (host-67-44-224-46.hnremote.net/
- Re: New Member Robert Tuzzo -- Don Poss (👍), Thu, Aug 03 2023, 15:00:25 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: New Member Robert Tuzzo -- Claude (Hebert), Fri, Aug 04 2023, 6:00:56 PDT (107-220-166-168.lightspeed.nworla.sbcglobal.net/
- Re: New Member Robert Tuzzo -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS, Fri, Aug 04 2023, 6:19:42 PDT (024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- Dreamless Nights -- Don Poss, Wed, Aug 02 2023, 4:50:00 PDT (unn-149-50-212-9.datapacket.com/
Dreamless Night
(c) 2023, Don Poss
Dreamless Night
So rare
Push back those
Bully nights,
I dare.
Arrange a truce
That I might sleep…
I fear you do
Not care.
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How to Quailfy a member as your Caregiver -- 287, Mon, Jul 31 2023, 13:22:17 PDT (NoHost/
The VA has a clearly written online Post regarding how to quilify as a family-member's Caregiver. A primary family member is designated, and up to two additional secondary-family members may qualify as backup.
Check out the link if interested:
Don Poss
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GUARDMOUNT 2023 SPRING/SUMMER EDITION POSTED! -- Don Poss, Fri, Jul 28 2023, 15:37:38 PDT (NoHost/
Another Great Mike Kennedy Guardmount Editionis posted:
Copy/Paste the below link(s) to your browser, without the quotation-marks (Please remember, VSPA.com works best with Google Chrome (GC), as we are converting files to PDF and GC opens PDFS without requiring you to download the file).
* "https://www.vspa.com/pdf/gm/gm_2023_spring_summer_edition_gm_by_mike_kennedy.pdf" - [the direct link to this edition]
* "https://www.vspa.com/pdf/gm/gm_current_edition.pdf" - [Or, with this url address, you can make a homepage "shortcut" to the Current Guardmont Edition, and check it out any time of the year]
Don Poss
PS: "Previous Guardmount Editions Index" is awaiting updating.
Don Poss
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For as Long as We Live ... -- Don Poss, Tue, Jul 04 2023, 11:48:22 PDT (mail56.yellowdoorstop.com/
Like you, I receive a ton of snail-mail from various veterans' organizations I am a member of. I read them, mostly, and now and then there is an actual question that catches my eye. So, I've borrowed a line from the NRA and modified it. Here it is:
For as long as you and I live, we'll always be able to take enormous pride in what we've achieved together as VSPA members [and that's so true].
That preface-line struck home with me, and I wanted to ask you to share what you consider VSPA achievements that gave you pride in our association. Here are four of mine (keeping it short). And it's okay if you share a point mentioned by another member:
* VSPA Reunions (BBQ fellowship with members, K9, Safeside, and SFS airmen)
* VSPA's 2007 March on The Wall celebration whereas 400 of our members marched shoulder to shoulder, and in trucks.
* The "Knife 13 Memorial" VSPA is building for two USAF bases (Luke AFB, home of the 56th SFS; and The Security Forces Museum, Lackland Joint AFB, San Antonion, TX).
* VSPA is still getting new members :).
Don Poss
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New Life Member #1049 Fagin Mauney -- Paul Shave, Mon, Jul 03 2023, 15:41:56 PDT (75-161-85-22.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! Please welcome Home our newest member. His son paid his Life Membership dues for him and now he is new Life Member #1049. He is a graduate of CRB way way back 1966-1967. He lives with his wife over in MS.
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CRITICAL REUNION HOTEL UPDATE -- Steve Gattis, Sat, Jun 24 2023, 8:56:42 PDT (host-67-44-224-179.hnremote.net/
As many of you know, we have had a huge response to our warning that rooms were going fast at our reunion host hotel, The Crowne Plaza Charleston. Many of you responded immediately. Some missed the opportunity and discovered that the hotel has sold out all rooms.
The Reunion BRAT has worked extensively to help us resolve room availability and has blocked additional rooms at two area hotels at the same price of $152 plus tax, including breakfast.
THIS IS CRITICAL: For those of you who have a room(s) at the Crowne Plaza, if you decide to cancel your room reservation for any reason, please contact the Reunion BRAT so that she can coordinate reassignment of the room. She has a waiting list of VSPA members who want rooms in the host hotel. DO NOT CONTACT THE HOTEL TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION.
A TOTAL OF 30 ADDITIONAL ROOMS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE HOTELS BELOW. Book at the Fairfield Inn first. They have ten rooms for us. It is right next door to the Crowne Plaza and uses the same parking lot. The next hotel is the Towne Place Suites. They have 20 rooms available for the VSPA and a shuttle that will transport you to the Crowne Plaza for our events. The Crowne Plaza will also shuttle you back to the Towne Place Suites.
Fairfield Inn
843-300-3100 to make their reservations.
4841 Tanger Outlet Blvd. North Charleston, SC 29418, right next door to the Crowne Plaza.
Kings and Queens $152 + Tax Breakfast Included (Total of 10 Rooms)
Rate available 3 days pre and post based on availability.
Room Block is Vietnam Security Police
Complimentary Parking
Complimentary Airport Shuttle
TownePlace Suites Charleston Airport/Convention Center
Phone 843-990-7777
5001 Fashion Avenue North Charleston, South Carolina 29418
King Rooms Only $152 + Tax Breakfast Included (Total of 20 Rooms) Rate available 3 days pre and post based on availability.
Room Block is Vietnam Security Police
Complimentary Parking
Complimentary Airport Shuttle and Shuttle to Crowne Plaza.
We hope to see you at the reunion in October. The Registration Forms will be out shortly and have been delayed due to hotel availability.
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- Huardmount Request For Member Participation! -- Mike Kennedy, 3rd SPS 69-70, LM35, Sat, Jun 24 2023, 8:18:22 PDT (76-82-50-199.res.spectrum.com/
Request For Member Participation!
What did you do in the war Dad, Grandpa, Honey? We al have heard that question over the years. Some of our members have even written about their military adventures, but there are many more stories to share. This is a request for our prior authors and the rest of our members to put some of those long held memories on paper (digital document) to share with our members through Guardmount. As Guardmount Editor I can pull the elements of a story together, but I need help finding the stories. VSPA is looking forward to the contributions from our members. Stories can be submitted to my email in Guardmount or I can provide my mailing address if you prefer to mail a hard copy. Please step up and join us in sharing those stories and memories.
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- Lithograph -- Junious B. Owens, Thu, Jun 22 2023, 14:01:41 PDT (c-75-67-109-216.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Presented my PA at the VA with one of the lithographs. She thought it was very nice and was very pleased. Also gave her
a copy of the information sheet. She will post it in her office. Says she treats several nurses at the VA. Also have two more to present to two nurses that are Pease Greeters at our next flight. Hope the fund raising is going well. Bud Owens, Binh-Thuy, 66/67.
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World happy type “versus”? -- Don Poss, Tue, Jun 20 2023, 15:07:27 PDT (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
We all know about Covid-19, the Black Plague, and its poem line, “ … ashes, ashes, all fall down.
I’m curious to know if there ever was a healthy-plague-type virus (or equivalent) that swept the world with a sudden burst of improved health?
Don Poss
PS: … please don’t respond with something like “mass hysteria.” I really am looking for a serious answer.
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- Hotel Reservations -- Jim Stastny, Mon, Jun 19 2023, 16:07:40 PDT (69-148-171-168.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net/
Guys, I just booked our room at the Crowne plaza hotel. The woman who took my reservation, told me there there are no more rooms left in our VSPA block. We got the last one. And the hotel is completely booked.
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- Wall Wash -- Gary Jones, Sun, Jun 18 2023, 3:36:59 PDT (cpe-172-75-49-124.carolina.res.rr.com/
I am looking forward to joining Eagle Chapter, AFSFA, next Saturday (June 24th) to wash the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (The Wall).
If you happen to be in the DC area next Saturday morning, come out and join us. We meet at the flag pole, by the 3 servicemen's statue at 06:30am. We will be finished by 08:00, so you can continue your day in DC.
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- Reunion Hotel Reservations -- Jerry Nelson, Fri, Jun 16 2023, 11:28:42 PDT (104-5-152-173.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net/
For those attending the 2023 Reunion in Charleston, S. C., please make your hotel reservations now. There is a possibility of the hotel filling up and we need to ensure all our members attending, are at the Crowne Plaza Airport. If not, we will have to locate another hotel that is close to the Crowne Plaza. There are still rooms available in our block; however, it is filling up quickly. Again, please book you reservations now.
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- D-Day 6 JUN 1944: NORMANDY -- Don Poss, Tue, Jun 06 2023, 11:47:40 PDT (NoHost/
The Greatest Generation earned our enduring gratitude as they landed on Normandy’s beaches in true hellfire and brimstone. U.S. KIA alone rivaled the Civil War Gettysburg’s Picket’s Charge, where roles were reversed and U.S. rained death on over 1,500 Confederate States of America troops (who called that war the War Between The States).
At Normandy, Americans died to keep our nation safe, and to reclaim freedom for Nazi conquered nations (who at times remember their sacrifices when Russians rattle or swing their swords)— and Gettysburg, to preserve the Union.
Our schools fail our students by failing to teach the battles fought, not to conquer, but to let freedom prevail when trampled upon. Evidence is plentiful: the rare student my know the significance on Dec 7, 1941. Fewer still know U.S. death toll’s tremendous count. Virtually none know that reapers take for all U.S. wars is greater than 1.2 million.
We can only pay tribute as we can; sharing these dates with our veteran brothers.
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Will add info that day! -- Don Poss, Fri, Jun 02 2023, 11:10:46 PDT (NoHost/
Thanks! I’m cleaning up the This Dsy script coding. I hope to upload and post the new and much more complete data by next week. It will include info from all US wars, but Vietnam and Thailand will be the first displayed for each date.
Don Poss
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Do you have Unposted Air Base Attacks, Vietnam and Thailand (VSPA: This Day in History) -- Don Poss, Tue, May 30 2023, 15:32:11 PDT (NoHost/
I am updating the homepage's "This Day In United States of America Military History" Arrays that show Air Base attacks in the Vietnam War. It is the daily update you will see on the VSPA.com homepage.
We all know the Official records reporting such attacks are woefully inadequate in portraying all attacks. Even Major Robert P. Fox's "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1961-1972" (long consider the Bible for such attack data), falls short (and I reference it all the time--and need a new copy to replace mine that has fallen apart.)
What hope is that you and other members (of readers) who have diaries or lists of base attacks, will txt (951-264-1263) or eMail me (dp-lm37@vspa.com) with the dates and info you recall for those attacks. I will either add the new data to the info, or update if currently there.
Here's what I need (answer as you can):
1. Date
2. Air Base or RTAFB
3. Type of Attack: Stand Off, Rockets/mortars (number of rounds incoming). Sappers. Other info.
4. Your "Printed/Typed FIRST and Last names
If you don't do it now while "young enough" to-- it will be lost to our collective history.
It's on my bucket-list of things I hope to do, and I hope to eventually print the entire list so you (and researchers) can also reference it all.
Don Poss
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MEMORIAL DAY - Who do you Remember on this day? -- Don Poss, Tue, May 30 2023, 14:12:23 PDT (NoHost/
Every Memorial Day people ask: "What are we celebrating?" I suppose many are just coming of age and were not taught our nation's history, or much else. I recently saw a photo of the rear windshield of a youngster's car and handwritten on it was: "JUST GRATUATED." Funny... but not really.
It's simple. As veterans, we and the nation remember those who fell in combat or line of duty. As Vietnam War veterans who served as Air Police and Security Police, in Vietnam and Thailand... we know the meaning well. We Remember our 111. We know their names. We knew them. It is not, “Happy Memorial’s Day,” although there are happy memories of long passed friends. It’ll never fly, but perhaps it would be more relevant to say, “Happy Memories Memorial Day.”
As members of VSPA, we are in the process of fundraising to build a Memorial to remember the 18 Security Police of were killed in Line of Duty on 13 May 1975 in a helicopter crash en route to joining the forming USMC assault force to rescue the US Merchant ship, SS Mayaguez, and crew. The Air Force KNIFE-13 crash in dense jungle was the single greatest loss for Security Police in Air Force history. I have donated from the homepage at VSPA.com (by clicking the Donate button) to help build the Memorial honoring them. I hope you consider doing so to.
What is the Name of the Air/Security Policeman you are remembering today... and frankly, on most days? For me, three Air Police died at Da Nang AB (Rocket City) within 7 months, when I was a K9 handler (Blackie 129) there in 1965-1966: (1) SSgt Terrance Jensen (the first AP/SP KIA/Sappers, 1 July 1965), (2) A3C James Bruce Jones (JB, the second KIA/mortars), a friend and tentmate, KIA/Mortars, 25 Jan 1966), and (3) Richard R. Woodward (the 3rd LOD/Illness, 8 Feb 1966), died within a few days of arrival at Da Nang, and transferred to one the hospital ships in Da Nang harbor--no one ever knew, him that we know of).
It is a rare day I don't remember JB.
At our ages, we remember dad’s and uncles who served, and some fell in WWII or Korea. Some know of family casualties dating back to the Revolutionary War.
So (let’s try it out), I hope you had a “Happy Memories Memorial Day.”
Don Poss
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- Address -- John Jobes (Jobes), Fri, May 26 2023, 8:45:18 PDT (c-76-119-41-225.hsd1.ct.comcast.net/
I just ordered two decals from the store but don't know if if my address is correct. I sent Van my correct address but could not find whee that information might be listed on the site. Could someone please direct me to that area?
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- Agent Orange and Cancer - poem -- Don Poss, Mon, May 22 2023, 15:17:39 PDT (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
Dragon’s Tidbit
Agent Orange and Cancer
(c) 2023 Don Poss
Danger lurks in my darkest dreams
Dragon lingers through decades of Ill-intent …
presence of indifference … lying in wait, slumbering …
one eye slit-a-peeking.
Ignored by the big Agent Orange,
Til now, wondering why all these years many Brothers were not;
and watched impotently as they were sniped down with fini-diseases,
chemical hell … or scorched by radiation whom Sol
Itself spared the guilty.
Then … just because …
Dragon falls from dark clouds, swoops in search of
the ignorant one who thinks he might skate by, ignored by
His soon to be best-bud, snaps wings and rides a mighty convex away;
ravaged morsel wedged between feted-talons, clutched neatly for the nestlings.
Clacking jaws of Chemo and Radiation nukes await—
Bombs away … the nothing-left soul, sucked to dry hulk—
veteran’s translucent shedded skin, blue veins dancing o’re arthritic bones; tendons fossil-tough as a third-rail …
bones, and organs too slowly cancer-dissolved …
tumors surfing its bloody wake.
Down for the count … not exactly …
AO no longer ignored … there are ways and veteran backups to join your fight.
I won’t give in— and am
Not yet a rattling-throat in the night.
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The Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) has begun a fundraising project to fund the building of two Knife-13 Memorial Monuments. The Air Force wants both monuments to be placed at Luke AFB (home of the 56th SFS), and the SF Museum, Lackland JAFB, Texas. Land where the monuments will stand is in the review and approval stages.
Although thousands of dollars are already raised, we need your help. Viewers of VSPA’s proposal for both sides of the monument are very impressed, some with tears in eyes. You may see the VSPA’s Proposal designs from a link on our homepage: VSPA.com. We hope you will support our fundraiser and click the “Donate” button and enter any amount.
You can help raise Memorial funds by printing the one-page whitepaper that describes VSPA’s Memorial goals, designs, our experiences with previously created memorials, and estimated costs for the Knife-13’s two memorials, and sharing whitepaper and photo design pages with friends or veteran’s groups you attend. Use the whitepaper as a Talking point, and the photos as what the proposal wants to accomplish.
Brief Background:
Purpose for a Knife-13 Memorial Monument is to remember and honor the valor and sacrifice eighteen Security Policemen of the 56th Security Police Squadron, NKP RTAFB, and five Aircrewmen of the 21st Special Operations Squadron, who gave their lives on 13 May 1975– the greatest single loss of Security Police lives in Air Force history.
On 12 May 1975, insurgent Khmer Rouge soldiers from Cambodia, attacked and captured the SS Merchant freighter and crew (flying an American flag) in international waters. This came at the ending of the Vietnam War in which members of the 56th SPS had just participated in the Rescue Operations in Saigon. President Gerald Ford ordered US military to rescue and return to US control, the captured crew and ship. The attack became known as the Mayaguez Incident.
The Mayaguez Rescue Operation was a hastily formed joint services event, and at the time would form up at U-Tapao RNAFB. Seventy-five Security Police volunteered, and were flying in three CH-53C Sea Stallions, and one Command helicopter, from NKP to UT (An advanced SP helicopter proceeded them). En route, Knife-13 fell out of flying formation due to catastrophic mechanical rotor failure, exploding and burning in dense jungle. All 23 Airmen aboard Knife-13 perished.
Sgt. J.C. Hagler (56th SPS, NKP, 1974-1975 and sole survivor of Knife-13’s Delta Squad, on 13 May 1975) was removed from helicopter Knife-13 to make room for additional ammo. Along with three other SPs making way for ammo, they flew together in an Advance SP helicopter to UT. Upon learning one of the SP helicopters crashed and all 23 aboard perished, the Advanced helicopter returned to NKP and awaited the arrival of the three SP helicopters.
Sgt. J.C. Hagler stood alone awaiting return of the three CH-53C Sea Stallion helicopters. Later, he wrote a stirring poem, KNIFE-13 Goodbyes, describing how it felt to learn all the men he served with in Knife-13 were the Airmen killed in line of duty in the crash. Sgt. J.C. Hagler’s heartfelt poem, KNIFE-13 Goodbyes, is presented in full on the Memorial’s side two. I encourage you to read the poem and consider VSPA’s motto. Together, we can make the Knife-13 Memorial Monument happen, and literally share our motto carved in granite through the coming centuries: We Take Care of Our Own.
Don Poss
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- Passing of my wife. -- John Jobes (sad), Wed, May 17 2023, 14:47:49 PDT (unn-212-102-33-190.cdn77.com/
I am sorry to report the passing of my wife, Pamela Jobes, on April 21st after hospitalization in February, March and April. We had a remembrance service for her on April 29th. On Friday May 19th I will be taking some of her ashes to the CT VA Cemetary in Middletown to be placed in a Columbarium. She was a Navy veteran. I have reserved a Columbarium next to hers. We have only attended one reunion in Tampa but I will be attending this year in Charleston. Jack Jobes, LM 542, 35 SPS, Panther Flight, Phan Rang AB 67-68
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- Greetings -- Junious B. Owens, Mon, May 15 2023, 12:57:31 PDT (c-75-67-109-216.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
Greetings: Finally had a group of Air Force personnel pass through Pease International Airport on Sunday. There were about 200 deploying. One of the first one that came into the terminal was a 2/LT Security Force from Charleston AFB. I informed her that the VSPA Reunion would be at Charleston this October. I presented her with a coin on behalf of the VSPA and thanked her for her service. She seemed very excited to receive the coin. There were several more SF troops on the plane, some I talked with were from Mac Dill AFB. It was a good visit with all the different troops. The Greeters provided a Cake for Mother's Day. Bur Owens, Binh-Thuy, 66/67.
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- Problem with reunion hotel -- Carl Essig (Essig), Thu, May 04 2023, 10:51:19 PDT (pool-98-114-191-78.phlapa.fios.verizon.net/
Anyone having trouble making reservations for the reunion? I tried but they want a three letter code and didn't know Viet Nam Security assn was
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- HAVE WE FORGOTTEN KNIFE-13, and18 Killed Security Police? -- Don Poss, Tue, May 02 2023, 20:03:08 PDT (NoHost/
In a few days, forty-eight years will have passed since 12 May 1975 when President Gerald Ford called upon the military to rescue crew and the captured US merchant ship, SS Mayaguez. You may remember, 75 Security Police volunteered to form up with the marine assault force gathering at U-Tapao Royal Navy Base for an assault on Koh Tang Island, Cambodia. You may remember, en route to U-Tapao, KNIFE-13 fell out of flying formation and crashed in dense jungle -- and eighteen Security Police of 56th 56th SPS, and five aircrewmen of the 21st SOS were killed in the resulting fireball and exploding ordnance.
The media has forgotten.
Government has forgotten.
But families, friends and veteran SPs who flew in the three returning CH-53C helicopters will never, ever, forget.
Mark your calander for 13 MAY 2023 -- it has been 48 years since we swore never to forget.
Don Poss
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- Held up Promotions -- Larry Gramps, Sun, Apr 30 2023, 7:11:42 PDT (host-67-44-240-7.hnremote.net/
Just another thought from this Obsolete Forum what do you think about a hold up of senior officer promotions? I personally think its more about pay than position in our shrinking military. At different times officers have been demoted between wars. Col, Custer for example was demoted from Brig, General after the civil war.
Larry Gramps
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- Nebraska Concealed Carry -- Larry Gramps, Sun, Apr 30 2023, 7:01:59 PDT (host-67-44-240-7.hnremote.net/
This week Nebraska passed a Permit less concealed carry law for the entire state, that will overrule municipal ordnances. What are your views for your states?
Larry Gramps
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- Binh Thuy AB Vets -- Steven Hall, Sat, Apr 29 2023, 19:08:05 PDT (162-204-122-62.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net/
I was talking to a Vietnames man today and I asked him what the name, "Ben Xa Moi" meant. He said it means "station of new village". For those who don't know about Ben Xa Moi, it was the closest bar district to Binh Thuy AB; about seven miles away. It was a maze of streets adjacent to Can Tho city, comprised of bars, brothels and steam baths. Army MPs patrolled it's main street, but I never saw them go into the back alleys where the bars were located. Gangs of "cowboys"(teen & preteen) pickpockets accosted you on the way in and the way out. The alleys leading to the bars were quagmires during the monsoon season and if a drunk GI slipped and fell, he stunk like a fetid swamp. In the entire year I was at Binh Thuy, I went to the bars there MAYBE three or four times. My only reason for going that often was that I got bored and I forgot how nasty it was there. LOL!
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New Life Member Victor White LM-1048 -- Paul Shave, Fri, Apr 21 2023, 6:31:48 PDT (75-161-149-3.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen, i have the privilege of announcing another New Life Member !! He is Victor White and he is a graduate of CRB back in 66-67 and he is a K9 handler. He is currently living in Dewey AZ with his wife.
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- Welcome New Guys -- Larry Gramps, Wed, Apr 19 2023, 7:49:36 PDT (host-67-44-240-7.hnremote.net/
Welcome, welcome, it is good to get some fresh people in the organization. Maybe with some new blood we can dust off the bulletin board and do a little CPR, get some new views and pass ons. Rules are pretty simple for posting things, so come on you railroad workers lets hear from you. I heard that some bases you only carried night sticks. Don't take me wrong I want to see if we can boost participation on the BB. Again welcome to VSPA.
Larry Gramps
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New Life Member #1047 Frank Hostetter -- Paul Shave, Sun, Apr 16 2023, 16:28:42 PDT (75-161-150-232.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen, Please Welcome Home Frank Hostetter as a new Life Member. He is a graduate of UT and lives over in Osceola MO.
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New Life Member #1046 David Priest -- Paul (Shave), Sun, Apr 16 2023, 16:25:38 PDT (75-161-150-232.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! Please Welcome Home David Priest a new Life Member #1046. He is a graduate of KRT and currently lives up in Milford Maine.
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New Life Member Frederick Murry #1045 -- Paul Shave, Sun, Apr 16 2023, 16:21:23 PDT (75-161-150-232.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! Please Welcome Home Fred Murray !! he is the new Life Member #1045. He is a graduate of BU and currently lives up in Davison MI
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- WW II Airmen Return To Offutt AFB -- Larry Gramps, Sat, Apr 15 2023, 7:52:29 PDT (host-67-44-240-7.hnremote.net/
I am a little slow on this story but just found out that Offutt AFB is the second DPAA lab for identification of fallen service members, besides Hawaii. I saw a story about nine remains were found at a crash site in Germany. It is with hope and prayers that the families of these Airmen soon have closure.
Larry Gramps
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Happy Easter! -- Don Poss, Sun, Apr 09 2023, 7:50:06 PDT (NoHost/
Happy Easter to all. I hope you have a restful holiday.
Don Poss
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- Taking Care of Yourself? -- Don Poss, Sun, Apr 02 2023, 10:22:47 PDT (NoHost/
Just checking in and hope all are in good health. It seems Agent Orange is catching up to us all. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and doing your regular VA health care. Don Poss
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- Re: Taking Care of Yourself? -- Larry Gramps, Mon, Apr 03 2023, 8:04:56 PDT (host-67-44-240-24.hnremote.net/
- Re: Taking Care of Yourself? -- Charles Penley, Mon, Apr 03 2023, 14:41:28 PDT (024-159-063-165.res.spectrum.com/
- Re: Taking Care of Yourself? -- Junious B. Owens, Tue, Apr 04 2023, 5:11:30 PDT (c-75-67-109-216.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
- Re: Taking Care of Yourself? -- Gary Jones, Wed, Apr 05 2023, 16:14:28 PDT (cpe-172-75-49-124.carolina.res.rr.com/
- ATTN: 56th SPS - Beret -- Don Poss, Mon, Mar 13 2023, 16:06:13 PDT (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
I am looking for a 56th SPS beret with flash that was worn at NKP or in Thailand during the Mayaguez Incident (May 1975). If you have the beret, please email me at "dp-lm37@vspa.com."
Don Poss
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- Medal of Honor 50+ years late -- Larry Gramps, Fri, Mar 03 2023, 8:05:09 PST (host-67-44-240-164.hnremote.net/
On last night's news they ran a story on a retired Army Special Forces Lt Col. who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for actions in Vietnam in 1965. Besides congratulations for an overdue medal presentation to Col. Davis I wonder if he will receive back pay for the medal?
Larry Gramps
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New Member Ed Frambes -- Paul Shave (happy), Tue, Feb 14 2023, 8:27:29 PST (97-123-119-46.albq.qwest.net/
Gentlemen !! Our Loyal Member Howard Yates has been able to recruit a BH Augmentee to join the VSPA !!! He is Ed Frambes and currently lives in OH. Please welcome home Ed Frambes
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- 2023 VSPA Reunion Location -- Jerry R Nelson, Sun, Feb 12 2023, 20:31:16 PST (104-5-152-173.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net/
My Brothers and Sisters,
This information is being forwarded to keep you updated on the changing status of our 2023 reunion. We vote on reunion locations two years in advance so that the planning process can begin, both with the squadron and the request for proposals for hotels. We select three locations each year, primary, secondary, and a backup. Our members selected Destin, Florida (Eglin AFB) as the primary location for the 2023 reunion. The Reunion Brat worked very hard to procure a hotel that could meet our requirements, which include on-site banquet facilities and a Hospitality Room.
After an exhaustive effort, the only hotel that could support the size of our group wanted to change $200 per night plus taxes because October is in their prime season. Hotels were not receptive of a Hospitality Room, which has become an increasingly difficult issue, regardless of location. We thought we had located a hotel in Pensacola, Florida where the room charge was $149 per night; however, they could not accommodate the size of our group for a reception dinner or awards banquet, which would have required additional cost for bus transportation. That was unacceptable!
Our secondary site was Dayton, Ohio (Wright-Patterson AFB). We were able to find rooms with an acceptable rate; however, banquet facilities were unavailable. The only option was to have the banquet at the USAF National Museum and pay a facility use fee of $2500, not counting the meal charge, which would have been $5,000 plus meals for both the reception dinner and the awards banquet. Bus transportation fees would have also been required. As you can imagine, that was also unacceptable and well beyond our price range.
The backup location selected by our members was Charleston, South Carolina (Joint Base Charleston). The Crowe Plaza Airport Hotel in Charleston was able to satisfy all of our requirements. This is the same hotel where we held our 2013 reunion. It has been recently renovated, has space for all our activities, and will allow a Hospitality Room. Our Brother, Gary Jones, conducted a visit and vetted the hotel for us. He reported that it easily meets our needs. After a Board of Directors (BOD) conference call, your BOD unanimously voted to move our 2023 reunion to Charleston, South Carolina.
As you can imagine, this year has been very challenging, especially due to the economy. I regret that we could not find a location that was suitable and affordable in either Destin, Florida or Dayton, Ohio. I am very happy to finally be able to announce the location for this year’s reunion. Charleston is acceptable and was chosen by our members during the 2021 annual business meeting. The reunion dates will remain the same: October 4 – 8, 2023!
I really look forward to seeing everyone in Charleston, South Carolina. There are many venues in the area to explore and Charleston is a wonderful place to visit. The history, food and southern hospitality awaits all of us. Details and hotel reservation information will be released in a reunion flyer very soon. We will also announce the details in the next edition of Guardmount.
Thanks for your patience and, again, I look forward to seeing you soon.
Jerry Nelson
President, VSPA
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- Is there going to be a 2023 Reunion? -- Charles Penley, Sat, Feb 04 2023, 19:55:39 PST (024-159-063-165.res.spectrum.com/
I was just wondering, is there going to be a VSPA Reunion 2023.
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- Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (The Wall) -- Gary Jones, Fri, Feb 03 2023, 15:59:17 PST (cpe-172-75-49-124.carolina.res.rr.com/
Eagle Chapter, Air Force Security Forces Association will conduct their twice annual washing of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (The Wall) on Saturday, June 24, 2023 and Saturday, Aug 26, 2023.
If you live near or plan to be in the DC area on either of those dates, it would be great to see you there. We have Guardmount at 0630 and will be finished by 0800.
Bring the family and friends.
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- Base Closed -- Larry Gramps, Tue, Jan 03 2023, 5:37:29 PST (host-67-44-240-54.hnremote.net/
Since our time in the Air Force there have been many changes. Besides weapon systems and personnel reductions, I was wondering how many closed bases we were assigned to? My Native state of California used to rank number two for most bases now has only four. So, what base or site were you at that is closed now. Vietnam and Thailand don't count LOL.
Larry Gramps
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- Re: Base Closed -- John Jobes (Jobes), Tue, Jan 03 2023, 6:39:48 PST (c-76-119-41-225.hsd1.ct.comcast.net/
- Re: Base Closed -- Junious B. Owens, Tue, Jan 03 2023, 8:00:24 PST (c-75-67-109-216.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
- Re: Base Closed -- Junious B. Owens, Tue, Jan 03 2023, 11:18:16 PST (c-75-67-109-216.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
- Re: Base Closed -- Mike Kennedy, Wed, Jan 04 2023, 22:43:18 PST (76-82-50-199.res.spectrum.com/
Re: Base Closed -- Steve Gattis, Sun, Jan 08 2023, 9:46:45 PST (host-67-44-224-212.hnremote.net/
- Re: Base Closed -- Carl Essig, Sun, Jan 08 2023, 10:18:13 PST (pool-98-114-191-78.phlapa.fios.verizon.net/
- Re: Base Closed - Bergstrom AFB, Montana -- Don Poss, Tue, Jan 17 2023, 14:12:01 PST (cpe-104-173-58-12.socal.res.rr.com/
- Jackie Kays -- Edwin Smith (Smith), Wed, Oct 14 2020, 10:07:09 PDT (172-2-186-102.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net/
Our brother Mr. Jackie Kays is standing Guardmount this morning will God's brave warriors. He passed to the ranks late last night. I will post more details as I receive them from his wife Wanda' Pray for her comfort.
Tribute to Jackie Kays
There is a old warrior who has served his country well
Form the end of a World War through the Vietnam hell
A true American serviceman who has given back so much
A author of books and poems so many lives he's touched
I can say that he has truly influenced mine so many times
With his stories of life and adventures when he was in his prime
The knowledge this man holds is so impressive
In his writing and speech he can hold you captive
This gentle man who gives so much to mankind
In history his life and writing shall be enshrined
It is a great honor for me that he is a friend and mentor
Proud that he calls me his Jungle buddy and brother
Jack The Old Cowboy Poe
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- Re: Jackie Kays -- Bruce Ross (Ross), Wed, Oct 14 2020, 13:40:25 PDT (45-158.207-68.elmore.res.rr.com/
Re: Jackie Kays -- Steve Gattis (GATTIS), Thu, Oct 15 2020, 12:15:28 PDT (host-67-44-224-142.hnremote.net/
Re: Jackie Kays -- Don Poss, Thu, Oct 29 2020, 10:48:50 PDT (NoHost/
- Re: Jackie Kays -- Charles Penley, 377th SPS (377th Security Police Squadron), Wed, Nov 20 2024, 16:38:31 PST (syn-024-158-194-192.res.spectrum.com/
- FREE FIRE ZONE - MEMBERS ONLY -- Raymond G Esposito, Thu, Jul 16 2020, 20:56:22 PDT (NoHost/
There is no doubt that our nation is facing trying times, not only from the
COVID-19 but also from forces (both internal/external) that want to
change/destroy what was given to us by our nation's foiunders. As such,
I believe our specific thoughts/recommendations, etc. (no matter how
truthful/patriotic they may be) be put in the VSPA's FFZ- Mbr's ONLY
section. Pls remember, ANYONE can read our "day-to day" BULLETIN
BOARD. Let us protect our VSPA . Welcome Home!!
Ray, LM 681. UT 68-69.
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